Irina Sokolova

Irina Sokolova

Nascimento : 1940-12-24, Murmansk, RSFSR, USSR


Irina Sokolova


I Am a Clown
The story of three great actresses applying for one role in the play, each of whom once had an affair with the artistic director of the theater. In the enchanting atmosphere of the backstage, it is highlighted: what roles were played on the stage, and what in life, who is to blame for this and how to forgive? After all, life is the same theater, only without rehearsals and repetitions. But the sworn diva girlfriends have yet to face the trials of the new reality. Legends of the theater, artists of a wonderful, but passing century, will meet contemporary art “not for everyone” and will try to figure out what to do for all of us, the rest. Who will win: loyalty to the old theater or the modern "version of the theater" - formalism from a young shocking amateur director, on whose side his father is an official.
Petersburg: Only for Love
Petersburg. A Selfie comprises seven novellas about the beautiful city of St. Petersburg, Russia, shot by female directors. The film tells a story of a real, living and breathing city, rather than a mythical phantasm. Each novella tells its own story about love and loneliness, luck and hope.
Under Electric Clouds
Russia 2017. The world could be on the verge of a great war. People are anxious that things could fall apart. Evolving around an unfinished building, a diverse group of outsiders struggle to find their place in this rapidly changing society, making up the mosaic of existence that is life itself…
Serving the Soviet Union!
USSR, 1941. She is a famous actress, he is a well known journalist. But their meeting point is already set to GULAG.
Jolly Fellows
Veselchaki is a movie centered on a Moscow nightclub owned by Rosa; he performs as part of the drag revue in the club. The movie starts with five cross-dressing men sharing their stories with a reporter.
Jolly Fellows
aunt Dasha
Veselchaki is a movie centered on a Moscow nightclub owned by Rosa; he performs as part of the drag revue in the club. The movie starts with five cross-dressing men sharing their stories with a reporter.
Вербное воскресенье
Naumovna, cellmate of Oksana
Irmãos de Guerra
Friedel Krämer
Colônia no final da Segunda Guerra Mundial. A cidade está em ruínas, todo mundo está com medo, muitos estão mortos. É uma época de grande desumanidade. Os jovens piratas Edelweiss de Colônia se recusam a se submeter à pressão do regime nazista. Eles lutam com a Juventude Hitlerista e rabiscam propaganda anti-guerra nas paredes. Karl é um pirata Edelweiss; seu irmão mais novo, Peter, está no movimento da Juventude Hitlerista. Os dois jovens ficaram sozinhos desde a morte da mãe em um bombardeio; seu pai está servindo na frente, e seu irmão mais velho, Otto, foi morto em ação. O financée de Otto, Cilly, está fazendo o melhor para sobreviver à guerra com seus filhos. Carl está tentando ajudá-la.
The Lover
This is a remarkably subtle film–a character study that focuses on Mitya’s attempts to cope with each new startling phase of discovery. At first he mourns for his dead wife, but then he discovers that he didn’t really know her.
During the bloody war in Chechnya, a British couple and two Russian soldiers are taken hostage by Chechen rebels. Two of the hostages are then released to bring the money for the British woman who is forced to wait for the ransom.
The Turn of the Century
Marina Nikolaevna
"The Institute of Conscious Dreams" - the so-called clinic is a mysterious place. True miracles happen here. It is here, during psychedelic sessions, that a door opens into a different reality, into the depths of a person's consciousness and his genetic memory.
His Wife's Diary
A tragic story of love and loneliness - this is the unknown life of the great Russian writer Ivan Bunin. The confused love story that involved Bunin, his wife Vera, the young poet Galina Plotnikova, opera singer Marga Kovtun and literary man Leonid Gurov. A work of great honesty and piercing psychology.
Joseph Goebbels
Um retrato do quotidiano e da vida interior de Eva Braun e Adolf Hitler.
Злая судьба
the fate of Santina
The Castle
Um agrimensor é chamado para trabalhar em um castelo da aldeia. Ao chegar, descobre que aparentemente ninguém o espera. Suas tentativas de provar sua integridade são recebidas com um muro de pedra de incompreensão, o que só aumenta seu desejo de entrar no misterioso castelo.
Dancing Ghosts
Galina Nikolaevna
Choreographic school, young talents are collected here. Behind eight years of study - three months remain before the final performance. And finally, “Giselle” is appointed, roles are distributed, girls are worried - they are afraid of the wording “professionally unsuitable”, but Yulya’s thoughts are different. She fell in love for the first time. And she has to choose between her beloved and the stage.
Old, rich Jew Mendel Krik falls in love with the beautiful Marusya. But their sons Levka and Bena don't share their dreams... Revolution has come.
Return to Zurbagan
Antonina Semyonovna
Starks returned after the conclusion of, met with his youthful love Tanya, who has a daughter Nelia over the years. Starkova acquaintance with the girl made him a different look at the relationship with Tanya and "ex-boyfriend".
Days of Eclipse
Malyanov's Sister
This bleak late soviet-era drama follows the career of Malyanov, a young medical school graduate who has been sent to work in Turkmenia. Here he runs into a hodge-podge of people of differing ethnicities, all of them victims of the government's earlier mania for relocating and eliminating whole ethnic groups and classes of people. These desperately unhappy people are unable to find any pleasure in this diverse companionship, but instead are antagonistic to it, and often resort to desperate measures in their doomed attempts to ease their pain.
Mournful Unconcern
Guinness's nurse
The action in this lavishly produced film takes place at an oddly ark-shaped mansion during World War I, and in spirit (although not in story) it reflects the play which inspired it, the ferociously antiwar Heartbreak House by George Bernard Shaw. A large group of family and friends have gathered at this country house to dance, drink, and converse. Their conversation, in particular, is adorned with erudite literary references and quotations. Despite their apparent refinement, their preoccupations are simple: sex and violence. Disquieting images break the tranquility of the vacationers' inappropriate idyll: some of these include documentary footage of starving African children, images (both real and re-enacted) of George Bernard Shaw going about his daily life, and a corpse coming to life on an autopsy table, only to cheapen that miracle by scolding a group of women. The music used in the film ironically points to its disturbing message and is uniformly anachronistic.
Ruma Elsa
The professor's widow Vivi Cassel has three daughters: pretty Irma and Paula and unattractive, but smart, sharp-tongued Elsa, who is humiliated by the condescending attitude of her sisters and mother. She decides to prove that being a woman is much easier than being a person. After visiting a beauty salon, she makes not only her sisters' suitors fall in love with her, but also the mother's fiancé.
Мегрэ и человек на скамейке
Madame Toure
The Rest Is Silence
Cora Payne
TV version of the acclaimed stage production of Viña Delmar's script for the film Make Way for Tomorrow.
The Strange Mrs. Savage
Mrs. Paddy
Rabbit reserve
Negligent, but the enterprising workers of a forest area "Rabbit reserve" unexpectedly wiped out all the rabbits. Now it remains only to wait for a scolding. But suddenly, in the possession of the hapless crooks right from the ground begins to beat the fountain of mineral water. This "gift of nature" is an urgent need to learn to their advantage. And it's so handy, there is a person spouting ideas on the edge of common sense! However, the genius nugget does not suspect that he was in the reserve of scams, where even a hare will teach fox tricks.
The Road to Rübezahl
The German anti-fascist Max in 1939 emigrated to the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War, he fought in the Soviet partisan detachment and died, performing a responsible mission. After many years, her companion in guerrilla warfare, Lyudmila, was able to realize their common dream — to climb to the top of Mount Rübezahl.