Hans de Weers


Anne Frank, Minha Melhor Amiga
Baseado na história real da amizade entre Anne Frank e Hannah Goslar, da ocupação nazista em Amsterdã ao angustiante reencontro em um campo de concentração.
Due piccoli italiani
Associate Producer
The daring journey through Europe of two somewhat naive friends, Salvatore and Felice, fleeing a small town in Puglia, who find themselves catapulted to Rotterdam and then to Iceland. For the first time in their lives they will discover what it means to feel alive and happy. Through some mishap and with the help of the generous and extravagant Anke, they will overcome their fears and inhibitions. They will be overwhelmed by life, discovering the joy of existing and of experiencing and receiving affection and love in a strange triangle of relationships typical of a 'modern family', bizarre and reassuring at the same time.
Messi and Maud
Maud and Frank are on holiday in Chile. Their relationship is fragile and so is Maud. After many years of trying, it is now time to face the fact that they will never have children. However, Maud is in denial. After a huge fight with Frank she runs off and sets out on a road trip through Chile to get her life back on track.
The Fantastic Family Hotel
Kos (13) is going through the most bizarre period in his life. His mother died a few years ago and his dad is having a heart attack. While Kos’ father is in the hospital, it looks like the hotel he is running will be a big mess. But Kos and his three sisters do not intend to let that happen. After the siblings find out that father is deep in financial problems, the hotel is threatened with closure. The children however come up with a solution: someone has to win the local beauty pageant, with a hefty cash prize attached.
The Surprise
An eccentric multimillionaire signs an agreement to have his life ended. While selecting his coffin he meets a young woman who has signed up for the same arrangement. Trouble ensues when the couple falls in love and wishes to get out of the contract.
The Dinner
Associate Producer
Two brothers and their wives have dinner in a fancy restaurant to discuss their teenage children's misdeeds. An excoriating assessment of Europe’s contemporary social ills.
Luz do Dia
Consulting Producer
Iris é advogada, mãe de um menino com autismo e acaba de descobrir que tem um irmão, também autista, que está preso por assassinato. Ela acredita em sua inocência e começa a descobrir um passado perigoso para ela e seu filho.
A Maratona
Quatro mecânicos de automóveis fora de forma decidem participar da maratona de Rotterdam. Se chegarem ao final a tempo, poderão saldar a dívida - caso contrário, perderão a oficina.
Man in Suit
Slightly absurdist story about a busy working mother who is left to herself when her husband forgets about their family outing. Stressed, she arrives at the fun fair with her children, where she is annoyed to find herself surrounded by all sorts of beaming families. A feeling of loneliness besets her. In her search for warmth and security, she not dispenses with her husband, but also her common sense.
Irmãs gêmeas holandeses viajam para os EUA em busca de sua mãe há muito perdida.
De Overloper
The relationship between Wolfs and Eva will be put to the test. Wolfs is imprisoned for stealing money from the government and Eva tries to forget about him. When Wolfs regains his freedom due to a technicality, he associates himself with a bunch of criminals. Wolfs and Eva meet again in a world where where not everything is what it seems...
O Senhor dos Mares
O Senhor dos Mares narra a história real do famoso navegador holandês Willem Barentsz e sua tripulação, que em 1596, tentou encontrar um caminho mais curto para a Índia através do extremo Norte do planeta, circulando a Rússia e cortando pelo ártico, navegando por águas nunca antes exploradas.
New Kids Turbo
Five friends from 'Maaskantje' are getting fired because of the economic crisis. They decide that they won't pay for anything anymore.
Dik Trom
Fat adolescent Dik Trom enjoys growing up in a hedonistic town devoted to food and fun. When a restaurant chain offers his father the life-long-dreamed opportunity to run his own, the Trom family moves. Their new home town Dunhoven is however inhabited by health freaks who prefer only fitness to dietary sobriety.
The Happy Housewife
Lea is an immaculate 30-something wife whose husband’s job in real estate allows her an enviably glossy lifestyle. The word ‘emancipation’ simply isn't in her vocabulary and as long as the money rolls in, all is rosy. So, when Harry Jr. arrives, she is a little traumatized at having to swap canapés for nappies.
Stijn e Carmen formam um casal de jovens publicitários que viveram uma intensa paixão no passado. Agora eles lutam para manter uma vida de felicidade e amor depois que ela descobre que está com câncer de mama.
Happy End
Na 'Leedvermaak' uit 1989 en 'Qui vive' uit 2001 is de trilogie nu compleet met 'Happy end'. Frans Weisz regisseerde, Judith Herzberg schreef. Een familiegeschiedenis waarin 3 generaties van een joodse familie elk op hun eigen manier worstelen...
Banking the Unbanked
Diary of a Times Square Thief
Diary of a Times Square Thief documents a journey of discovery: the search for the writer of a mysterious diary that the filmmaker found on Ebay. This manuscript describes the adventures of a young man who, in the late eighties, left the Midwest of the United States to go to New York to realize his big dream: to find a publisher for his work and become a writer. He fails, and the diary gives a frank and confronting account of the author's subsequent downfall. This is where the diary ends; its last pages have been cut out with a knife. Diary of a Times Square Thief consists of small, intimate portraits of some of the colorful characters described in the diary, who could have known its writer. Through these encounters clarity gradually emerges about the fate of the talented but failed author, and about the value of chasing dreams. In addition, the film paints a vivid picture of the world-famous Times Square area when it was still a dramatically brutal urban jungle.
Os Cavaleiros do Rei
Tiuri é quase um cavaleiro. Ele só tem de passar em um teste e ele vai ser condecorado. Ele só tem de dormir uma noite na capela, sem falar e sem abrir a porta. Então, alguém bate à porta da capela e pede ajuda. Arriscando seu título, Tiuri abre a porta e ajuda o indivíduo. Tiuri tem que entregar uma carta a um cavaleiro na floresta, que contém uma mensagem importante para um rei aliado. Quando Tiuri encontra o cavaleiro, o cavaleiro é mortalmente ferido e pede Tiuri para entregar a carta. Tiuri hesita, mas aceita a missão. A aventura começa …. Tiuri conseguirá entregar a carta na hora? Qual o conteúdo da carta?
An older film critic's life is interrupted by an unexpected visitor.
Obviously, Missiepoo16 is not her real name. She is called Rosan, is fourteen years old and a master at manipulating her environment. She livens up her outpourings to the ever-filming webcam with colourful texts and crazy pictures. One of her favourite activities is to comfort people. She is very good at it too, especially when her mother is sad, for instance about her boyfriend Ernest. Rosan cannot stand him and decides to sue him. Part of Kort!.
A Perfect Match
Leopold, um aposentado, viúvo, trata de emcontrar una mulher para o suo hogar.
Erik or the Small Book of Insects
Erik is a Dutch ten year-old schoolboy who is studying insects at school, and gets shown and explained a bit about them by his kind and knowledgeable nature-loving grandfather, whose country estate is a good place to do so and turns out to have a book on insects, which allows Erik to pass for one night, rather like Alice in Wonderland, as a miniature man among thus giant-looking, talking insects, who discuss their and other species and their lives with him, mainly winged ones, such as bee, fly and wasp.
Conquistando 90 por cento do mundo até os 25 anos de idade, Alexandre, o Grande liderou seu exército por 35.000 km em ataques e conquistas em apenas oito anos. Da minúscula Macedônia, Alexandre liderou seu exército contra o poderoso Império Persa, rumou para o Egito e finalmente chegou à Índia.
Caçadores de Mentes
Em uma ilha remota o FBI desenvolve um programa de treinamento para sua divisão de perfis e resgates psicológicos, chamada Caçadores de Mentes. Este programa é usado para rastrear serial killers. Entretanto o treinamento apresenta problemas quando 7 jovens agentes descobrem que um deles é na verdade um serial killer, que está decidido a matar os demais.
The Moving True Story of a Woman Ahead of Her Time
Frisian-spoken costume drama about the turbulent marriage between a writer and a socialist politician.
Each morning a group of people meet in the swimming pool to swim. The police suspects it is a criminal organization and interrogate Loes.
A family film, based on a well-known Dutch story from the Middle Ages. Mariken tells the compelling and poetic story of spirited young girl named Mariken. The orphan Mariken lives in a secluded forest with an eccentric old hermit. One day, she decides to leave her surroundings and sets off for town to buy a new goat. On her adventurous journey into the 'real' world, she finds out about the good and bad sides of people.
The 18.10 Train
Onno (30) applies for a dream job as curator in Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum. He makes it through to the last round with the arrogant yuppie Alex. The younger and self-assured Alex seems to have a better chance of getting the job and Onno will not tolerate that. A few days before the last interview, he kidnaps his opponent and locks him up in a remote cottage that his girlfriend has just inherited near a railway line. As soon as he gets the job, he releases his victim. Three years later - Onno now lives together and has a son - he is a successful curator at the Rijksmuseum and needs an assistant. While interviewing applicants, he is confronted with Alex, now blind in one eye.
October 1997. Paul Winters (35) is deputy public prosecutor in Arnhem and is working on his first major case: an investigation in to the allegations of a Bosnian girl that she was raped by three soldiers in the Dutch UN contingent and whose brother is alleged to have been killed by them. Winters suspects that the girl is telling the truth, but he can't prove it and the case is adjourned. Then one of the men gives a revealing statement that throws a different light on the case. Winters argues in favour of reopening the case, but faces opposition from an unexpected quarter.
Seeing Through
Pieter Le Roy is in his thirties and still lives with his old mother. He doesn't work and kills time spying on his fellow man - actually, he's spying on them; he comes to a head when he is caught by a making out couple in the park as a voyeur. His life as a peeping Tom gets in more trouble when teacher Rappange comes to live with them.
Scratches in the Table
When Madelief's grandmother dies, her mother takes her to the funeral. She then visits her grandfather, but quickly gets bored, until Mischa tells her how much fun a rural summer can be. She investigates her grandmother's "summer house", made curious by the lock on the door. Madelief didn't remember her grandmother, but from her snooping in the summer house she learns a lot about her. Written by Steve Schonberger
The Stowaway
Orazbaz, who lives in Uzbek, longs to leave his tiny fishing village. He becomes a stowaway on a ship thinking that he will end up in Manhattan. Instead he ends up in Rotterdam and is taken in by a lonely woman, but he is eventually betrayed by her jealous husband.
Sra. Dalloway
Clarissa Dalloway looks back on her youth as she readies for a gathering at her house. The wife of a legislator and a doyenne of London's upper-crust party scene, Clarissa finds that the plight of ailing war veteran Septimus Warren Smith reminds her of a past romance with Peter Walsh. In flashbacks, young Clarissa explores her possibilities with Peter.
House of America
"House of America" is a 1997 film directed by Marc Evans. The film, set in a depressed Welsh mining town, centres on a dysfunctional family unit of brothers Boyo and Sid, their sister Gwenny and their controlling mother. The film tackles issues such as Welsh identity, its need for indigenous heroes and the nation's perceived inferiority complex.
A Excêntrica Família de Antônia
Definido como uma celebração da vida e da morte, esta coprodução entre Holanda, Bélgica e Inglaterra ganhadora do Oscar de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro vai além ao contar a história de uma encantadora geração de mulheres. Comandada por Antonia, a saga familiar atravessa três gerações, falando de força, de beleza e de escolhas que desafiam o tempo. Nesse universo conhecemos curiosos personagens, como o filósofo pessimista, a netinha superdotada, a filha lésbica, a avó louca, o padre herege, a amiga que adora procriar, a vizinha que sofre abusos sexuais e os muitos amigos que são acolhidos por sua generosidade.