Pavel Rudakov

Pavel Rudakov


Pavel Rudakov


Prishvin's Paper Eyes
TV director Pavel Prishvin is filming with his friend-filmmaker, whose film talks about Stalinism
I Am Returning Your Portrait
Moscou Não Acredita em Lágrimas
Em 1958, três jovens amigas do interior, Katya, Lyudmila e Antonina, chegam a Moscou em busca de seus sonhos de casamento, filhos e sucesso profissional. Muito amigas, elas dividem um quarto de hotel, trabalham e se divertem juntas, até que acabam por seguir rumos diferentes em suas vidas. 20 anos depois, fazem um balanço do que aconteceu com suas vidas, sem nunca desistirem de encontrar o amor.
Голубой огонек - в первый час
A Friend in Court Is Better...
Vasily Vasilievich Gulyaev, the driver
Director of Museum of local lore Ivan Bazhanov, being an enthusiast of the business, went treasure hunting, taking with him a few accidentally encountered people. They understand in pursuit of the treasure that sincere friendship is priceless.
Street Is Full of Surprises
man at the police station
Chief accountant Porfiry Petrovich Smirnov-Alyansky, who took a good walk on the anniversary of his colleague cashier Ivan Zakharovich Vodnev, climbs into the traffic controller's booth and disrupts traffic on one of the streets of Leningrad. However, the guard Vasiliy Shaneshkin mistakenly delivers to the police station not an escaped offender, but a quite decent cashier. In addition, Vodnev, offended by the police, turns out to be the father of the bride Shaneshkin — Katya. Vasiliy admits his guilt, but, not daring to explain himself, leaves the angry Ivan Zakharovich with bad thoughts about the Soviet police. Fortunately, the young sergeant will soon have an opportunity to prove to others the responsibility and conscientiousness of the police officers.