In the 12th century, Buddhism was still a relatively new religion in Japan. At that time, one school (Shingon) offered extensive training in complex and very demanding practices which might eventually bring about spiritual purification and realization. Various Zen schools offered students a lengthy path, literally composed of a blank wall and unceasing meditation. Yet another school (Tendai) emphasized complex metaphysics and the study of philosophical systems. Basically, all of them were designed to cater to the few who were able to give up everything else in their lives and focus on liberation, such as scholars and noblemen. In this historical and biographical drama, this is the situation that the young Shinran (1173-1263) discovered when he began exploring Buddhism as an alternative to the violence and ceaseless civil wars that racked Japan at the time.
During the raging war between the Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans, the swordsman Mohei (whose family has been completely decimated) is recruited by Toyotomi to overcome the seat of power, Osaka Castle. Mohei's daredevil skills will be put to severe tests.
Na Era Tokugawa, o clã do Yagyu tem escondido três rolos contendo suas Crônicas secretas, que, se reveladas, poderiam causar revolução e desastre no clã.
Depois de vencer uma sangrenta batalha naval contra o clã rival Heike, o triunfante senhor Yoshitsune Minamoto retorna a Kyoto para assumir o comando. No entanto, seu irmão ciumento e invejoso, Shogun Yoritomo, ordena que seus homens prendam Yoshitsune e todos os seus camaradas. Devido a uma circunstância de sorte, Yoshitsune e seis de seus leais guardas samurais são capazes de escapar. Para ficarem verdadeiramente seguros, eles precisam viajar pelo país e encontrar abrigo na casa de uma única amiga, Idehira Fukiwara.
Este filme foi proibido no Japão por quase 8 anos. O lançamento original previsto foi em 1945. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)