Präsident Weichbrodt
The engineer Wolff Benningsen (Volker von Collande), a self-assured and über-obnoxious jingo jerk meets the young art student Vika von Demnitz (Leny Marenbach) while climbing in the Alps. One get's the idea that he would like to knock her over the head with a club and drag her to his cave but since this is out of fashion he decides to stalk her and annoy her heavy-handedly into a full submission. Understandingly, she instantly dislikes the lad and tries to shake him off. She succeeds a few times but then starts to suffer from some kind of Stockholm syndrome and falls for him. But that's not enough for him, being an infantile egoist he wants to tame the "wild bird" fully and break every last bit of her own will. It's all hard to believe if you haven't seen it yourself.
Prof. Lüders
Senator Kröger
Lord Seymour
Vorsitzender des Konsistoriums
Already a famous painter, Rembrandt van Rijn is commissioned to paint the Amsterdam Archers' Guild. But upon completion of the picture, the men of the guild feel duped, because they don't consider themselves flatteringly depicted in the painting. They therefore decline to pay for the work. During this dispute, the painter finds out his wife is close to death. He finds himself terribly lonely after her passing and suffers from depression until he decides once more to marry.
Como o título "O Coração da Rainha" sugere, esta versão inicial, em preto e branco, do reinado e morte incessante de Mary Queen of Scott, concentra-se em sua percepção emocional de forma bastante lírica com algumas músicas, principalmente as criadas por ela.
Konsul Faber
O filme segue a história de vida de Johann Augustus Suter, o dono de Sutter's Mill, famoso como o local de nascimento da grande corrida do ouro da Califórnia de 1848.
The good citizens of a small Austrian town are all aquiver; the schoolmaster has published a brochure in which can be read, black on white, the story of the 'dead guest,' in whose embrace the town's prospective brides found death. But worst of all, the writer of the brochure has plausibly concluded that the 'dead guest' will return this very year!
A copy of this film is conserved in the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée (CNC).