Jon Cedar

Jon Cedar

Nascimento : 1931-01-22,

Morte : 2011-04-14


Jon Cedar


Love Shack
Sebastian Bulge
A dysfunctional family of adult film stars reunites for a memorial porn shoot following the death of legendary producer Mo Saltzman. Along the way, the film's hapless director must contend with dueling divas, bickering couples, emotionally-scarred tag-team brothers, and a dominatrix with low self-esteem. Given its all-star cast and lofty pedigree, the film should be the greatest porno of all time
Murder in Mind
Superior Officer
The L.A. police find two bodies in a fancy house and suspect the wife of one victim. Dr. Ellis, a hypnotherapist, takes her back in time; with the police listening, a pattern of spousal abuse emerges. When each trance ends, however, the woman, Carolyn Walker, wonders if those repressed memories are true. Dr. Ellis guides her through her trial, testifies himself, and continues treatment after the verdict is in. Carolyn's memory and well-being get worse after the trial, not better. She misses some therapy sessions, and Dr. Ellis comes to see her at home. Snatches of memory come and go. Can he help her remember what really happened? Are the cops satisfied justice has been done?
General Smith
With the discovery of an incoming asteroid, the government of America formulate a plan to destroy it. When the plan fails, all the world can do is wait. The main impact zone is revealed to be Dallas, Texas. Generally, the plot follows the lives and reactions of several characters: an astronomer, her father, her son, two firefighters from Kansas, two young doctors in Dallas and the heads of the government agency in charge of the situation.
Fotos da Morte
Robert Patrick interpreta o fotógrafo que flagra uma cantora de rock em sua intimidade. Ela aparece morta e ele se torna o principal suspeito. Assim que volta ao estúdio e amplia as fotos, no entanto, ele descobre detalhes surpreendentes que podem salvá-lo
Interceptor - O Caça Invisível
Um perigoso terrorista infiltra-se em avião cargueiro americano para roubar novo e poderoso jato de guerra que será transportado para uma base - o Interceptor. Mas no mesmo vôo está um experiente capitão que fará tudo para impedir que o avião seja levado.
Deu a Louca nas Federais
Senior Agent
Uma ex-tenente da Marinha (De Mornay) decide fazer o rigoroso curso para se tornar uma agente do FBI. Sua companheira de turma e quarto é outra jovem, uma brilhante advogada (Gross), apesar de um pouco desajeitada. As duas decidem se unir para terminar o curso e, principalmente, vencer os obstáculos criados pelos professores e colegas machistas.
Mensageiro da Morte
Em sua própria casa as mulheres e crianças de Orville Beecham, um mórmon, são vítimas de um massacre. A polícia acredita que o crime tem motivos religiosos, mas Orville não faz nenhum comentário sobre o caso enquanto é mantido sob proteção policial. Um repórter policial do Denver Tribune, Garret Smith, se envolve na investigação e gradativamente toma consciência de que razões econômicas motivaram os crimes.
No Amor e Na Guerra
Bud Salsig
This movie is an account of US Navy Commander James Stockdale's 8 year imprisonment in North Vietnam. During his confinement in such camps as the infamous "Hanoi Hilton", Stockdale, among other senior officers, led a resistance group against the North Vietnamese, facing torture, isolation, and starvation in attempts to break their wills. Back in the US, Stockdale's wife, Sybil, begins working with other POW wives to try to get information on their husbands and to inform the world on their treatment.
I Want to Live
Jim Stockard
The movie tells the story of a woman who struggles and fights to escape the gas chamber being condemned with capital punishment because of her participation in a hold up in which a person was killed.
Perseguição Mortal
Albert Johnson (Charles Bronson, da série Desejo de Matar) é um homem estranho e solitário, que gosta dos animais e se comporta como um fugitivo da lei. Certo dia ele impede que um cão seja morto durante uma briga, coisa comum nos anos 1930, nas gélidas montanhas do Canadá. Depois de comprar o animal ferido, Johnson desagrada a um bando de homens que, para se livrarem dele, inventam a história de um roubo num posto policial. O chefe da Polícia Montada, Edgar Millen (Lee Marvin, de os 12 Condenados), é obrigado a investigar o fato. Instigado pelos homens, o policial acusa Johnson em sua própria cabana. Mas Johnson acaba matando alguns agressores no confronto e foge. A partir daí, uma grande caçada humana é empreendida na neve para prende-lo. Esta história foi baseada num fato real.
Kiss Daddy Goodbye
Wally Stanton
Two children who have psychic powers use them to avenge the death of their father, who was murdered by a biker gang.
Aeroporto 79 - O Concorde
Último filme da série Aeroporto. Kevin Harrison é um negociante de armas que tenta destruir um Concorde para evitar que um dos passageiros, a repórter e namorada Maggie Whelan, denuncie suas transações ilegais com os países comunistas durante a Guerra Fria. O avião escapa do primeiro ataque, mas Harrison não desiste e acaba causando um pouso forçado nos Alpes.
The Manitou
Associate Producer
A psychic's girlfriend finds out that a lump on her back is a growing reincarnation of a 400 year-old demonic Native American spirit.
The Manitou
A psychic's girlfriend finds out that a lump on her back is a growing reincarnation of a 400 year-old demonic Native American spirit.
The Manitou
Dr. Jack Hughes
A psychic's girlfriend finds out that a lump on her back is a growing reincarnation of a 400 year-old demonic Native American spirit.
Capricórnio Um
F.B.I. Man Number 1
Nos anos 1970, em plena Guerra Fria, o Governo Americano e a Nasa unem-se numa farsa: uma missão tripulada até o planeta Marte é encenada num estúdio para enganar a opinião pública, forçando o mundo a acreditar nos progressos científicos e tecnológicos dos Estados Unidos. Três astronautas são obrigados a participar da farsa e das filmagens. O problema é que a cápsula não-tripulada enviada ao espaço explode na reentrada, e agora o governo não pode deixar os astronautas vivos para revelar a mentira. Segue-se uma diabólica perseguição.
Day of the Animals
Frank Young
The depletion of the earth's ozone layer causes animals above the altitude of 5000 feet to run amok, which is very unfortunate for a group of hikers who get dropped off up there by helicopter just before the quarantine is announced.
O Pirata Escarlate
Pirate Gun Captain
A pirate and a hot-tempered noblewoman join forces to protect Jamaica from a tyrant.
Time Travelers
Pegleg (1871)
When a novel virus devastates the world in 1976, Dr. Earnshaw notices that it resembles a virus that a Dr. Henderson found a cure for in 1871 Chicago. However, the doctor perished and his notes were destroyed in the Great Chicago Fire. Earnshaw is approached by a government agent, Jeffrey Adams, who informs him of a Top Secret time traveling technology and asks for his assistance in finding Dr. Henderson and his cure. But their adventure becomes a race against time when a glitch sends them back to the day before the fire instead of the planned four days.
Stowaway to the Moon
Hans Hartman
E.J. Mackernutt, Jr., an 11-year-old boy who has always been fascinated by space and astronauts, sneaks into Cape Kennedy and becomes a stowaway on a spaceship scheduled for a lunar landing. After he is discovered, NASA at first cancels the landing, but E.J. and the astronauts convince them to go forward with it. Problems arise when one of the astronauts is incapacitated by illness and the other two are stranded on the moon's surface, but E.J. is able to command the space capsule and save the day.
The Healers
The director of an urban medical center faces various major problems during the course of running the hospital.
Foxy Brown
Dr. Chase
A bela e sensual Foxy Brown parte em busca de vingança após o namorado ser morto durante uma operação. Ela, então, se disfarça como garota de programa para perseguir e matar os responsáveis.
The Execution of Private Slovik
The story of Eddie Slovik, who was executed by the Army in 1945, the only American soldier to be executed for desertion since the Civil War.
Little Cigars
A gangster's former mistress hooks up with a troupe of circus midgets who, as a sideline, rob banks and casinos.
Wake Me When the War Is Over
During the latter days of WWII an American Lieutenant accidentally falls out of an airplane into German territory. He is taken in by a Baroness who becomes smitten with him and doesn't want him to leave, so she doesn't tell him that the war has ended...for five years!
The Quick and the Dead
Lt. Rogers
A small group of soldiers capture a German observation post, but in turn are captured themselves. They soon escape and--with the aid of two women--try to fight their way to safety.