Bruno, simpático quarentão, apaixona-se por Christine, uma bonita dermatologista de 42 anos. Desta relação apaixonada, ele quer um filho, logo. Mas Christine mentiu: tirando partido de sua beleza quase intacta, ela lhe disse ter 42 anos, mas ela já chegou aos cinquenta...
From Boccaccio's "La précaution inutile". Jean, a rich old merchant, is blessed with a young and beautiful wife. Although Bianca is absolutely faithful, he, tormented by jealousy, accuses her of the worst depravities.
Yvan, who lives with his wife Éva and their 3 children in a villa by the sea, regularly has the same nightmare: Locked in a cellar, he is physically tortured and broken by executioners who want him to talk. But of what.