Uma especialista em desarmar bombas fica presa em seu próprio carro junto de seu filho e a namorada dele. Uma mina foi instalada no veículo e ela será detonada em 30 minutos. Agora, um jogo de tensão e paciência tem início.
Emma and Adrien are all set for a romantic getaway. But then Adrien is called to investigate a murder, after an instructor is found hanged at the gendarme academy.
Théo foi dado para adoção pela sua mãe biológica no dia em que nasceu. O registo deu-o como filho de mãe incógnita, mas a mãe tem dois meses para mudar de ideias... ou não. Os serviços de ação social e os serviços de apoio à infância iniciam os devidos processos. Uns têm de se ocupar do bebé, de cuidar dele durante este tempo suspenso, esta fase de incerteza. Os outros têm de encontrar aquela que virá a ser a sua mãe adotiva. Ela chama-se Alice e há 10 anos que luta por ter um filho.
Police Commander Louise Chaland is investigating the murder of a controversial sculptor with the help of her son Sylvain, who has become a priest. The body was discovered alongside one of his works, which has been daubed with Latin inscriptions. They soon establish a link with the disappearance of a relic of Saint Martin, the patron saint of the city of Tours. Their investigation leads them to a shelter for the needy, run by François Delcourt and his daughter, who was in love with the murdered artist. Clues start to reveal the disturbing fascination some inhabitants of Tours have with the missing relic. Louise and Sylvain will discover the rich historical and religious heritage of the city as the secular mother and pious son come to some sort of a reconciliation.
Na França, um casal consegue a adoção de uma criança. Com um pequeno detalhe, enquanto eles são negros a criança é loira de olhos azuis. Juntos ele tem de vencer o preconceito do família dela e a desconfiança da assistente social que cuida do caso.
Virginie, a charming young woman, has an appointment with a friend recently rediscovered on Facebook. In the cafe, a young man, Leonard takes advantage of her falsified delay of the appointment to approach her. What may seem like a simple attempt at seduction may be a more Machiavellian strategy. Leonard was once Leonore and Virginie's lover.
After a visit to the Natural History Museum in Paris, Simon Esich is convinced that a prehistoric man has escaped from the Evolution Gallery and is meddling in his life as a modern male. He realizes that this life coach of a new type could help him regain his lost virility and win back his wife Camille, who is becoming increasingly distant since a recent promotion and the appearance of Antoine, a handsome hunk with a devastating smile.