Jack W. Johnston

Jack W. Johnston

Nascimento : 1876-10-02, Kilkea - County Kildare - Ireland

Morte : 1946-07-29


Jack W. Johnston


Farrapo Humano
Nightclub Guest (uncredited)
Em Nova York, Don Birman (Ray Milland) sonhava ser escritor, mas não consegue seu objetivo por estar sofrendo de um bloqueio. Assim, é completamente dominado pelo álcool e passa a ter como única meta obter dinheiro para continuar se embriagando, se esquecendo que as pessoas que o rodeiam sofrem por vê-lo neste estado e tudo fazem para afastá-lo da bebida. Mas enquanto a namorada, Helen St. James (Jane Wyman), editora de uma revista, quer ajudá-lo, ele bebe cada vez mais.
Um Retrato de Mulher
Man at Club (uncredited)
A seductive woman gets an innocent professor mixed up in murder.
As Três Noites de Eva
Lawyer (uncredited)
Depois de um ano estudando ofídios amazônicos, o rico - porém rústico - Charles Pike conhece em um navio Jean Harrington, uma golpista. Eles se apaixonam, mas um engano os separa. Para reconquistá-lo, Jean se disfarça como uma senhora inglesa e volta para atormentá-lo.
Levanta-te, Meu Amor
Man at Maxim's (Uncredited)
Claudette Colbert faz o papel de uma jornalista americana baseada em Paris que envia para seu jornal notícias sobre a Guerra Civil Espanhola e se envolve com um aviador aventureiro que luta do lado dos republicanos (o papel de Ray Milland).
O Vendedor de Milagres
Magic Show Audience Volunteer
A maker of illusions for magicians protects an ingenue likely to be murdered.
Aliança de Aço
Man (uncredited)
Sinopse: Cecil B. DeMille nos leva de volta ao ano 1860, então reconstrói a primeira ferrovia intercontinental, a Union Pacific. Um dos últimos feitos do Presidente Lincoln foi autorizar a expansão da Union Pacific para o oeste dos EUA. Um espetáculo real e histórico, que as vezes mescla as aventuras fictícias do inspetor ferroviário (McCrea), a bilheteira (Stanwyck), e o melhor amigo de McCrea, Preston. Infelizmente, Preston une-se a Donlevy, que está empenhado a destruir a ferrovia, em nome de um cartel de políticos corruptos. Durante um ataque indígena, McCrea e Preston lutam lado a lado para salvar Stanwyck, então o inspetor tenta convencer Preston, a tornar-se um homem honesto.
The Rage of Paris
Relative at Wedding (uncredited)
Nicole has no job and is several weeks behind with her rent. Her solution to her problems is to try and snare a rich husband. Enlisting the help of her friend Gloria and the maitre'd at a ritzy New York City hotel, the trio plot to have Gloria catch the eye of Bill Duncan, a millionaire staying at the hotel. The plan works and the two quickly become engaged. Nicole's plan may be thwarted by Bill's friend, Jim Trevor, who's met Nicole before and sees through her plot.
The Sawdust Paradise
District Attorney
She dances- The Dance of Death. She Sings- The song of Life. Scintillating, Fascinating, Desirable, Swifty She Weaves the Web of Destruction and then Regeneration. A Drama of Lights and Shadows.
Obey Your Husband
District Attorney
An inveterate gambler is charged with killing a card sharp.
Flying Luck
The Colonel
A naive young man joins the Army in order to become a pilot.
The Black Diamond Express
Sheldon Truesdell
Dan Foster, the engineer of the Black Diamond Express express train falls in love with Jeanne Harmon, whose snobbish, high society mother, Mrs. Harmon, does not approve of the blue-collar, rough-at-the-edges Dan Foster as a suitable husband for Jeanne.
Desert Valley
Tim Dean (as F.W. Johnston)
Seeing cattle dying of thirst, a stranger shoots a hole in Hoades water pipeline. Hoades is hoarding water trying to drive the ranchers away. Hounded by the law for stealing a pie, the stranger sees a chance to redeem himself by forcing Hoades to sell his pipeline and leave the area.
The New Klondike
Joe Cooley
Tom Kelly, a small-town baseball pitcher, is sent to a minor-league team in Florida, and fails to make the team. He starts dabbling in real estate, in the midst of the Florida land boom (in which a lot of the land sold was under water), makes a fortune and buys into the team that cut him from its roster.
Unseeing Eyes
The sister of a silver mine owner hires a renegade pilot to fly her to her brother's rescue.
Captain of the Guards
When Yvonne de Chausson comes home from a trip to France, she is told that her grandfather, lumber magnate Andre de Mersay, has been stricken with an undisclosed illness. He is sequestered in a room and his secretary refuses to allow Yvonne to see him. Her attempts to get to him are constantly thwarted and the plot thickens with the appearance of John Thorne, who purchases part of the family's land holdings without Yvonne's consent.
The Valley of Silent Men
The hunter becomes the hunted, an officer of the Royal Mounted, fleeing, fighting for his life. Guided to a secret valley in the frozen North by a hot-blooded French-Canadian beauty, with a secret of her own...
Channing of the Northwest
A foppish Londoner joins the Royal Canadian Mounties and tries to break a smuggling ring.
Partners Of The Sunset
Jim Worth
Supposedly wealthy, Patricia and Vi Moreland find themselves penniless and dependent upon relatives when their father dies. They accept an uncle's offer to live on his Texas ranch, which is desired by an unscrupulous neighbor, Jim Worth. Young geologist David Brooks (who sells windmills) happens along and persuades the girls to refuse Worth's offer to buy the ranch. Worth has Vi kidnaped, and he gets the upper hand when Brooks rescues her. The geologist turns the tables, however, and Worth does not live to see either Brooks's windmill strike oil or happiness come to Brooks and Patricia.
The Broken Melody
(as Jack Johnstone)
Stewart, an art student in the "bohemian" Greenwich Village in New York City, lives next door to his girlfriend Hedda, who wants to be a singer. One night while they are dining at their favorite cafe, a wealthy woman, Mrs. Trask, comes up to them with a proposition: she knows he is an artist and wants to go to Paris in order to study and develop his talent, and she will pay all his expenses to allow him to do that. He refuses because he doesn't want to leave Hedda, but she eventually persuades him to agree. It turns out that she as an ulterior motive for what she's doing--as does Mrs. Trask.
The Test of Honor
Mr. Curtis
After serving a term in prison for a crime he did not commit, a man exacts revenge upon the two people who framed him.
The Twin Pawns
Harry White
A drama about twin sisters Daisy and Violet, who grow up unaware of each other's existence, one with their wealthy father and the other with their poor mother. The two sisters are manipulated by a criminal.
The Woman the Germans Shot
U.S. Minister to Belgium
The true story of Edith Cavell, a British nurse who served with the underground in Belgium during the First World War.
On the Quiet
Horace Colt
Young couple gets married in secret because her family objects to the match. To escape the family the couple goes into hiding.
The Land of Promise
Edward Marsh (as J.W. Johnson)
Based on the 1913 play The Land of Promise by W. Somerset Maugham about Nora Marsh and her life which ends in a farm.
The Eternal Mother
Maris, having married Lynch, a worthless man who deserts her, taking their daughter Felice with him, marries mill owner Dwight Alden after receiving notification that her husband and child are dead. Discovering that Alden employs child labor, Maris, assisted by the village minister, tries to persuade him that this is wrong, but he will tolerate no interference in his business.
The Cost of Hatred
Robert Amory
Justus Graves (Theodore Roberts) is a mean-spirited human being, so it's no surprise that when he returns home from a business trip, he finds his wife Elsie (Kathlyn Williams) in the arms of another man (J.W. Johnston). Graves shoots and wounds the man, then hides with his little daughter in Mexico.
Frederic Harmon (as J.W. Johnston)
Naomi is a young aspiring artist known to her Bohemian friends as "The Nut." Naomi's alleged nuttiness does not in any way impede the efforts by wealthy Frederick Harmon to make the unworldly heroine his bride. When their first baby is born, Naomi becomes so obsessed with motherhood that she completely ignores poor Harmon, who, to offset his loneliness, begins squiring the vampish Helen Carew. Helen manages to convince Harmon that Naomi has been unfaithful, leading inevitably to divorce-court litigation.
God's Half Acre
Henry Norman (as J.W. Johnston)
Leaving his wife Rose for a few weeks and eager to do research for his new novel about the elderly, Henry Norman goes to live in a home for the aged, where Blossom, the home's young maid, falls in love with him. When she lets him know how she feels, however, Henry tells her that he has a wife, and then, his research over, he returns to her. He discovers, however, that Rose has eloped with his friend, Perry Westley, and that they both have been killed by a lightning bolt that struck Perry's car.
Destiny's Toy
Thomas Carter
Young Nan was rescued from a shipwreck by a man who becomes her foster father. Years later, when he dies, she moves to a nearby city and unknowingly gets involved with a criminal gang. When the gang attempts and fails to rob wealthy Thomas Carter's home, Nan finally discovers what they are and tells the police all she knows, resulting in the imprisonment of Bad Riley, the gang's leader. Grateful, the Carter family takes Nan into their home, to replace a young daughter who had drowned years before, and the young son, Rev. Robert Carter, begins a romance with her. However, the jailed Riley soon escapes and comes after Nan.
The Moment Before
The film begins by presenting the elderly and elegant Duke and Duchess of Maldon, engaged in charitable acts in a Dickensian village. The following day, the duke falls off his horse and is mortally injured. Mourning the loss of her great love, the duchess collapses in church, and in the “moment before death” she reviews her own life. “It was in her youth that she had fractured practically all the Biblical commandments,” says the intertitle. In fact, when she was young, Madge the duchess was a seductive gypsy, engaged to the fiery gypsy John, but fascinated by Harold, the idle aristocratic son of the Maldons, who was prone to the family vice of excessive drinking. In love with the gypsy, Harold brings her home as a servant, scandalizing his older brother. A fight between the brothers and John’s jealousy lead to a fatal accident that forces both Harold and the gypsy couple to flee to Australia.
The Ghost Breaker
Markam the Man
Carmen, a maid, steals a locket belonging to the Aragon princess Maria Theresa and sells it to Gaines, a New York art collector, not knowing that the locket contains the clue to the Aragon family fortune's whereabouts. Based on the 1909 Broadway play of the same name by Paul Dickey and Charles W. Goddard.
The Rose of the Rancho
Kearney, Government Agent
Esra Kincaid takes land by force and, having taken the Espinoza land, his sights are set on the Castro rancho. Government agent Kearney holds him off till the cavalry shows up and he can declare his love for Juanita, called “the Rose of the Rancho.”
Where the Trail Divides
Clayton Craig (as J.W. Johnston)
Col. Landers adopts two children, "How," an Indian boy, and Bess, whose parents were killed in an Indian uprising. When the children are grown, How proposes to Bess, whom he has loved since his childhood. She accepts his proposal, thus angering Clayton Craig, Lander's nephew who also wants to marry her. After Lander's death, How is exiled from the ranch, so he and Bess buy new land. One day, after he has been away, How returns to his cabin to see Bess and Craig embracing. How grants Bess her freedom after which she marries Craig and moves to New York. Some time later, How discovers oil on the land that he gave Bess, so he follows them to New York. There he finds that Craig has been unfaithful to Bess. In the end, Bess rejects Craig so that she and How can remarry and find "a trail to happiness together." -From TCM.com Database, powered by the AFI.
The Virginian
A good-natured but chivalrous cowboy romances the local schoolmarm and leads the posse that brings a gang of rustlers, which includes his best friend, to justice.
The Caballero's Way
Lieutenant Sandridge
A Cisco Kid story.
The Trail of the Silver Fox
Sergeant Jack Daniels of the R.N.W.M.P.
A real life drama enacted in the Yukon region where the rigors of battle for existence reduced it's human characters to it's primitive. The girl's perilous trip to the frozen north to save a life will grip you tight....
The Lass of Gloucester
The Stranger - a Wealthy Sailor
With a parting kiss, Betty Lane, a fisherman's daughter, and John Monroe, promise to meet later in the day at their trysting place on the seashore. Betty returns to keep the appointment and is waiting but a moment when a wealthy young yachtsman comes ashore for provisions. He flits with Betty and Betty's heart is lost. John arrives to find his sweetheart in the stranger's arms. Betty ignores John's protests and agrees to the newcomer's proposal that she pack her things, meet him in half an hour and elope. John hides and awaits their return. The yachtsman is the first to arrive. He has his provisions and has not forgotten a bottle of stimulant, most of which he has already consumed. John thrashes him for stealing his girl, throws him into his rowboat, and orders him to get aboard his yacht and not to return. On board the yacht the intoxicated yachtsman drops a match near the oil tank.