Shizue Kawarazaki

Shizue Kawarazaki

Nascimento : 1908-01-25, Nihonbashi, Tokyo, Japan

Morte : 2002-01-01


Shizue Kawarazaki


Cerimônia Solene
Sakurada Tomiko
Masuo e Ritsuko, meio-irmãos que viveram na casa do avô poderoso e que agora já passam da juventude, estão de regresso pois receberam um telegrama com notícia nada auspiciosa. No caminho de volta, Masuo relembra sua vida permeada de perdas e uma cerimônia de casamento surreal. Nagisa Oshima narra em tons próximos de autobiografia a queda de uma tradicional família japonesa cheia de excessos e desenganos.
Double Suicide
Osan's mother
Successful and married with children, paper-mill owner Jihei knows better than to contradict the strict social and moral codes of 18th-century Japan. But when he meets the lovely courtesan Koharu, he becomes a man obsessed. Koharu returns his love, even foregoing other customers while Jihei schemes to somehow buy her freedom. His efforts yield ruinous consequences for his business and his family life, and Koharu is meanwhile purchased by another client.
The Beauty and the Dragon
Kabuki adaptation: A princess, a figure from the literary past who anticipates a modern woman, tempts a self righteous priest.
The film shows the bombing of Hiroshima and the horrific aftermath following the detonation of an atomic bomb on humans for the first time in history.
The Cannery Boat
Describes the oppressed life of the crab fishermen and their final revolt which is bloodily suppressed by the Royal Navy. (Set in the 1920's)
The Stand in Hakone
A period film about a peasant revolt in the region near Mount Fuji, occasioned by high officials' depriving the farmers of their water rights.
Still I Live On
Sato, Mori's wife
About the struggles of day labourers to achieve dignity and a standard of living above the starvation level. Utilising the Zenshinza theatrical troupe.
A Vingança dos 47 Ronins
Este é um filme dividido em duas partes. A primeira parte foi lançada originalmente no Japão antes do ataque a Pearl Harbor. O filme foi adaptado a partir da peça de Seika Mayama. A película desenvolve a crônicas do final da vida dos 47 Ronin, que tornaram-se (baseado historicamente) uma lenda na história japonesa.
Banzuiin Chōbei
A jidaigeki film on Banzuiin Chōbei produced in 1940 and directed by Yasuki Chiba.
Ōma no tsuji
Set in the late Edo period of the assassination of Dairo Ii, the sword and emotional romance that depicts the murderous world. The turmoil of the end of the Edo period is depicted through the nameless Ichii people, centering on the main character of the Hatamoto collapse that is drunk by the waves of the end of the Edo period.
Humanity and Paper Balloons
Unno, a masterless samurai, has been supported financially since his father's death by his wife, who makes small paper balloons. He hopes that Mouri, his father's former master, will hire him after being given a letter from Unno's father. Unno's neighbor, Shinza, a hairdresser by trade, is under constant threat by gang members after running gambling dens on their territory.
Saga of the Vagabonds, Part Two: Forward at Dawn
Story of a bandit king part 2.
A Tale of Thieves in War Time: Part 1 - Tiger and Wolf
História de um rei bandido.
A Tale of Thieves in War Time: Part 1 - Tiger and Wolf
História de um rei bandido.
Priest of Darkness
A boy steals a knife from an old samurai, unaware of its value, setting off a strange chain of events.
The Village Tattooed Man
A tragic period film about a gangster who comes out of prison and finds it hard to find a place again in society.