Frans de Wit


St. Nicholas and the Flight Through the Sky
Throughout the country there is only one child who never puts her shoe: Floor. If she wants something, she just asks her rich father, the baron. Until Floor wants a pool full of chocolate items one day.
Cobain (15) tries to get his pregnant mother Mia to quit her self-destructive lifestyle. When she refuses to clean up her act, Cobain takes over.
Missão: Amsterdam
Videur 1
Ruben, Durex e Nora são três estudantes do último ano de faculdade. Ruben já perdeu uma vez seus exames pela falta de confiança em si. Mesmo problema Nora, a quem ele não ousa confessar seus sentimentos. Não é Durex, seu amigo de infância e o tipo mais irritante no mundo, que irá ajudá-lo... Quando ele descobre que Nora também é traficante de drogas e ela vai a Amsterdam para trazer um novo tipo drogas, Ruben precisa de coragem e decide acompanhá-la. Esta viagem a Amsterdã é o lugar perfeito para finalmente seduzir Nora, o difícil é que Durex está incrustado na aventura. Enquanto todos os três estão descobrindo a capital mais louca da Europa tudo vai ficando complicado quando eles percebem que a droga que vão para pegar pertencem aos maiores criminosos de Amsterdam. Reuben, Durex e Nora vão entender que para ter suas vidas de volta terão que se tornar verdadeiros heróis.
De Club van Sinterklaas & De Verdwenen Schoentjes
Sunny Side Up
To celebrate their anniversary, a young urban couple spends a weekend on a rural island, only to find its locals don't take too kindly to strangers.
De Club van Sinterklaas & Het Pratende Paard
The Club of St. Nicholas is surprised when Amerigo, the horse of St. Nicholas, can suddenly talk. They want to discover how this is possible, but before they can find out how this has happened, villain Jef Vandenaere steals the horse. He is hoping to win a talent contest with it. But St. Nicholas' eve can't continue without Amerigo! Will the Club, with the help of Stijn, succeed in finding the horse back on time? And can St. Nicholas' eve still be celebrated this year?
A Primeira Vez de Eva Van End
The ugly duckling of a fraught middle-class household has her life turned upside-down by the arrival of a handsome German exchange student, in this caustic, absurdist satire of petit-bourgeois family life from Dutch director Michiel ten Horn. (TIFF)
Dik Trom
Mayor of Dikkedam
Fat adolescent Dik Trom enjoys growing up in a hedonistic town devoted to food and fun. When a restaurant chain offers his father the life-long-dreamed opportunity to run his own, the Trom family moves. Their new home town Dunhoven is however inhabited by health freaks who prefer only fitness to dietary sobriety.
Suzy Q
A weekend in the life of a bizarre family in the sixties. Their lives will never be the same after it.