Alan Barry

Morte : 2005-07-13


The Return
Dr. Brian Cullen
A former alcoholic returns home after ten years in prison for the murder of her husband. As her recollection of the murder returns, things take a different turn.
Evelyn: Uma História Verdadeira
Justice McLaughlin
Desmond Doyle is devastated when his wife abandons their family on the day after Christmas. His unemployment, and the fact that there is no woman in the house to care for the children—Evelyn, Dermot and Maurice—make it clear to the authorities this is an untenable situation. The Catholic Church and the Irish courts decide to put the Doyle children into Church-run orphanages.
O General
Judge 2
The real-life story of Dublin folk hero and criminal Martin Cahill, who pulled off two daring robberies in Ireland with his team, but attracted unwanted attention from the police, the I.R.A., the U.V.F., and members of his own team.
The Brylcreem Boys
Mr Guerin
In 1941, as part of an effort to remain strictly neutral, the Dublin government made a deal with both Berlin and London whereby any soldier, sailor or pilot captured on Irish soil, whether of German or Allied forces, would be interned for the duration of the war. What the Irish failed to tell was that they would intern everybody in the same camp. It is here that Canadian pilot Miles Keogh and German pilot Rudolph Von Stegenbeck meet after a fight in which both their planes were downed.
Mães em Luta
Durante uma greve de fome feita por membros do IRA (Exército Republicano Irlandês) na cadeia, responsável pela primeira grande crise do governo Thatcher, duas mães de ativistas sofrem com a situação dos filhos. A sra. Quigley (Helen Mirren) é a pacata professora, avessa a ativismos e violência, que nada sabe da militância de seu filho. Já a sra. Higgins (Fionnula Flanagan) odeia ingleses, não tem medo de encarar as tropas da rainha e apóia incondicionalmente a ação do filho no IRA.
The Old Curiosity Shop
1839. The young Nell Trent is leading a happy life with her grandfather in his curiosity shop. Wharf owner Daniel Quilp has given large amounts of money to Nell's grandfather as an investment, expecting a large profit. But when Quilp finds out the old man has lost all the money with playing cards, he is determined to get the man in a madhouse as revenge. Nell and her grandfather are forced to leave their house and to start traveling across the country. But Quilp isn't sitting still, his spies are everywhere. Meanwhile a stranger is also looking for Nell's grandfather.
Em Nome do Pai
Archivist Jenkins
Em 1974, um atentado a bomba do IRA mata cinco pessoas em um pub de Guilford, próximo de Londres. O jovem rebelde irlandês Gerry Conlon e três amigos são acusados pelo crime, presos e condenados. Giuseppe Conlon, pai de Gerry, tenta ajudar o filho e também é condenado, mas pede ajuda à advogada Gareth Peirce, que passa a investigar as irregularidades do caso.
E a Vida Continua
Hemophiliac Patient
Baseado no livro de Randy Shilts o filme retrata os primeiros anos da AIDS nos Estados Unidos, desde o início das mortes em São Francisco, até o descobrimento do vírus HIV. Uma comovedora e iluminadora crônica dos nossos tempos. Com um elenco cheio de nomes conhecidos, foi um dos primeiros filmes a falar da doença. Corajosa e inesquecível história, que nos fala dos desafios da ciência, da manipulação da mídia, da corrupção, do engano, da tragédia e do triunfo.
The Treaty
Austen Chamberlain
How the Anglo-Irish Treaty between the unrecognised Irish Republic, represented by Michael Collins, and the British government was concluded after high-stakes negotiations in 1921.
De Volta à Praia
Cowabunga! The surfing '60s ride into the new wave as Frankie and Annette star in this hip update of their old-time, good-time beach movies. With special appearances by Bob Denver, Tony Dow, Pee-Wee Herman, Jerry Mathers and other familiar faces. Frankie and Annette grow up and have kids in the midwest. They return to LA to visit their daughter who is shacked up with her boyfriend and tries to hide the fact. They begin to have marriage problems when Frankie runs into Connie, who has erected a shrine to him in her night club. Their punk son has joined up with the local surf toughs, and things all come to a head when the toughs challenge the good guys to a surfing duel
Sgt Duggan
Former Irish Republican Army member Niall Hennessy lives in Belfast, Ireland, with his wife and daughter amid the ongoing Irish-British conflict. Though he still knows people in the IRA, including fugitive leader Tobin, Niall has given up his violent ways. One day his family is caught in a chaotic street shootout and killed by British forces. Overwhelmed with rage and hunted by a Scotland Yard inspector, Niall heads to London to exact his deadly revenge.
After 18 years as a friar, Peter is no longer sure of his vocation. It is a happy life, maybe too much so, and now he has met Clare. Will his doubts run away with him? Runaway friars are officially "fugitives" who must be persuaded back to their order. Author Sean Walsh fled the Franciscan order to become first a journalist, then a playwright and is now a radio drama producer in Ireland.
Achilles Heel
A professional footballer suffers an injury which could jeopardise his career.
Captain Nemo and the Underwater City
Survivors of a sinking ship are rescued by Captain Nemo and his submarine crew. They are taken to an underwater city where they may spend the rest of their lives.
Dead Man's Evidence
Airport Clerk
When a British secret agent's body washes up on the coast of Ireland, evidence implies that he was a traitor providing information to the Russians.