This silent French film begins with Georges feeling miserable, as he has ambitions of being a great musician but is forced to eke out a living giving lessons. So, he writes a friend to ask his advice. The friend tries to remake Georges and make him a bit of a playboy. However, when it comes to wooing a rich American, the advice is not exactly perfect.
One of the earliest colours films to be ever produced using the Gaumont Chronochrome three-colour additive process.
"Alice Guy-Blaché liked Feuillade's scripts, and one of them, Le coup de vent, was filmed by Etienne Armaud in 1905. Two years later, Alice left Paris to follow her husband, who had just taken over the Berlin office of Gaumont, and she persuaded Gaumont to let Feuillade replace her. From 1907 he was in charge of hiring directors, buying scripts, choosing stars and at the same time directing his own films." From Decades Never Start on Time: A Richard Roud Anthology
Supervising Producer
Sendo considerado o primeiro filme dirigido por uma mulher e um dos primeiros de ficção narrativa, A Fada do Repolho apresenta um breve conto fantástico envolvendo uma curiosa fada que consegue gerar e distribuir bebês que brotam de repolhos.