Despite his family’s famed expertise on ancient relics, Xu Yuan makes a simple living as the owner of an electronics shop, eager to distinguish himself from a disgraced ancestor who was executed for treason after stealing a Chinese artifact for Japan. But when a descendant offers to return the relic to China, Xu Yuan uncovers a decades-old mystery and soon embarks on a journey that could finally restore his family’s reputation—and may also cost him his life.
Prime Minister
Há mais de 2000 anos atrás a China estava divida em sete reinos que batalhavam entre si pela supremacia do território. Qin, o soberano do Norte, era o de maior sucesso militar, mas lutava para preservar sua vida já que três lendários assassinos tentavam mata-lo. Um dia o oficial de uma de suas províncias entra no palácio carregando as armas dos três assassinos e alegando tê-los vencido em combate.
Ma Song's Nephew
It is the late 1920s when six-year-old Yingzi and her family move to Beijing. As Yingzi explores the busy streets and alleys, she befriends a widow who, driven mad by grief, stands vigil at the entrance of her hutong, waiting for her missing daughter to return.