Jim Delgado


O Último Navio Negreiro
A documentarista Margaret Brown retorna à sua cidade natal no Alabama para documentar a busca e a descoberta histórica do "The Clotilda", o último navio de que se tem notícia que chegou aos Estados Unidos trazendo ilegalmente africanos escravizados. Após um século de sigilo e especulações, a descoberta da embarcação em 2019 direciona o nosso olhar para os descendentes que vivem na comunidade de Africatown, apresentando um retrato emocionante de uma comunidade que luta ativamente para preservar o legado de seus antepassados enquanto analisa a justiça nos dias de hoje.
National Geographic: Untold Stories of World War II
Showcases 3 major events during World War 2 involving both the Europeans & Pacific conflicts. The Raids to destroy Nazi Germany's heavy water production based in Norway, plus the final desperate act to deny them what had already been stockpiled. The Japanese midget submarines role and participation in the attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. What they achieved plus what was their ultimate fate. The attacks on United States warships in the Pacific late in World War 2 by the Japanese Kamikaze and Okha Squadrons. The Kamikaze attacks were in whatever planes the Japanese forces were able to gather. The Okha attacks were made in specially built flying bombs that were towed by larger and usually slower aircraft that were not suitable for fighter work.