Harry Mancke


Raquel, A Escrava Branca
Assistant Director
A widowed farmer takes an indentured servant as his new wife, but the arrival of a passing stranger threatens their burgeoning relationship.
Fuga do Passado
Assistant Director
O detetive privado Jeff Bailey (Robert Mitchum), foge do seu passado indo dirigir um posto de gasolina em uma pequena cidade do interior. Mas é obrigado a reviver sua turbulenta vida quando é localizado pelo gângster Whit Sterling (Kirk Douglas). Jeff, outrora um experiente detetive, foi contratado por Whit e acabou pecando ao misturar negócios e romance, envolvendo-se com Kathie (Jane Greer).
Badman's Territory
Assistant Director
After some gun play with a posse, the James Gang head for Quinto in a section of land which is not a part of America. Anyone there is beyond the law so the town is populated with outlaws. Next to arrive is Sheriff Rowley, following his brother whom the Gang have brought in injured. Rowley has no authority and gets on well enough with the James boys but is soon involved in other local goings-on, including a move to vote for annexation with Oklahoma which would allow the law well and truly in.
A Oeste de Pecos
Assistant Director
Heading west for his health, Colonel Lambeth takes his daughter Rill along. Lost on the desert they are saved by Pecos and Chito. The Colonel hires the two and the Lambeths soon find themselves mixed up in Pecos' trouble. Pecos has killed Sawtelle's brother and Sawtelle as head of the vigilantes is after him.
The Falcon in San Francisco
Assistant Director
While on vacation, the Falcon is arrested for kidnapping after striking up a friendship with a girl who's nurse has been recently murdered.
Assistant Director
Nevada ganha $ 7000 e vai comprar equipamentos de mineração. Burridge contrata um homen para mata-lo e recuperar o dinheiro. Encontrado com o dinheiro Nevada é preso e Burridge incita os cidadãos locais a linchar Nevada.
Gildersleeve's Ghost
Assistant Director
Gildersleeve, running for office, is aided by two ghosts and hindered by a mad scientist and an invisible woman.
The Falcon and the Co-Eds
Assistant Director
The Falcon is called to a young woman's school to investigate a murder. When he arrives, another victim is discovered.
Assistant Director
Rica família de uma cidadezinha do sul dos Estados Unidos vê sua supremacia social pouco a pouco comprometida pela industrialização. Seu jovem e mimado herdeiro se coloca entre a mãe viúva e o homem que ela sempre amou.
One Crowded Night
Assistant Director
The future of a group of strangely connected lives is determined on one crucial night at a dinky motel in the desert.
O Libertador
Assistant Director
Filme biográfico sobre a vida de Abraham Lincoln, um dos mais marcantes presidentes dos Estados Unidos. A narrativa mostra desde a juventude de Lincoln, quanto era um advogado, até sua eleição para a Casa Branca.
A Noiva de Frankenstein
Assistant Director
O filme começa de onde o original, de 1931, terminou: Frankenstein escapa do cerco ao moinho vivo, enquanto Dr. Frankenstein tem sua noiva sequestrada por outro lunático cientista. O objetivo dele é convencer o doutor a criar uma companheira para o monstro.
Great Expectations
Assistant Director
A young boy, Pip, encounters an escaped prisoner, Magwitch, and steals food for him. After the convict is captured, Pip meets the reclusive Miss Havisham and her niece, Estella, eventually becoming friends with the girl. Wealth comes to Pip via a mysterious benefactor and he goes off to London for an education. As adults, Pip and Estella become romantic, and Pip learns the identity of his patron.
One More River
Assistant Director
A young lady leaves her brutal husband and meets another man on board a ship.