

Nava is a production designer.


O Demônio do Sono
Production Design
A psicóloga criminosa Kate Fuller é designada para o assassinato de um homem que aparentemente foi estrangulado durante o sono por sua esposa e a única testemunha é sua filha de oito anos, Sophie. Enquanto Kate mergulha no mistério de um antigo demônio que mata as pessoas durante o sono, ela experimenta os mesmos sintomas petrificantes de todas as vítimas e espirais anteriores, através de um arrepiante pesadelo para salvar a si mesma e a Sophie antes que ela adormeça novamente.
Querido Ditador
Production Design
O general Anton Vincent (Michael Caine) é um ditador britânico-caribenho. Quando ele é deposto por um golpe de estado, Vincent busca refúgio e se esconde no subúrbio dos EUA, na casa de Tatiana (Odeya Rush), uma adolescente rebelde com quem ele troca cartas.
Carga Mortal
Production Design
Sean Haggerty tem apenas uma hora para entregar uma carga ilegal, convencer um assassino, um cartel e a polícia de que nada está errado e que tudo corre como planejado, e ainda salvar a sua esposa. Como se não fosse o bastante, ele terá que fazer tudo isso de dentro do cockpit do seu avião Cessna.
Sequestro Relâmpago
Production Design
Lorraine (Maria Bello) é uma sofrida mãe solteira às voltas com as chantagens emocionais do violento ex-marido, que quer a guarda do filho do casal, Chad (Connor Hill). Em uma noite aparentemente como outra qualquer, ela faz uma parada em um posto de gasolina e é surpreendida por Roy (Stephen Dorff), que acaba de roubar um banco e quer seu carro para a fuga. O problema é que ele precisa dela e de Chad para passar pelos comandos, espalhados pela estrada. Apavorados, Lorraine e Chad terão que ser fortes e encontrar um jeito de saírem vivos dessa rota de completo desespero.
Hora De Recomeçar
Production Design
Ao passear por uma praia deserta, uma jovem apreciadora de arte conhece um pintor. O gosto comum aproxima os dois a ponto de fazer nascer uma grande amizade entre eles. O pintor percebe na garota semelhanças com a filha, com quem não fala há seis anos. Simultaneamente, a moça e a mãe tentam recuperar-se da morte do pai e do irmão, acontecida em um acidente de carro. Juntos, os três vão redescobrir muitas coisas, como a possibilidade de acreditar no amor e na esperança.
Hallowed Ground
Production Design
After she becomes stranded in a small town, a young woman discovers her arrival there was foretold a century earlier by the town's founding preacher and that she is an integral part of his impending - and terrifying - rebirth.
Quem Somos Nós? - Uma Nova Evolução
Production Design
Interviews with scientists and authors, animated bits, and a storyline involving a deaf photographer are used in this docudrama to illustrate the link between quantum mechanics, neurobiology, human consciousness and day-to-day reality.
Quem Somos Nós?
Production Design
Amanda é uma fotógrafa surda, em busca de respostas para a vida e a existência. O espectador acompanha a jornada de Amanda através de conceitos científicos e espirituais, passando pela física quântica e teologia, com a colaboração de especialistas.
Rent Control
Production Design
Mesmo depois de muitos anos após o estudante Tyler Roth ter perdido seu irmão, que cometeu suicídio, ele não consegue se recuperar da extrema dor que sente. Nesse meio tempo, ele conhece Ally, a filha de um policial, que teve sua mãe brutalmente assassinada. Percebendo que pode compartilhar seu pesar com ela, os dois acabam se apaixonando, numa tentativa de tentar através do amor, se libertar da angústia. Assim, Tyler descobre que a perda pode ser superada e a amargura que envenenava sua alma pode ser curada, levando uma vida junto de Ally.
New Suit
Production Design
A once-idealistic writer inadvertently ignites a feeding frenzy in Hollywood with the mention of a mysterious new screenplay and its illusive author.
O Duende 5
Production Design
Após uma longa e dourada dormência, o duende é trazido de volta à vida por três cantores de rap que procuram lançar suas músicas em um concurso em Las Vegas . When Butch, Postmaster P e Stray Bullet saqueiam o escritório de um grande empresário de hip-hop para financiar seu álbum demo . O trio involuntariamente acaba descobrindo o segredo do sucesso de Mack Daddy: uma flauta mágica pertencente ao perverso Duende . De quebra tiram o cordão do pescoço do Duende trazendo a criatura de volta a vida . Os shows do trio viraram sucesso mas a sede de sangue de um Leprechaun zangado e de Mack Daddy estão em seu caminho, deixando um rastro de destruição e mortes. Será que vale tudo para alcançar o sucesso ?
Black Thunder - O Resgate
Production Design
Pilotos (Michael Dudikoff, Gary Hudson) são enviados para recuperar um avião Mach 2, sequestrado por terroristas Líbios.
Gasparzinho e Wendy
Production Design
Wendy, a pequena bruxa boa, e sua três tias bruxas atrapalhadas, Gabby, Geri e Fanny, se escondem no "Sunny Brite Resort" tentando escapar do maligno bruxo Desmond Spellman. O Trio Assombroso também está no Sunny Brite e Wendy conhece o solitário Gasparzinho, o Fantasminha Camarada. Juntos eles se preparam para combater o terrível bruxo.
Gasparzinho, Como Tudo Começou
Production Design
Gasparzinho, um gentil fantasma que não assusta ninguém, chega em Deedstown e se torna amigo de Chris Carson, um garoto de 10 anos que sente-se sozinho, pois vive com Tim Carson, que é obcecado por trabalho e ignora o filho. Chris vê que Gasparzinho está desorientado, assim decide lhe mostrar como ser um verdadeiro fantasma o levando à Mansão Applegate, a casa assombrada da cidade, e lhe apresentando o Trio Assombro. Curiosamente, a Mansão Applegate pode ser destruída por Tim Carson, que foi contratado para demoli-la, apesar de vários moradores serem contra a demolição, principalmente Sheila Fistergraff, uma professora de Chris.
The Haunted Sea
Production Design
A mysterious ship is found adrift in mid-ocean without a crew. But this mystery is soon forgotten when Captain Ramsey, his two sexy first mates and the crew discover its precious cargo of ancient Aztec treasure. However, their joy quickly succumbs to greed, paranoia and fear, as they must battle the murderous creature which guards the accursed treasure.
Carnosaur 3: Primal Species
Production Design
International terrorists get a surprise when their cargo turns out to contain living dinosaurs. The army commando team now have to think fast, if they want to prevent the extinction of the human species, instead of the reptiles.
Alien Terminator
Set Decoration
Five miles below the Earth's surface, a group of scientists is working in self-imposed isolation, perfecting a series of DNA experiments that could literally change the world. But when one of those experiments goes awry, it unleashes a nearly immortal organism--one capable of instant regeneration, and with an insatiable appetite for living flesh. Soon, nothing can contain the creature, and with the lab's life support systems quickly shutting down, the scientists grimly prepare for their final battle... A small group of scientists are working in self-imposed isolation below the Earth's surface. They are all working to create DNA which could change the world, but one of the scientists have been given an secret assignment, and when the assignment goes wrong, all hell breaks lose. The new creation is now aboard the ship and will destroy anyone who gets in its way, as it moves towards the surface.
Production Design
Over a year after a chase to catch a serial slayer dubbed the 'LADYKILLER' ended in the death of his old partner. Lt. Jack 'Jigsaw' Lasky sees a chance too redeem himself in the eyes of his fellow cops, when another serial killer, 'The Piggy Bank Murderer' starts preying on female students at a local campus. Slashing his victims throats with a switchblade before stuffing loose change into their mouths leaving behind the words "She Needed The Money" wherever he goes. Jack's search leads to a number one suspect in the form of Richard Darling an out-of-work actor drawn to the case for reasons unknown as he is drawn to the Jack's art student daughter, Jennifer who studying at the exact same college as the murders occur. As Jack finds himself becoming partnered to Richard who continues on being never far away when the next homicide occurs. Jack searches to uncover this killer of girls before he concludes his slaughter spree with Jennifer.
Mind Games
Production Design
A college professor is haunted by the spirit of his dead lover.
Justine: In the Heat of Passion
Production Design
This edition of the sexually charged series The Adventures of Justine is titled In the Heat of Passion. The story involves Justine daydreaming about her teacher, Professor Robson. He then invites her to join him on his travels throughout the world.
O Prazer da Sedução
Production Design
Justine e o Professor Robson descobrem uma bela jóia, "O Coração de Buddha", mas 2 pilantras também estão atrás do artefato.
Showgirl Murders
Production Design
When you're a natural born Aphrodite on the run from sadistic drug dealers, there's only one place to hid - the dingiest bar in town. That's just what luscious, leggy Tamra does, but she can't lay low for long: when the jukebox starts playing she's got to move to the beat. In the blink of an eye, Tamra seduces the bar owner and turns the joint into the most outrageous strip club this side of Vegas. When her violent past finally catches up with her, you can be sure this modern day Salome stays on top!
Production Design
Doctor Baines has been conducting genetic experiments on piranhas and has made them virtually unstoppable. Unfortunately, his assistants, Maggie and Paul, accidentally release the hybrids into the Lost River Lake threatening to destroy everyone in their path. Can they prevent the flesh-eating piranhas from escaping into the ocean and spawning?
A Bucket of Blood
Production Design
Walter Paisley, a busboy at a cappuccino bar called the Jabberjaw, is praised as a genius after he kills his landlady's cat and covers it in plaster. Pressured to produce more work, he goes after bigger subjects.
Not of This Earth
Production Design
An anemic alien comes to Earth from a dying planet, in the remake of the Corman 50s classic.
Black Scorpion
Production Design
Darcy is a cop who is also a supehero named Black Scorpion at night who kicks and beats evildoers to a pulp. She soon catches wind of an asthmatic mad scientist who plans on tainting the city's air supply with a toxin. Only Darcy in her superhero garb can stop him with the assistance of a petty thief named Argyle.
Not Like Us
Production Design
A sexy, horror-filled story featuring two gorgeous aliens who move into a small American town.
Twisted Love
Production Design
Janna Riley is the awkward and shy girl nobody ever seems to notice. Not being able to live up to her mother's expectations of popularity, Janna walks through the school hallways alone, though her eyes are always on a certain football player, Bo Callahan. Laughed at and made fun of by the in-crowd, Janna sees her opportunity to become accepted when a fateful motorcycle "accident" lands Bo into her arms and under her doting care. Bo's vulnerable condition enables Janna to kidnap Bo and, in the style of Stephen King's "Misery," the viewer is held captive for every thrilling second.
Virtual Seduction
Production Design
A man becomes obsessed with a virtual reality game that can ressurect his murdered girlfriend in cyberspace.
Dillinger and Capone
Art Direction
In 1934, J. Edgar Hoover and the boys made headlines for mowing down John Dillinger in a hail of bullets outside Chicago's Biograph theater. But in fact, according to this Jon Purdy gangster thriller, the Feds iced Dillinger's brother. Fast-forward five years, when mobster kingpin Al Capone (F. Murray Abraham) gives the real Dillinger (Martin Sheen) an offer he can't refuse: rob millions from a secluded vault or watch his wife and child get whacked.
Justine: Object of Desire
Production Design
Justine searches for an exotic jewel amidst murder plots and foreign intrigue.
Production Design
An edgy, terrifying tale about an intern who failed medical school... but never gave up surgery.
The Wasp Woman
Production Design
Janice Starlin is an aging model who owns a cosmetics company. When a researcher experimenting with wasps brings her a serum that will turn back the aging process, she decides to first try it on herself. The serum works, but it also turns her into a killer wasp woman.
Hot Ticket
Production Design
Two beautiful hostages find themselves pitted against cold-blooded killers intent on escaping with a million dollars in 'laundered' currency. Stranded in an alpine wilderness, the hunters and the hunted play an action packed cat and mouse game with the money and their lives hanging in the balance
Justine: A Private Affair
Production Design
Justine is a student at the Topacre Academy for gifted young girls but she has a problem: the incredibly handsome and charismatic Professor Robson that she spends all her time daydreaming about. Justine and the Professor find adventure and intrigue abroad while trying to locate the famous "Eye of God" jewel.
Emmanuelle in Space 6: One Last Fling
Production Design
As the aliens near the end of their sexual odyssey, Emmanuelle and her intergalactic lover experience spiritual and physical pleasure for possibly the last time.
Emmanuelle in Space 5: A Time to Dream
Production Design
Emmanuelle teaches her alien friends to explore sexual fantasy through their dreams, and searches for her own dream lover.
Emmanuelle in Space 4: Concealed Fantasy
Production Design
As Emmanuelle demonstrates the hidden joys of sexual fantasy to her intergalactic students, the alien's leader is torn between love and jealousy.
Emmanuelle in Space 2: A World of Desire
Production Design
Having made First Contact with intergalactic travelers, Emmanuelle continues her ongoing mission... to impart the secrets of human love and sexuality. She encounters an enticing dilemma, when one of the aliens falls in love with a vivacious earthling.
Emmanuelle: First Contact
Production Design
Emmanuelle makes first contact...when a group of intergalactic travelers arrives, seeking to understand human love and sexuality. Who better to teach them than Emmanuelle, the most sensual woman in the world...and beyond.