Chen Rui

Chen Rui


Chen Rui


Jiang Hai
Zhao Yuanyuan (starring Irene Wan), irrevocably in love with her husband as good as a wonderful wife and be supportive in both physical and emotional. When time passed, the society is changing too. While her husband's career is growing, the feeling has fate out gradually. From time to time, the values become increasingly evident. She finally chooses to leave, no longer confined to be a "service type" wife, but more into her dreams to achieve a perfect bloom. Such independence makes her life even more brilliance. In the era of reform and opening market in the Mainland, there are lots of women, who become an integral part and the main force of China's economic landscape.
Ocean Heaven
Xiao Ya
A história do amor incansável de um pai pelo seu filho autista. Uma pessoa em cada mil nasce com autismo; como consequência, a China tem 1 milhão de pacientes autistas. Dafu é um deles: parece distraído, repete o que as pessoas lhe dizem, nada com maestria, mantém tudo em casa em lugares determinados e talvez não esteja totalmente ciente da morte de sua mãe, ocorrida há alguns anos. Trabalhando em um aquário, Sam Wong mostra extremo cuidado e carinho com seu filho de 22 anos. Com a generosa ajuda de seus vizinhos, os dois vivem prosperamente. Porém, Wong compreende muito bem que um dia deixará o mundo e seu filho ficará sozinho. O que ele ainda não descobriu é que esse dia pode estar mais perto do que imagina.
The Soul of the Sea
The Great Military March Forward: Liberate the Northwest
Ma Jiyuan
Nu zi jie du suo
To fight against the Hong Kong triads and their drugs, police officers are investigating a women drug rehabilitation center.
The Rough Countryside Wind
The Rough Countryside Wind
With Sugar
Directed by Zhou Sun.
Country Folk
Directed by Bingliu Hu.
Xiang min
New policies for modernization of the countryside arrive in Sihao village.
Jie shi liu xing qu
Life of ordinary people living in a small street of Guangzhou
Swan Song
Swan song with a chapter like structure, spans many years from the onset of the Cultural Revolution to the 'open door' policies of the late seventies and eighties. The focus is on how off screen national events impact on individual lives, here, those of an elderly composer with an opium habit who is in constant political trouble with the authorities and his son who dissociates himself from his father.
Voice from Hometown
Directed by Bingliu Hu.