Liam Yeo


12 Lotus
As a child, Lian Hua dreamed of becoming a performer in Singapore's Getai shows, concerts staged the same month each year and featuring emotionally broad songs of love, life and death. However, Lian's father dissuaded her from following her dreams, and while Lian never lost her love for music, her ambitions would be tied to tragedy as she grew to adulthood. As a grown woman, Lian finally seems poised to make her mark as a performer when she joins forces with flashy vocalist Astroboy and heartthrob Ah Long. Ah Long falls for Lian, but their romance comes to an abrupt end and Lian is assaulted by a handful of thugs who want to collect a debt from her father. Ten years later, middle aged Lian thinks she may have another chance at success when she finds new love, but fate has led her to the brink of madness and once again disappointment lies in wait for her.
12 Lotus
As a child, Lian Hua dreamed of becoming a performer in Singapore's Getai shows, concerts staged the same month each year and featuring emotionally broad songs of love, life and death. However, Lian's father dissuaded her from following her dreams, and while Lian never lost her love for music, her ambitions would be tied to tragedy as she grew to adulthood. As a grown woman, Lian finally seems poised to make her mark as a performer when she joins forces with flashy vocalist Astroboy and heartthrob Ah Long. Ah Long falls for Lian, but their romance comes to an abrupt end and Lian is assaulted by a handful of thugs who want to collect a debt from her father. Ten years later, middle aged Lian thinks she may have another chance at success when she finds new love, but fate has led her to the brink of madness and once again disappointment lies in wait for her.
"4:30" traça a relação entre Xiao Wu, um menino chinês de onze anos e seu inquilino Jung, um coreano de trinta e poucos anos. Contada inteiramente da perspectiva do menino, Xiao Wu, essa história de dois personagens muito diferentes tem menos a ver com amizade do que com uma experiência compartilhada e apreciação da solidão. "4:30" começa com Xiao entrando no quarto de Jung nas primeiras horas da manhã e roubando o coreano. Assim como ficar intoxicado é um hábito para Jung, que só volta cambaleante para seu quarto alugado quando está bêbado, logo roubar para Xiao Wu se torna igualmente compulsivo. Logo percebemos que a verdadeira intenção de Jung de ficar em Cingapura é suicídio. É somente através do encontro de Xiao com Jung falhando em sua tentativa de morrer que ele começa a entender seu verdadeiro fascínio por Jung.