Clare Brody


The Tide Keeper
Data Wrangler
One night an old man dreams a storm into his bed.
When a City Falls
Data Wrangler
2010 on the Canterbury Plains and all is well. Lambs, blue skies and daffodils. In Cathedral Square choir boys sing to their God. Punts push new season's tourists along the Avon. They photograph the 'Garden city'; the 'most English city outside of England'. We get hit with a 7.1 earthquake. We stand up, wave our fists at the heavens and compliment ourselves on our ability to recover. And then we get hit even harder. Now the city has fallen. Many are dead. Many injured. Many narrowly escape. A fragile people reappear in the following days. We have learnt from the first earthquake and once again a response is growing. Once again adrenaline is taking over. Now the whole country is rallying for Christchurch. It's the energy of the people that's unprecedented. Communities are rising from the sand. People are holding tight to each other. A year later and the quakes keep rolling. Now the Canterbury earthquakes are the most ever quakes recorded in a series. And we're still counting....
No Limite da Mentira
Digital Intermediate
David, Rachel e Stephan são ex-agentes do serviço secreto israelense que capturaram um criminoso nazista nos anos 60, mas em 1997 surgem desdobramentos do caso que podem ameaçar a reputação dos três.
Digital Intermediate Data Wrangler
O Império Romano controla do Egito à Espanha, do leste até o Mar Negro. Entretanto ele enfrenta problemas no norte da Grã-Bretanha, devido às táticas de guerrilha usadas por seus inimigos. Um súbito ataque à fronteira do Império Romano deixa apenas Quintus Dias como sobrevivente. Ao lado do general Viriuls ele marcha rumo ao norte, no intuito de encontrar seus inimigos e eliminar o líder deles, Gorlacon.
Lost and Found
Digital Intermediate
A magical tale of friendship and loneliness, which tells the story of a little boy who one day finds a penguin on his doorstep. Although at first he is unsure what to do, the boy becomes determined to help the penguin find his way back home... even if that means rowing all the way to the South Pole!
Digital Intermediate
Adapted and directed by Marc Craste, Varmints is a 24-minute film based on the award-winning book of the same name by Helen Ward and illustrated by Craste, that tells the story of one small creature's struggle to preserve a world in danger of being lost forever through recklessness and indifference. A crew of 35 people worked in three countries over a two year period to make the film, and an original score by Icelandic composer Johann Johannsson and sound design by Adrian Rhodes complete the picture.