František Suchomel

Nascimento : 1920-10-03,

Morte : 1982-04-04


Velký případ malého detektiva a policejního psa Kykýna
Střepy pro Evu
Zbraně pro Prahu
Televize v Bublicích aneb Bublice v televizi
Zločin v Modré hvězdě
Počkám, až zabiješ
Svědectví mrtvých očí
Jumping Over Puddles
This Czechoslovakian children’s film takes place during the last days of the Austro-Hungarian empire. The young son of a horse trainer loves nothing more than riding his horse, until he is stricken by polio…
Murder Czech Style
The protagonist (Rudolf Hrusinsky) is a dull, fat, shy government clerk indulging in voyuerism and ego fantasies. In love with another clerk (Kveta Fiolova), he is urged on in his pursuit by a commiserate executive. The story is told in a flashback sequence as the cuckolded Hrusinsky attempts suicide by gassing himself in his bathtub. The "Murder" of the title is not a murder as such, rather the murder that Hrusinsky remembers planning upon discovering his wife's unfaithfulness with his supposed friend and advisor. Both plots failing in his mind, he loses himself in fantastic reveries of his funeral and of hypocritical mourners. ' Deciding (perhaps) that this is not the way out either, he gives up the attempt and imagines a life of reconciliation and eventual affluence.
The Five Sinners
On the Tightrope