Uttsada Panichkul

Uttsada Panichkul

Nascimento : 1973-09-03,


Over a decade of entertainment experience, Utt's a familiar name in Southeast Asia. Thai/Chinese American-born Utt grew up in California where he attended California State University Northridge before transferring his studies to Thailand at Assumption University, where he studied Communication Arts with a major in Advertising. Utt’s popularity is credited to his range to both host and act. His hosting lists include music, travel, entertainment, the supernatural, and more. Utt is at his best handling Live Events and Telecast Shows, having hosted a Live Talent Show, a Live Band Series, and Grandeur Events such as the Asia TV Awards three times, the Mandarin Music Honors, Countdown Shows, and the Miss Earth Beauty Pageant. He’s an established Actor, acting in over a dozen dramas in Thailand in which several have been critically received. His acting experience has crossed over to Singapore taking the lead role in an Award-winning screenplay that was adapted for television called Chase, it was well-received and bought over to countries such as Japan a spinoff to the series was soon put into production with Utt leading the cast once again. Utt’s first film, an independent romantic comedy film called Tied In Knots was shot and produced in LA. He’s the face of countless endorsements in Asia, Utt displays the right balance a blend that gives him the opportunity to cross different markets.


Uttsada Panichkul
Uttsada Panichkul


Phoon e Yuke são um casal gay que espera pela legalização do casamento homo afetivo na Tailândia. Os dois tem um filho adotivo, Butr, e estão com esperanças de que a nova legislação dê mais segurança e estabilidade para sua família. Entretanto, graças à intervenção da diretora da Organização de Proteção dos Direitos das Crianças, que acredita que o menino precisa de uma figura feminina, a mãe biológica do garoto reaparece para tentar estabelecer uma ligação com o filho que ela abandonou. Como será que Butr e seus pais vão lidar com essas e outras situações impostas por uma sociedade preconceituosa? E como Phoon e Yuke vão vencer o preconceito de serem pais que eles tem contra si mesmos?
The Heroes’s Adventures
While four friends were watching a sci-fi period action movie in an old theater, suddenly all the main characters were chasing outside the screen. The Heroes are asking for their help escaping the villain in an ordinary world. Well, will they succeed?