Yekaterina Melentyeva


A Second Spring
The front-line friends during the heavy battle swore to each other that the one who would survive would continue the work of the deceased. Mikhail Nesterov remained alive and the main business of his life was the search for a deposit of valuable clay. These searches began his friend before the war, in remote taiga places. Yevdokiya Perevalova — the widow of a deceased friend decides to help Nesterov get to those deaf places...
The Girl from Leningrad
1939-1940 Finnish war. In the very first days, a group of female volunteers goes to the front. Young nurses and nurses in the hospital and on the front line selflessly help doctors to save the wounded soldiers, with weapons in their hands, take part in the fight against the enemy. In severe trials, the friendship and love of the film's characters is tempered and strengthened.
Doktor Kalyuzhnyy
По мотивам пьесы Юрия Германа «Сын народа». Молодой врач после окончания института, оставив в городе любимую девушку, возвращается в родной поселок и энергично берется за дело. Больница в полном запустении. Но герой не отчаивается, и даже делает научное открытие, которое помогает вернуть зрение старому учителю и сестренке бывшей невесты.