Wim Louwrier


Based on the Novel
The movie stars you see on the screen have once been selected amongst others. The glamor of the premiere is preceded by mug shots, selections, interviews, wining, dining, backstabbing and sex. In the end, everyone gets what they deserve.
5 Stories about love in Amsterdam (the Jordaan)
Red Light Diaries
For his animation cartoon Red Light Diaries, Juan de Graaf interviewed inhabitants and visitors of the Amsterdam Red Light District about their live in the area. The conversations, in which sex rarely plays a role, provided the inspiration for a very individual interpretation of the characters.
A Excêntrica Família de Antônia
Definido como uma celebração da vida e da morte, esta coprodução entre Holanda, Bélgica e Inglaterra ganhadora do Oscar de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro vai além ao contar a história de uma encantadora geração de mulheres. Comandada por Antonia, a saga familiar atravessa três gerações, falando de força, de beleza e de escolhas que desafiam o tempo. Nesse universo conhecemos curiosos personagens, como o filósofo pessimista, a netinha superdotada, a filha lésbica, a avó louca, o padre herege, a amiga que adora procriar, a vizinha que sofre abusos sexuais e os muitos amigos que são acolhidos por sua generosidade.
In the sixties, the founders of the magazine De Nieuwe Stijl were radiant stars in the Dutch literary heavens: Cornelis Bastiaan Vaandrager, Armando, Hans Sleutelaar and Hans Verhagen. Throughout his life, Vaandrager remained true to his ideals: you have to try everything. He became a poet, actor, father, writer, vagabond and junky, eventually ending up literally in the gutter.
The Johnsons
According to an ancient Indian tale a giant monster embryo residing in a crystal vase is predetermined to fertilize a blue-eyed woman. She will give birth to something evil to unleash horror and destruction upon human kind. Ugly septuplet brothers reproduced within the framework of mysterious genetic experiments terrorize a young innocent girl who seems to be chosen for the sinister predestination.
Looking for Eileen
After his wife Marjan has died in a car crash, Philip de Wit becomes a total wreck. Only after months does he return to a more or less normal life and even then he only works in his wife's bookstore. A year later Eileen walks in the store, a girl from Northern Ireland with her baby in her arms. When Philip sees her, he's dumbfounded, for she's the spitting image of his dead wife. Obsessed with her, he goes and tries to find her again, but he soon finds out that he's not the only one who's looking for Eileen.