Severin Fiala

Severin Fiala

Nascimento : 1985-01-01, Horn, Niederösterreich, Austria


Severin Fiala is an Austrian film director, writer and editor.


Severin Fiala


The Devil's Bath
18th century Austria. Villages surrounded by deep forests. A woman is sentenced to death after killing a baby. Agnes is marrying her loved one and candidly prepares herself for a spouse life. Soon after, her head and heart start to feel heavy. Day after day, she is increasingly trapped in a murky and lonely path leading to evil thoughts. Maybe not just thoughts…
The Devil's Bath
18th century Austria. Villages surrounded by deep forests. A woman is sentenced to death after killing a baby. Agnes is marrying her loved one and candidly prepares herself for a spouse life. Soon after, her head and heart start to feel heavy. Day after day, she is increasingly trapped in a murky and lonely path leading to evil thoughts. Maybe not just thoughts…
Boa Noite, Mamãe!
Executive Producer
Chegando à casa de campo da mãe, os filhos gêmeos a encontram com o rosto coberto por uma bandagem – resultado, segundo ela, de uma cirurgia plástica recente. À medida em que o comportamento dela se torna cada vez mais errático e incomum, contudo, um pensamento horrível vai se enraizando na mente dos meninos: a suspeita de que a mulher por baixo da bandagem não é a mãe deles.
O Chalé
Dois irmãos passam a noite sozinhos com sua futura madrasta, e presos em uma remota cabana na montanha, o trio é aterrorizado por uma força sobrenatural.
O Chalé
Dois irmãos passam a noite sozinhos com sua futura madrasta, e presos em uma remota cabana na montanha, o trio é aterrorizado por uma força sobrenatural.
Mentes Malignas
Um filme antológico na forma de longa-metragem de horror. Estes segmentos assustadores são recheados de personagens conhecidos como mitos, tradições e contos populares. Criadas para dar lógica aos medos mais sombrios da humanidade, essas histórias lançaram as bases para o que hoje conhecemos como gênero de terror.
Boa Noite, Mamãe!
Está no auge do verão. Numa casa isolada na zona rural entre bosques e o campo residem dois irmãos gêmeos, de 10 anos, que estão esperando por sua mãe. Quando ela volta, com o rosto cheio de curativos e coberto por ataduras, após uma cirurgia plástica, nada é como era antes. Distante e misteriosa, ela se fecha no mundo dela e não interage mais com os filhos ou com o mundo exterior. Começando a duvidar que esta mulher é realmente sua mãe, os meninos decidem descobrir a verdade a qualquer preço.
Boa Noite, Mamãe!
Está no auge do verão. Numa casa isolada na zona rural entre bosques e o campo residem dois irmãos gêmeos, de 10 anos, que estão esperando por sua mãe. Quando ela volta, com o rosto cheio de curativos e coberto por ataduras, após uma cirurgia plástica, nada é como era antes. Distante e misteriosa, ela se fecha no mundo dela e não interage mais com os filhos ou com o mundo exterior. Começando a duvidar que esta mulher é realmente sua mãe, os meninos decidem descobrir a verdade a qualquer preço.
The End of Walnut Grove
It is forever night and nobody knows why. Humans hide in caves and pits. Dirt and darkness are their companions. All they hear is the wind howling across the frozen wilderness. Joe does not hear the wind, though. He only hears the deafening rattling noise of his generator which provides light and life. He does not need to worry about night monsters. He has ample time to look for the solution to the mystery of eternal darkness. INTEC has something to with it, and he will find out the rest as well.
The End of Walnut Grove
Director of Photography
It is forever night and nobody knows why. Humans hide in caves and pits. Dirt and darkness are their companions. All they hear is the wind howling across the frozen wilderness. Joe does not hear the wind, though. He only hears the deafening rattling noise of his generator which provides light and life. He does not need to worry about night monsters. He has ample time to look for the solution to the mystery of eternal darkness. INTEC has something to with it, and he will find out the rest as well.
The End of Walnut Grove
It is forever night and nobody knows why. Humans hide in caves and pits. Dirt and darkness are their companions. All they hear is the wind howling across the frozen wilderness. Joe does not hear the wind, though. He only hears the deafening rattling noise of his generator which provides light and life. He does not need to worry about night monsters. He has ample time to look for the solution to the mystery of eternal darkness. INTEC has something to with it, and he will find out the rest as well.
The End of Walnut Grove
It is forever night and nobody knows why. Humans hide in caves and pits. Dirt and darkness are their companions. All they hear is the wind howling across the frozen wilderness. Joe does not hear the wind, though. He only hears the deafening rattling noise of his generator which provides light and life. He does not need to worry about night monsters. He has ample time to look for the solution to the mystery of eternal darkness. INTEC has something to with it, and he will find out the rest as well.
The End of Walnut Grove
It is forever night and nobody knows why. Humans hide in caves and pits. Dirt and darkness are their companions. All they hear is the wind howling across the frozen wilderness. Joe does not hear the wind, though. He only hears the deafening rattling noise of his generator which provides light and life. He does not need to worry about night monsters. He has ample time to look for the solution to the mystery of eternal darkness. INTEC has something to with it, and he will find out the rest as well.
Dreh & Trink
The camera turns in circles around a group of friends during a drinking game in a cellar.
Dreh & Trink
The camera turns in circles around a group of friends during a drinking game in a cellar.
A newborn's destiny hangs in the balance, as grownups come to terms with what they cannot have.
Two directors shoot a documentary about the controversial director and pugnacious actor Peter Kern. But he cannot be easily rammed into the classical form of a documentary.
Two directors shoot a documentary about the controversial director and pugnacious actor Peter Kern. But he cannot be easily rammed into the classical form of a documentary.
Two directors shoot a documentary about the controversial director and pugnacious actor Peter Kern. But he cannot be easily rammed into the classical form of a documentary.
Elephant Skin
Featuring disco parking lots, Elvis impersonators and tough choices between personal happiness and responsibility for others, Elephant Skin combines its almost documentary grit with thick dialects and gentle stoicism to produce a superior fiction film.
The Fortress
A group of refugees hidden aboard a container ship discover their passage to safety is not what it seems
The Fortress
A group of refugees hidden aboard a container ship discover their passage to safety is not what it seems