A narrative feature made from a collage of clips from various films around the world.
James J. MacGlennon
A reworking of a familiar theme, the story finds scheming steel tycoon James J. MacGlennon (Tully Marshall) and his high-minded lawyer son Jonathan (Alan Baxter) simultaneously ending up behind bars. While incarcerated, Jonathan tries to mend his larcenous father's ways, thereby drawing closer to his not-so-bad dad.
This historical drama tells the story of the first class to graduate from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. In the early 19th Century, Congress appropriated the money to build the school, but opponents who believed it to be an illegitimate expansion of the powers of the federal government decided to sabotage the school. They put the hard-as-nails Major Sam Carter in charge of the academy, and he ruthlessly put the recruits through grueling training -- until only ten prospective soldiers remained. They include Dawson, a patriotic farm boy and Howard Shelton, a selfish playboy who has come to West Point only because of its prestige. The two vie for Carolyn Bainbridge, while they, along with the other eight, try convince Carter that the school is worth keeping.
After a drunken night out, a longshoreman thinks he may have killed a man.
Alvin Brewster
Sadistic killer-for-hire Philip Raven becomes enraged when his latest job is paid off in marked bills. Vowing to track down his double-crossing boss, nightclub executive Gates, Raven sits beside Gates' lovely new employee, Ellen, on a train out of town. Although Ellen is engaged to marry the police lieutenant who's hunting down Raven, she decides to try and set the misguided hit man straight as he hides from the cops and plots his revenge.
Prof. Robinson
Oito professores estão voltados exclusivamente para a elaboração de um enciclopédia. Nenhum deles é casado, pois acredita-se que ter uma família pode ser prejudicial para o andamento dos trabalhos. Bertram Potts (Gary Cooper), o mais novo dos professores, tem como função preparar a parte de literatura inglesa e quer incluir no seu trabalho as mais variadas formas de gíria. Assim anda entre a população fazendo anotações e encontra em Sugarpuss O'Shea (Barbara Stanwyck), uma sexy cantora de boate, uma fonte inesgotável de termos popularescos. Inicialmente ela não colabora, mas ela namora um gângster, Joe Lilac (Dana Andrews), que foi solto por falta de provas. A Promotoria pretende detê-la para interrogatório até conseguir provas contra Joe, então O'Shea tem a idéia de se hospedar na casa onde os professores estão reunidos, usando o pretexto de que vai colaborar na enciclopédia, pois a polícia não a procurará em uma casa habitada por intelectuais.
Uncle Lige (uncredited)
Alvin Cullum York (Gary Cooper) vive é um soldado pacifista que terá que deixar suas crenças cristãs de lado para participar do front na Primeira Guerra Mundial. Vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Ator (Gary Cooper) e Melhor Montagem, indicado a outras nove categorias.
Julius H. Pringle
A woman-hater who inherits a beauty salon gets a new perspective on females after capturing a gang of thieves.
Mr. Mott
Country boy joins a circus in the 1840s and falls in love with the bare-back rider. Later he falls in love with another circus runaway.
Dan Wilson
Os irmãos Marx se aventuram no velho Oeste. Joseph e Rusty ganham uma escritura como pagamento e usam ela para pagar cervejas. Mais tarde descobrem que precisam da escritura e tentam recuperá-la mas os bandidos vão tentar impedi-los a todo custo!
Rufus Britt
A precocious youngster organizes a show to save a government youth camp from a local entrepreneur.
Based on the story of the famous Mormon leader, it follows Brigham Young and his challenge to transport his people across the Rocky mountains to settle in Salt Lake City. The plot focuses on two fictitious characters, Jonathan Kent and Zina Webb and the hardships they have to face along the way.
Old Peter
A gangster is unable to go straight after returning home from prison.
Gene Autry follows a clue written on a rock by his murdered partner and discovers a fur smuggling operation near the Canadian border.
Adam Lambert
A loud-mouthed Texas cowpuncher tries his hand at polo finding himself at odds with high society and trying to save a floundering Wild West show.
Mr. Lazarus - Travel Customer
Two young people meet at a wedding and begin dating, each thinking the other is extremely wealthy. Comedy.
Stuart Hackett
Angry, because he is making too many headlines with his gang-busting activities, the police chief transfers Lt. Lewis Nagel to the sleepy suburban town of Fairview, where he is followed by reporter Steve Withers because he knows Nagel will find a story.
Uma mulher e um homem competindo pelo afeto de uma mulher: o trio amoroso de sempre? Não é bem assim, já que a bela em questão é Lorraine de Grissac, uma mulher muito rica e atraente da sociedade, enquanto uma das duas rivais não é outra senão Arsène Lupin, a famosa ladra de joias que todos pensavam estar morta, agora vivendo sob o nome falso de René Farrand. Quanto ao outro pretendente, é um americano, ex-F.B.I. O detetive virou detetive particular com o nome de Steve Emerson. Steve não apenas suspeita que Farrand seja Lupin, mas quando alguém tenta roubar um precioso colar de esmeraldas do tio de Lorraine, o Conde de Brissac, ele é persuadido que Lupin é o culpado. Emerson está certo ou errado? Qual dos dois homens conquistará o coração de Lorraine?
A brash young American aristocrat attending Oxford University gets a chance to prove himself and win the heart of his antagonist's sister.
Morton Ross
A dull statistician changes his life after winning a pile of money after successfully determining the number of beans in a barrel. He decides to do something novel with the prize and ends up buying a barrel factory. He encounters trouble when the nearby pickle factory is threatened by a shyster attempting to close it.
The 'Admiral'
Two football players fight over the same girl.
Fowler Pettypacker
Um especialista em eficiência, da costa leste, que conquista sua reputação com sua capacidade de resgatar um estúdio de Hollywood financeiramente problemático, recebe ajuda de uma ex-estrela infantil que agora trabalha como stand-in (substituta) do estúdio. Um stand-in é uma espécie de extra que, durante os ensaios de luz e câmera, fica na posição do ator principal para poupa-lo. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Old Man Stettin
Dwight Stanford and his wife, Penny, are a pair of spendthrifts who can't hold on to money, dependent for support on Dwight's rich uncle, who sends them a monthly allowance. Conrad Norris, Dwight's cousin, disapproves of Dwight and Penny, and resents his uncle's generosity. The uncle is the victim of a hit-and-run accident and, there being no will, Conrad, as next of kin, inherits. Switch, the uncle's lawyer, tells Dwight he is shutout with no hope of appeal. Dwight starts writing mystery novels about a fictional detective named Steven Knight, which become instant hits and the money pours in.
Michael 'Nuggin' Taylor and Powdah save lives during a sea tragedy in this story about the slave trade on the high seas during 1842.
A truck driver races a train to the West Coast in an attempt to determine which method of transportation is faster.
A loose biopic based on the life of Gilded Age tycoon "Diamond" Jim Brady.
Tommy Poole
A simple Pennsylvania coal miner is drawn into the violent conflict between union workers and management.
Mr. MacFarland
There are plenty of guilty secrets at the school where Hildegarde Withers teaches. When she finds the body of the pretty music teacher, she calls in her old friend Inspector Piper, who promptly arrests the obvious suspect. Clues multiply and everyone looks suspicious as Piper and Miss Withers continue their battle of the sexes.
Upon the death of his father, who was the tribal chieftain, Joe Thunder Horse returns to the reservation of his youth, only to discover that his people are dying of various diseases and are being systematically cheated of their possessions and basic rights by crooked Indian agents. He heads to Washington in hopes of righting these wrongs, only to experience prejudice and hatred all along the way.
Easter, a soldier of fortune and gunrunner, leaves his family behind escaping from the authorities and an American detective named Mason. His globe hopping escape leads him finally to South America, where he is hired to organize a band of revolutionaries, unaware that they plan to eliminate him when his job is done. Here, also, he encounters his own son, on track to waste his own life in pursuits similar to Easter's.
Jim Bridge [Chs. 1-2]
In this Western, comprised of 12 chapters from a serial, Kit leads a group carrying a large gold shipment across the wild West. When the Mystery Riders attack and steal the gold, Kit is the only survivor. He later joins forces with the cavalry to retrieve it.
A young lawyer is elected mayor of the city and promises to rid it of the corruption it's famous for. The problem is that most of the corruption he's vowed to eliminate is caused by the crooked political machine that helped elect him.
Richard Rinehart
The heirs to a family fortune are required to attend a seance at the spooky old family mansion. However, throughout the night members of the family are being killed off one by one.
District Attorney. Anderson
Corrupt politicians resort to murder and blackmail when a young boy accidentally witnesses them taking payoffs.
'Mac' McQuarg
Dennis, owner of a rubber plantation in Cochinchina, is involved with Vantine, who left Saigon to evade the police; but when his new surveyor, Gary, arrives along with his refined but sensual wife, Barbara, Dennis gets infatuated by her.
Jan Vryheid
A prince betrothed to a mad queen falls in love with an orphan girl from a convent.
Richard, filho de Marvin, tenta ajudar sua comunidade a superar a pobreza e a ignorância. Enquanto trabalhava no armazém geral, descobre que o proprietário traiu seus inquilinos. Mas agora ele está apaixonado por sua filha.
Dr. Robert Cromwell performs a delicate operation, that has never been done before, and the patient dies. Charged with malpractice and manslaughter, his trial is national news but the jury acquits him. But the court of public opinion is still against him, and the medical board is meeting to decide whether or not to take his medical license away from him. Before they do, Cromwell, an amateur pilot, decides to join his friend, WWI Ace Donald Evans, on a flight to Alaska looking for a shorter route to Japan by following the Aleutian Islands. They crash in Alaska and Evans is killed, but Cromwell is rescued by a fur trapper named Tom Ross. He takes Cromwell to Armstrong's Trading Post, where is is nursed back to health by Klondike, a girl who works for Armstrong, and was engaged to marry Armstrong's son Jim. The latter is suffering from the same disease that Cromwell's last patient had...
John Ward
A reporter runs into a pretty young girl who has inherited her father's failing business. She wants to give it up, but he tries to convince her to make a go of it.
The Railroad Manager
Quando seu pai é morto em um acidente de trem, Larry Baker promete desmascarar um criminoso misterioso chamado "The Wrecker", que provocava "acidentes" fatais na L&M Railroad.
O criminoso 'The Wrecker' destrói trens na L&R Railroad. Uma de suas vítimas é o pai de Larry Baker (John Wayne). Baker quer encontrar o malfeitor dentre uma série de suspeitos, mas será difícil uma vez que o Wrecker pode se disfarçar para parecer quase todo mundo. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
3 versões de duração:
227 min (seriado com 12 episódios) (USA)
79 min (adaptado para TV) (USA)
80 min (DVD)
Sheriff Malcolm
Rancher Tim Clark borrows money from Bob Russell, who then rustles Clark's cattle so he will be unable to repay the money. Thus Russell is able to cheat Clark out of his ranch. Clark becomes a prospector for silver and ultimately comes to settle accounts with Russell and crooked deputy Bendix.
A corrupt night court judge tears an innocent young family apart in his efforts to elude a special prosecutor.
A dançarina Grusinskaya não crê no amor e não tem um rumo em sua vida, mas muda seu pensamento completamente ao conhecer o falido barão Felix von Geigern. Este, por sua vez, se torna amigo de Otto Kringelein, um homem que descobriu que está à beira da morte e decide passar seus últimos dias no luxuoso hotel em que está seu patrão, um rico empresário que pretende fechar um grande negócio e que conta com os serviços da taquígrafa Flaemmchen.
Robert Daniels
Bodies start mysteriously disappearing from the city morgue. An investigator tries to determine what is going on.
Managing editor
Tony "Scarface" Camonte trabalha para Johnny Lovo, um ambicioso gangster que deseja criar um império do crime em Chicago. Nesta guerra pelo comando, o chefe da quadrilha rival fora assassinado por Tony e a polícia suspeita que Lovo o tenha pago para tal feito. Tony logo ganha respeito na quadrilha pelo feito e espera pacientemente pelo momento exato de liquidar com seu chefe e assumir o comando do bando. No comando, Tony ganha dinheiro como jamais sonhou e passa viver tranqüilo e luxuosamente. Mas sua tranqüilidade duraria pouco tempo, pois sua irmã Cesca Camonte, por quem tem paixões secretas, envolve-se com Guino Rinaldo, seu "braço direito", obrigando-o a tomar medidas drástic.
A man is promised $25,000 if he can bring the circulation of a newspaper up to one million.
Gaston Gourney-Martin
Um ladrão charmoso e muito ousado conhecido como Arsène Lupin está aterrorizando os ricos de Paris, ele chega a ameaçar a Mona Lisa. Mas a polícia, liderada pelo grande Guerchard, acha que conhece a identidade de Arsène Lupin e tem uma arma secreta para pegá-lo.
Defense Attorney Michaels
Police Chief Jim Fitzpatrick is after gangster Sam Belmonte. He uses his corrupt brother Ed to watch over Daisy who was associated with Belmonte.
Long Sen Yat
When he's forced to kill his best friend, a Chinese hit man adopts the man's daughter.
Gravedigger (uncredited)
A young French soldier in World War I is overcome with guilt when he kills a German soldier who, like himself, is a musically gifted conscript, each having attended the same musical conservatory in France. The fact that the incident occurred in war does not assuage his guilt. He travels to Germany to meet the man's family.
Baron de Jonghe
At a hotel in the middle of the Sahara, an old man and his daughter try to keep the location of a hidden treasure from a collection of thieves and criminals staying at the hotel who are determined to get it. A suave gentleman thief arrives at the hotel one day with his own plan to get the loot, but complications ensue when he begins to fall for the daughter.
A millionaire automaker retires upon the advice of his doctor, but becomes so bored he buys half interest in a gas station and works it on the sly.
Ezra Hunniwell
When a rich young man marries, he lets the books and letters left him by his dead mother guide his life.
Jim Bridger
Clint Belmet (Gary Cooper) is a bit of a firebrand and is sentenced to at least 30 days in jail, but his partners, Bill Jackson (Ernest Torrence) and Jim Bridger (Tully Marshall) talk a sympathetic Frenchwoman named Felice (Lili Damita) into telling the bumbling, drunken marshal that Clint had married her the previous night. Clint is released so he can accompany Felice on the wagon train heading west to California.
Muff Potter
The classic Mark Twain tale of a young boy and his friends on the Mississippi River. Tom and his pals Huckleberry Finn and Joe Harper have numerous adventures, including running away to be pirates and, being believed drowned, attending their own funeral. The boys also witness a murder and Tom and his friend Becky Thatcher are pursued by the vengeful murderer.
Um jovem guia conduz uma enorme caravana de colonos por um caminho acidentado e cheio de perigos, com despenhadeiros, tempestades de neve, ataques de índios e manadas de búfalos. Durante a viagem, ele se apaixona por uma pioneira e faz de tudo para conquistá-la.
Buckeye Bill
A woman gets help from her gangster friends after her foster son takes the blame for a murder he did not commit.
W.H. Yates
Young Ellen Neal gets work as a servant with the wealthy Fullerton family. She falls in love with the Fullerton's handsome young son. But he leaves her with child, and when she attempts to gain recognition for her child, the Fullerton family treats her as a blackmailer. But a surprise awaits them all.
Pa Cleaver
Bill is a hot shot dancer who partners with Jazzbo, until he sees Molly at the dance. He enters the Waltz with Molly and wins first prize - and they wind up being married that same night. Now they are free of their parents nagging and their own bosses. 24 hours - no dancing as in-laws are visiting. 24 days - the Apartment is finished so off to the Hoffman's Parisian Dance Palace. Molly can only dance the Waltz and not the hot new jazz dance so she leaves and Bill follows. They are both unhappy, Bill has two left feet when it comes to romance.
Lemuel Barnes
Prison drama from 1930. Mary Dane and falsely imprisoned Bud Leonard love each other, but Lou Rinaldo, who framed Bud to get Mary, and escape-minded King Callahan, set events in motion to prove that love and justice will prevail.
Feyda is a man of wealth and has many fine qualities, but he is powerless to resist gambling and beautiful women. Feyda falls instantly in love with Lisa, who is engaged to his dear friend Victor.
Gus Aldrich
A cowboy arrives in a small town and winds up trying to help a local rancher stop a gang of cattle thieves while romancing a pretty young girl.
Mammy features Al Jolson as the star of a travelling minstrel show, appearing in a small Southern town. Jolson falls in love with an actress in the troupe (Lois Moran), but she loves another. One of Jolson's fellow minstrels (Lowell Sherman) is shot backstage, and it is assumed thanks to several plot convolutions that Jolson is guilty of the deed.
A night club singer falls for a gangster.
Dave Gentry
Racecar-driver Lou Larrigan gets mixed up with a crooked gang of racetrack promoters, and is in love with Ruth Morgan, whose father is marked as a victim by the gang.
Hector McCollins
A mountie pursues a man wanted for murder.
Performer in "The Pirate" / Soldier (segment "Rifle Execution") (uncredited)
It's 1929. The studio gave the cinema its voice gave offered the audiences a chance to see their favorite actors and actresses from the silent screen era to see and for the first time can be heard in a gaudy, grandiose music comedy revue. But also appear actors and actresses from the first 'talkies', stars from Broadway and of course the German shepherd Rin-Tin-Tin. Frank Fay is the host of the more than 70 well-known stars who show various acts.
Navajo Jim
Wing Foot (Richard Dix), is a Navaho educated in an otherwise all-white school. In the course of the story he experiences prejudice from both the whites (because of his race) and the Navahos (who disown him because of his upbringing). Thus, Wing Foot is looked upon as neither Indian nor white, but simply a "redskin."
A Chinese doctor vows revenge against the allied troops who killed his wife and child during the Boxer Rebellion.
A criminal known as Thunderbolt is imprisoned and facing execution. Into the next cell is placed Bob Moran, an innocent man who has been framed and who is in love with Thunderbolt's girl, without knowing of their relationship. Thunderbolt hopes to stave off the execution long enough to kill young Moran for romancing his girl.
Dr. Gerry
Two pilots are in love with the same girl. On a flight over the Antarctic, the plane suddenly spins out of control and crashes into a snowbank. One of the pilots is injured and the other leaves him to die, so he can have the girl all to himself. However, the injured pilot survives and when he recovers he vows vengeance on the man who left him to die--especially after he finds out that he married the girl they were both after.
An Incompetent insurance salesman sells a policy to Jesse James and has to protect his client until he can get it back.
A police inspector "solves" a crime that, in fact, may not have occurred at all.
Salvation Jim
Fortune hunters from all over the country rushing to the Klondike in 1897 to seek their fortunes in the gold are tested by hardships of the journey.
Mad Hour is a 1928 American silent drama film directed by Joseph Boyle and starring Sally O'Neil, Alice White and Donald Reed. It was adapted from a novel by Elinor Glyn.
A princess is betrothed to a deformed monarch, but falls hard for his handsome brother.
William Townsend
An ape is suspected of committing a series of murders.
Roger Crosby
Parentes de um milionário excêntrico reúnem-se em sua mansão assustadora no 20º aniversário da sua morte para a leitura de seu testamento.
Peter Chadwick
The handsome Dr. John Waller specializes in the ailments of women, or more specifically, wealthy widows.
Dad Minasi
"Twinkletoes" Minasi wants to be a great dancer like her deceased mother. Twink meets Chuck Lightfoot, a noted prizefighter, who falls in love with her at first sight. She tries to avoid falling in love with Chuck, whose wife, Cissie, is a drunken harridan and more than a little bit spiteful. Meanwhile, Twink has secured a job in a singing-dancing act in a Limehouse theater, under the auspices of Roseleaf, who has more than just a protective interest in the girl. The jealous Cissie discovers that Twink's sign-painting father also has a night job as a burglar, and she turns him into the police. While a big success dancing on the stage, the arrest of her father has left her somewhat down in the dumps, and she decides to toss herself into the Thames. Possibly, the now-free Chuck, since Cissie has been killed in an accident, might come along and rescue her.
Baron Sadoja
When Prince Danilo falls in love with American dancer Sally O'Hara, his uncle, King Nikita I of Monteblanco, forbids him to marry her because Sally is a commoner. Thinking she has been jilted by her prince, Sally marries wealthy Baron Sadoja. When the elderly man dies suddenly, Sally must be wooed all over again by Danilo.
Gervas Carew's wife, Elinor, has deserted him while he was fighting for France, for Lord Clyde Geraldine, a cad of the first order, but Elinor, in turn is cast off when Lord Geraldine turns his attention to an Irish lass, Marny. Marny has no idea of Geraldine's past nor his brutal nature.
A disgruntled 18th century Bostonian who while wishing that he was a pirate, dons the clothes and play-acts the part. He is mistaken for the real pirate, Dixie Bull. More importantly, Errol "slays" the villain and puts his foot upon the pirate's head. This is more than enough and he heads back home to his unappreciated wife
Don Andrés
A young girl and her father are kicked out of their house by a cruel noblewoman, and the girl's heart is broken when her sweetheart, the noblewoman's son, won't go to Paris with them. After becoming an opera star in Paris, the girl returns to her homeland and finds her romance with the nobleman rekindled.
Hezekiah Sims
Paula, a chorus girl, marries into an aristocratic family. Unfortunately, her husband is a drunk. When he tries to give some liquor to their infant son, she brandishes a pair of scissors at him. He wrestles them away from her, then falls down the stairs and stabs himself. Due to the perjured testimony of the maid and butler, Paula is convicted of murder and sent to jail. Her son, Danny, grows up to be a movie star. There is a controversy surrounding him because he refuses to do his own stunts. The reason he won't take any chances is that he is using all his money to get his mother out of jail. Finally, to redeem himself, he agrees to participate in a charity auto race, but his mother's hearing is scheduled for the race day.
Henry Fells
Kate Lennox is bored with suburban life and her husband, Harry. Their next-door neighbors, the hen-pecked Henry Fells and his wife, Maud, have several boarders, among them Barbara Farley, who is Lennox's stenographer, and Lonnie Whinston, who is in love with Lennox's little sister, Ruth. Kate claims that women need more independence and less duty, and flirts with Ned Hollister, a car salesman.
A successful businesswoman falls in love with one of her (much younger) factory workers. She doesn't know that he is in love with her younger sister.
Count Mancini
O filme conta a história de um gênio científico que é humilhado pela esposa. Para expressar sua dor, ele se torna um palhaço de circo. Lá, aparentemente, ele encontra uma chance de renovação. Mas será que ele conseguirá encontrar a felicidade?
The Spider
After 15 years of searching, Bud Watkins finally has his revenge on the cattlemen's gunman who killed his homesteader foster father, Pop Watkins. Bud finds refuge from the sheriff at the ranch of The Spider, falls in love with the bandit's daughter, "Miss," and is betrayed to the sheriff by his rival, Steve Lanning. In an attempt to escape, Miss is shot and Bud risks discovery to get a doctor from town.
When her newspaper reporter brother is taken ill, a young woman takes over his job. Before she knows it, she's involved up to her neck in a plot involving stolen jewelry and a very agile monkey.
The Stranger
"The Stranger," an outcast who works in a saloon frequented by Peggy Bowlin, a poor girl suffering through hard times. She finds romance with Larry Darrant and her life begins to improve. They make plans to wed and leave England, but when a convict assaults Peggy, Larry gets involved and accidentally kills him. The Stranger is arrested for the murder, but he refuses to declare his innocence because he doesn't want to destroy Peggy's happiness.
Simon (the peddler)
Barbara Winslow helps her rebel brother, Rupert, escape from the king's forces by disguising herself as him. Captain Prothero captures her, but he has fallen for Barbara's charms so he lets her go. As a result they are both arrested and imprisoned.
Ezra Sprowl
The no-good son of a company owner is sent to investigate a problematic business deal.
Count Blauhimel
Ponjola is a 1923 American silent drama film based on the novel of the same name by Cynthia Stockley and directed by Donald Crisp. The film stars Anna Q. Nilsson in a role in which she masquerades as a man. A print of Ponjola still exists and is held by a private collector.
Suen Tung
Robert Wells is an American born in China who, unbeknownst to him, has an Oriental half-brother. Wells' uncle sends him to help Ray Williams build bridges in China. Williams is in league with Chinese reactionaries and he discredits Wells by turning him into a drug addict. Wells eventually becomes an outcast and is in a stupor when he is found by his half-brother, Kong Sue, the son of the Lord of Thundergate, a powerful Mandarin reactionary.
Archbishop of Tyre
Wallace Beery repeats his role of King Richard, a role he played so sucessfully in Robin Hood the previous year.
Dr. Gregory
Set in the small town of Riverdale, Defying Destiny opens with Jack Fenton (Monte Blue) being scarred while saving the life of his sweetheart Beth Alden (Irene Rich), whose grateful father (James Gordon), president of the local bank, offers him a job. Middle-class Jack becomes head teller, joins the country club, and plans to marry Beth, but his upwardly mobile behavior stirs resentment. When he’s falsely accused of embezzlement the town’s upper crust turns its back. Jack endures self-exile until a chance encounter with a plastic surgeon enables him to return home incognito and seek vengeance.
El Rey Luis XI
Produção da era silenciosa que adapta o clássico de Victor Hugo. Chaney está no papel de Quasimodo, o tocador de sino da Catedral de Notre Dame, desafortunadamente deformado. Ele se apaixona por Esmeralda, uma jovem e bela dançarina cigana, logo depois que ela lhe deu água quando ele estava apanhando em praça pública. as o gesto fora apenas por comiseração. Ainda assim, Esmeralda mais tarde é acusada de trair e esfaquear seu amado. Por isso ela é torturada e sentenciada à morte. Quasimodo é quem vai resgata-la nas escadarias de Notre Dame.
Professor Hamilton
Horace Ventimore, a young London architect, stumbles across an old brass bottle. When he picks it up a genie suddenly appears and promises Horace that he will grant every wish Horace wants in exchange for his freedom. Horace accepts the genie's offer but finds out that things aren't working out quite as well as he thought they would.
Ali Mechmet
Sahande, a Tartar girl placed on the block to be sold, is bought by Costa, a Gypsy chief who outbids Sahande's fiancé, Sender. Costa marries the infuriated Sahande but agrees to give her 10 days in which either to return his love or have Sender fight him.
Barney Ryan
The story of a young actress trying to attain stardom on Broadway.
Hugh Manners, a lawyer
Temporary Marriage is a 1923 American silent drama film directed by Lambert Hillyer and starring Kenneth Harlan, Mildred Davis, and Myrtle Stedman.
Jim Bridges
Duas caravanas de vagões convergem no que é agora Kansas City, e combinam-se para o empurrão para oeste, para o Oregon. Na sua busca, os peregrinos experimentarão o calor do deserto, a neve das montanhas, a fome, e o ataque dos índios. Para complicar ainda mais a situação, desenvolve-se um triângulo amoroso, já que a bela Molly deve escolher entre Sam, um bruto, e Will, o afoito capitão da outra caravana. Poderá Will superar o esqueleto no seu armário e conquistar o coração de Molly?
Steve Bradley
A mounted police inspector battles not only a gang of opium smugglers but also a haughty society belle
Watkins' Store Manager
Dann Mulvey (William Scott), just released from prison, is falsely accused of murder. The real culprit is the least-suspected person, who makes a deathbed confession.
Gloria, the daughter in a wealthy family, has finally spent most of her father's money. She marries Tony, whose as much of a reckless spendthrift as she is, and they continue indulging themselves. Tony's wealthy grandfather Adam Patch dies, but to their surprise he leaves Tony nothing. The couple try their hands at actually working for a living, but they don't like it and return to their spendthrift ways. Something has to give, and it soon does.
Squire Simpson
Anna Moore, a poor orphaned country girl, and her little brother, Tommy, live with hypocritical Squire Simpson, who conspires with his son to acquire the inheritance due the girl.
A 1922 modern Western
Squire Ezra Brigham
(survived only 10 minutes) As young men, the squire (Marshall) and the village blacksmith (Walling) are in love with the same woman (Boardman), whom the blacksmith marries. This angers the squire. Years later, the squire's son Anson (Yearsley) dares the blacksmith's son Johnnie (Hackathorne) to climb a tree, from which he falls and is crippled. As adults, Anson and the blacksmith's daughter Alice (Valli) fall in love, which angers the blacksmith, who chastises his daughter. The blacksmith's other son Bill (Butler) returns from college and is injured in a train accident. Anson steals $480 from a church fund which is currently in Alice's possession. Alice is struck by lightning. The blacksmith take Anson and the squire to church where they both repent.
Samuel McAllister
When the ability of Dick Leighton (William Farnum), Sheriff of Randolph, Oregon, to enforce law and order is tested by the leader of the political opposition, he stands his ground and overpowers the unruly element.
Mr. Schofield
Young rapscallion Penrod Schofield causes a good deal of trouble in his community, all in the name of protecting kids from too-strict parents and nasty neighbors. He heads the ABPA (American Boys' Protective Association) and through it disrupts a number of local social events. The townspeople are pretty fed up with Penrod and his gang, but when a couple of outlaws come to town, Penrod shows his mettle.
Jerry Maguire (The Weasel)
While Jim Barlow is hiding from the cops, his wife Ann goes to a mission The minister, Reverend John Matthews, gives her the address of a good Samaritan, Dr. LeRoy Clifford . When her child is hit by an automobile, she takes him to Clifford, who proceeds to operate right at his house. Meanwhile, one of Barlow's former associates, known as the Weasel tracks him down and convinces him to come on a job. The home they break into is Clifford's, while he is in the middle of working on Barlow's little boy. Barlow helps the doctor by holding a spotlight so he can complete the operation. The Library of Congress holds a 35 mm shortened version.
The film is perhaps the only remaining example of silent era cinema from a Chinese-American production company, and was co-written, co-directed (with Francis J. Grandon) and produced by James B. Leong, who changed his name from Leong But-jung after emigrating from Shanghai in 1913. Of the seven reels that originally comprised 'Lotus Blossom,' only one (the fifth, running for 12 minutes at 20fps) is known to survive. This remaining reel of film is now available on Disc 2 of the DVD Collection "More Treasures from the American Film Archives," and was preserved by the UCLA Film and Television Archive.
'Odd Jobs Man'
Oliver Beresford is a stern, Puritanical, and uncompromisingly rigid father. When shameful stories about his daughter Judith surface, rather than determine whether the stories are true, he bans her from his house. Her brother David, a pusillanimous reprobate, has secretly married and fathered, then abandoned, a child. Judith takes care of the child and finds a way to restore her family through the love for the babe.
Chan Chang
Infamous Singapore smuggler Bully Brand possess a beautiful pearl necklace that is desired by Chinese merchant Chan Chang for his daughter Pain, a young white girl he had adopted. Warren Bradford, Brand's ward, returns from college and falls in love with Chang's daughter.
Percy Peacock
A fortune teller tells a store clerk with a romantic disposition that she was a Spanish noblewoman in an earlier life. The girl begins to live the part of the Spanish noblewoman and romance and comedy ensue.
Thomas Gunnison
Ort Hutchins is a confirmed loafer who spends all of his time fishing while his wife toils over the washtub. One day, while digging for worms, Hutch uncovers a box containing $100,000 in bills, the loot of a bank robbed in the next town. Realizing that he cannot spend the money without arousing suspicion, Hutch resigns himself to taking a job for cover. ...
Kalora is the "slim princess of Morevana," a land in which fat is prized. This distresses her family, who must marry off Kalora, before her rotund younger sister Papova may wed. To remedy this situation, Kalora's father, the governor general, throws a garden party and disguises his slim daughter in an inflated rubber suit. All goes well until the suit ruptures, deflating Kalora to her normal size....
When showing a woman customer some ranch property, real estate agent John Weems's car is disabled by a terrible storm, and he and his client are forced to take refuge in a roadhouse. Weems's wife Constance finds out about her husband's adventure and, bored with her marriage, determines to file for divorce. Constance calls upon Reginald Jay to testify about the roadhouse incident, and Jay, reluctant to testify, feigns illness and is hospitalized, promptly falling in love with one of his nurses.
Charle Harkins
Sylvester Tibble is a clerk in his uncle's restaurant. Sylvester dreams of becoming a famous dancer and tries to inject a little of the jazz life into his uncle's old-fashioned establishment. When dancer Junie Budd shows up at the restaurant, Sylvester sees a chance to make his dream come true.
Irving Stagg
A trama envolve um filho (Durning) sendo deserdado pelo pai (MacDowell) por se recusar a terminar sua amizade com uma bela jovem (Owen) das favelas de Londres, por quem está apaixonado. Atualmente temos apenas um fragmento do filme: apenas o primeiro dos seis rolos do filme permaneceu.
President Mutchler
A top race-car driver leaves the sport to get married and settle down, because his new wife doesn't want him to race anymore. However, not long afterwards his wife takes their infant son and leaves him to go to San Francisco. The husband gets word that his son is seriously ill in San Francisco, but he has no way to get there. Just in the nick of time, however, the racer's father-in-law just happens to have developed a new car for a cross-country race--to San Francisco!
Donald McPherson
Auto racer Speed Carr enters a marathon race across the United States, from New York to Los Angeles. He encounters numerous obstacles not related to the race and must switch identities and vehicles before he can finish.
A light-hearted romantic adventure.
Young Jack Wright offers his hand in marriage to the winner of a lottery, but after committing to the winner falls in love with another woman.
Richard Raver
Jailed unjustly for a murder he did not commit, a young man uses his amazing powers of escape to free himself and pursue the actual killers, who hold his fiancée captive.
Joe Heckett
Jack Hearne, known as the Romany Rye, prefers living with the gypsies rather than claiming the right to his part of his half brother Phillip Royston's country estate, Cragsnest. When he saves Ruth Heckett, the daughter of his friend Joe, a London bird shop owner and burglar, from a theater fire, however, he changes his mind and marries her. As Ruth and Jack board a steamer for America to find witnesses to his parents' wedding for proof of his inheritance, Joe's partner Bos gives Ruth a Bible that he stole from Cragsnest, as a present.
A young girl living a secluded and unsophisticated life is suddenly thrust into a great wealth and a frightening social whirl.
High Priest of Bel
After the relatively low box office takings of 'Intolerance', D. W. Griffith would revisit his epic film three years later by releasing two of the film's interlocking stories as standalone features, with some new additional footage. The first of the two was 'The Fall of Babylon', which depicts the conflict between Prince Belshazzar of Babylon and Cyrus the Great of Persia.
Alfred le Duc
Wastrel New York millionaire Roland Van Dam travels to New Orleans during Mardi Gras, looking for adventure and romance. Because the costume he is wearing includes a red gardenia, he is mistaken for escaped prisoner Emile Le Duc by a woman (who turns out to be a long-lost cousin) who was to meet Le Duc, who was to be wearing a red gardenia. It turns out that Le Duc is the head of a vicious gang of counterfeiters, and Roland winds up getting in more adventures than he had hoped for.
Cutie's old friend
Ralph visits France with his father, a shipbuilder, and falls in love with Blossom, the granddaughter of his father's friend, a Civil war veteran not reconciled with the Union. Blossom, however, is engaged to a French nobleman. When the war breaks out, Ralph enlists, while his brother Jim, a heartbreaker, is drafted.
Ira Lazarre
Two gangs of crooks, living side-by-side, each mistake the other for a wealthy household and each plot to rob the other.
Sir John Applegate
Framed for embezzlement, an English nobleman flees to America, eventually finding romance in Wyoming with a young Native-American. This is the 1918 remake of the 1913 original, the first feature length Hollywood film. It is considered to be a lost film with only one reel still extant.
Frank Beekman
While out West, prospector Harry Webb makes enemies of a con artist, Mark Brenton and the con's crooked lawyer, Frank Beekman. Jack goes to the city and meets singer Janice Williams in a cabaret. They become engaged, but Brenton also has designs on her. He tricks her into going to a room to meet with him, and Webb, hearing of the scheme, follows. What he finds when he gets there is Brenton on the floor, dead, and Janice holding a gun.
Ali Pah Shush
A lost film. George Travelwell (Fairbanks), an American youth motoring in Morocco, discovers that the governor of El Harib (Frank Campeau) has seized a young American woman for his harem. Disguised as an inmate of the harem, George nearly wrecks the place while he rescues her. One thrilling incident follows upon the heels of another in their attempts to get away, and it ends with him setting one tribe against another, leaving them free to peacefully ride away.
The Director
A married couple, each in love with another, attempts to unentangle themselves from their marriage in order to be with the one each truly loves. But the more they untangle one knot, the faster more confusing knots appear.
Charles Murdock neglects his fat and lazy wife for another woman; When his other love interest becomes involved in a murder, he leaves for Paris.
Judge Joshua McSnagley
M'liss, a feisty young girl in a mining camp, falls for Charles Gray, the school teacher. Charles is implicated in a murder of which he is innocent, and the two must fight to save him from a lynching.
F.P. Clumley
John Trimble has embezzled and obtains another identity by having a mutilated body buried in his place. He is later arrested for murdering himself. During the trial his mother, before dying from shock, asks him to keep his identity secret since his wife is now married to the Governor and expecting a child.
Henry D. Kenwood
Just prior to America's declaration of war, Margaret Kenwood of the Kenwood Manufacturing Company determines that the plant should produce munitions to support the Allies. Rodney Sheridan, her sweetheart and a vice president of the company, remains unimpressed with Margaret's patriotism until he begins to suspect that the plant's president is involved with a group of German spies.
James Brown
A young man grows restless living in a small Kansas town, dreaming of the adventures of the Three Musketeers. So in hopes of becoming a modern D'Artagnan, he mounts his steed (a Model T Ford) and sets out across the West in search of excitement and adventure.
Silas Martin
Fishermaid Marcia Manot finds an emerald which once belonged to a Norse queen and is cursed. Greedy American Silas Martin marries her, then sets her up for divorce. She kills him and weds his business manager Sterling, but a detective learns about Silas' death.
Dr. John Cavendish
Stanley Jordan, a wealthy young bachelor, attends a Red Cross Benefit at the country club where he meets and falls in love with Betty Lovering and unwittingly offends Mrs. Vandergraft, the social leader.
Sam Sparks
A young girl travels west to live with her uncle during the California Gold Rush only to find that he has been killed by Indians and his identity assumed by an outlaw.
Henry Slade
Faith Miller, a school teacher, inherits ten thousand dollars. Edson, McGill and Slade, three enterprising crooks, own the Moonflower, a worthless mine. Slade goes east to unload and hearing of Faith's good fortune, she falls an easy prey, buying a share in the mine for nine thousand dollars. Advised by friends to take a rest, Faith goes to inspect her mine.
A WWI English officer is inspired the night before a dangerous mission by a vision of Joan of Arc, whose story he relives.
An orphan named Oliver Twist meets a pickpocket on the streets of London. From there, he joins a household of boys who are trained to steal for their master.
High Priest of Bel / Friend of the Musketeer
A intolerância vista e analisada em quatro diferentes estágios da História: na Babilônia, onde uma garota vê-se entre o ódio religioso, levando uma cidade à ruína; na Judeia, onde os hipócritas condenam Jesus Cristo; na Paris de 1572, no Massacre da Noite de São Bartolomeu; e, finalmente, na América, onde reformadores acabam com a vida de um jovem casal.
John Minturn
Renee is a French artist's model who uses morphine as an escape from the dull reality of her life. She recommends it to a neurotic artist because "it kindles the fires of genius." The artist quickly becomes addicted to the drug and the quality of his work begins to disintegrate. He takes on a new model, marries her, and starts her on the same path of moral degradation, until a guilt-ridden Renee decides to intervene in order to save them both. According to silent film historian Kevin Brownlow, THE DEVIL'S NEEDLE was banned by the state of Ohio, but the censor board reversed its decision after recognizing the positive message beneath the film's scandalous surface. This special edition was mastered from a 35mm preservation print of the 1923 re-release version. The only known surviving copy, the element suffers significant nitrate decomposition during some scenes.
Jacques Dufrane
When the son of a leader of a Paris underworld family known as The Apaches is arrested and tried in court, the boy's mother asks the judge for mercy, but he refuses. In retaliation, the family kidnaps the judge's young daughter, and raises her to be one of their own, schooling her in the ways of crime.
Sell Hawkins
A 1916 film directed by Chester M. Franklin.
John Soy
In China, a man is arrested and tortured for a crime committed years before by his twin brother.
Israel Hubbard
When young Ruth Ambrose ( Viola Dana ) arrives in Action, Maine, she rents a room above the furniture store of Israel Hubbard. After he leaves her in charge of the shop, her vivacious charm advances sales, producing a profitable business and Ruth soon begins a romantic relationship with the storekeeper's nephew, Allan ( Raymond McKee ).
Joe Brooks