Kazuya Hamana


Snow Flower
Executive Producer
A terminally ill girl, who dreams of going to Finland to see the northern lights, falls in love
My Teacher
Hibiki Shimada, a normal 17-year-old high school student, still does not know how to fall in love—although surrounded by love "experts"—until one day she realizes that she's fallen in love with her hot and nice 26-year-old teacher, Itou. She then takes a path to make her teacher understand how she feels for him.
Wood Job!
After failing his university entrance exam, Yuki Hirano sets his eyes on the role of a forestry trainee. Setting off for training he doubts his decision many times, but eventually after passing the training course, he is sent to Kamusari Village for a year of work experience - where he becomes assimilated with the beauty of nature and the warm-hearted people of the village.
All-Round Appraiser Q: The Eyes of Mona Lisa
In this adaptation of the popular eponymous mystery novel by Keisuke Matsuoka, Paris provides the gorgeous backdrop for a grand intrigue involving the world’s most iconic artistic treasure: the Mona Lisa. Minds will be blown, puzzles will be solved, but will a 500-year-old curse be removed?
Uma Carta para Momo
Executive Producer
Após a morte de seu pai, que deixou uma carta que nunca foi além de um cumprimento, Momo se esforça para lidar com sua dor e culpa, e se encontra distanciada de sua mãe. Quando elas se mudam para uma nova casa em uma ilha remota no Mar Interior de Seto, Momo faz amizade com um menino e sua irmã mais nova perceptiva, um carteiro tímido e três yōkais patifes. Com a ajuda deles, Momo se prepara para mergulhar em sua nova vida na ilha.
Fullmetal Alchemist: A Estrela Sagrada de Milos
Executive Producer
Depois de um misterioso prisioneiro foge da prisão na Cidade Central, começa a tentativa dos irmãos Elric de recapturá-lo. A busca acaba levando-os a Table City, no sudoeste do país de Creta, onde Alphonse resgata uma jovem alquimista chamada Julia do homem que está tentando capturá-la. No meio da luta, eles literalmente caem na casa de Julia, nas favelas de Milos Valley, e, só então, percebem que estão envolvidos na popular rebelião de seu povo.
Patrulha Estelar Yamato
Executive Producer
O filme começa em 2220, vinte anos depois do desenho original. Na trama do animê, o planeta Terra está à beira da extinção devido à radição das bombas planetárias dos Gamilions. A esperança chega na forma de uma mensagem da Rainha Starsha, do planeta Iscandar. Ela dá aos terráqueos os planos para construir um motor superluminal, que pode levar os humanos a Iscandar, onde uma máquina - o Cosmo DNA - os espera. O artefato pode limpar a radiação na Terra. Mas será que a Patrulha Estelar conseguirá viajar 148 mil anos-luz e voltar em apenas um ano terrestre? Não se os Gamilions puderem impedi-los.
The Lady Shogun and Her Men
Executive Producer
In the year 1716 a mysterious epidemic stickens men in the country of Japan, dropping the population of men to 1/4th of its prior state. With the drastic reduction of men, the gender roles have become reversed in Japan. Woman become the dominant members of society and males are sought out for the ability to produce children. A young man named Unoshin Mizuno hopes to marry childhood sweetheart Onobu, but due to class differences realizes this is almost impossible. To raise his social status and also save his poor family, Unoshin Mizuno enters the Ohoku (inner chambers of the Shugun's castle) and attempts to vie among 3,000 other men for the affection of the female shogun. What Unoshin Mizuno quickly learns about the Ohoku is that the men there are all beautiful, but highly ambitious and conniving. In this environment, the 7th shogun Tokugawa passes away and the new shogun Yoshimune Tokugawa takes the thrown and enters the Ohoku.
My Darling Is a Foreigner
Based on a true story. A Japanese girl and an American guy, fall in love in Japan. Their relationship will not be easy to manage, with their different cultures and their different langages.
Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
Executive Producer
Archeologist and avid puzzle solver Professor Layton and his assistant Luke are caught up in an adventure when a masked figure steals an entire opera house and forces those in attendance to play a high-stakes game. The winner will receive eternal life, but it could mean death for the losers.
Rookies the Movie: Graduation
Executive Producer
Futakotamagawa High School had a Baseball Club, but because of a fight during one of their games, they were suspended for a year from all games. Composed of student delinquents, Futakotamagawa High's new Literature teacher Kawato Koichi inspires the Baseball Club to believe in a dream goal once again. For them, it is to play at the Koshien - Japan's National High School Baseball Championship. But, Kawato Koichi and the newly reformed baseball team run into plenty of obstacles along the way...
Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit
Executive Producer
In an attempt to spur citizens into taking more productive roles in society, the Japanese government issues death messages, or "ikigami", informing them that they have only 24 hours left to live. The film follows a young man tasked with delivering these messages, as well as the victims.
Meninos Antes de Flores: Final
Executive Producer
O filme se passa 4 anos após o pedido de casamento de Doumyouji. Ele anuncia seu casamento com Makino Tsukushi, que ganha da mãe de Doumyouji como presente de casamento o "Sorriso de Vênus", uma tiara valiosíssima, que contém 4 pedras preciosas, cada uma com um significado. Porém, essa tiara é roubada. Mas, como a mãe de Doumyouji não pode descobrir que os dois perderam a valiosa jóia, o jovem casal parte pelo mundo a fim de recuperá-la. Só que... essa tarefa não será nenhum pouco fácil. Com tantos obstáculos e dificuldades no caminho, Makino começa a refletir sobre o casamento dos dois... Será que eles realmente devem ficar juntos? Será que eles realmente serão felizes ao lado do outro? E é nesta jornada que eles descobrirão se o seu destino é de ficarem juntos para sempre... ou não.
Sand Chronicles
Executive Producer
A young girl named Ann moves with her mother to her mother's hometown after her parents go through a divorce. There, Ann meets her first love Daigo Kitamura. Daigo helps her get used to life in the country. Ann even gets through her mother's suicide.
Executive Producer
Japão, 2077: Uma agente chamada Vexille é enviada para Tokyo com o objectivo de investigar os japoneses e o desenvolvimento da sua tecnologia biónica, que foi banida pelas Nações Unidas devido à sua potencial ameaça para a Humanidade.
Executive Producer
A detective investigates a series of murders. A possible serial killer might be on a rampage, since they all are in the same vicinity and by the same method, but as the evidence points toward the detective as the prime suspect, a ghost in red follows him, and he begins to question his identity. His realization of what seems to have really happened results in something much more sinister and larger in scope, and it leaves his psyche scarred.
Japan Sinks
Executive Producer
In the aftermath of a major earthquake, scientists predict that Japan will sink into the sea. As further disasters follow, politicians plead with other countries to take refugees, while scientists struggle to save Japan itself.
Almas Reencarnadas
Executive Producer
Um professor universitário, possuído pela loucura, inicia uma massacre em um hotel turístico, matando 11 pessoas. Ao mesmo tempo em que filma seus atos com um câmera 8mm ele esfaqueia suas vítimas uma a uma, enquanto elas tentam fugir. 35 anos depois, Matsumura (Kippei Shiina) deseja transformar este acontecimento em um filme. Intitulado "Memory", ele convida a atriz Nagisa Sugiura (Yûka) para protagonizá-lo. Mas quando o início das filmagens se aproxima Nagisa começa a ter visões e sonhos assustadores, com o mesmo ocorrendo a outras pessoas.
Executive Producer
Um paciente morre por negligência médica e a equipe envolvida tenta abafar o caso. Algum tempo depois, ocorre uma nova morte por uma doença misteriosa, que infecta também os funcionários do hospital.
Kamikaze Girls
Executive Producer
Momoko is an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life. Ordinary, that is, if you define ordinary as wearing elaborate lolita dresses from the Rococo period in 18th Century France. However, when punk girl and self-styled 'Yanki' Ichiko comes calling, her days as 'ordinary' are most certainly numbered...
O Terror da Premonição
Ao dirigir no campo com sua esposa e sua filha, Hideki pára e entra em uma cabine telefônica. Lá descobre um jornal velho com a foto de sua filha e um artigo que descreve sua morte em um acidente de trânsito. Com uma horrível premonição, testemunha a colisão de seu carro exatamente como fora descrito na matéria. Aflito, torna-se obcecado em descobrir o mistério do jornal. Embora tente encontrar sua sanidade, é assombrado por visões de desastrosos eventos em sua comunidade. Quando recebe um outro jornal misterioso com um artigo que fala da terrível morte de uma jovem estudante, tenta fazer de tudo para salvá-la da morte e salvar-se também...
Onmyoji: The Yin Yang Master II
A group of demons in the ancient Japanese capital of Heian is dismembering members of a family of Japanese nobles.
Onmyoji: The Yin Yang Master
During a dark time in the Heian period, when evil forces threaten the kingdom, the emperor relies on the Onmyoji to keep the supernatural forces in line. But as political events become highly charged, friction within the order leads to betrayal. Now, Seimei (Mansai Nomura), a talented member of the clan, must face down his master, Doson (Hiroyuki Sanada), in the hopes of restoring peace to the kingdom.
Kodama learns that his old classmate Hayashi is getting married to an idol, and organizes a junior high school reunion.
After his daughter Mai is killed in an auto accident, a genius programmer recreates her in the form of a computer program called AI. His jealous brother-in-law, wanting to get his hands on the technology for profit, sends his client to steal it and Mai’s father is killed in the process. Learning of her capture, Mai’s old friends race to free AI from her captors so that she won’t fall into the corporate clutches that threaten to erase her soul.
Love and Duty
Two married couples struggle to cope with their sex lives. Kenji and Misaki, a seemingly happy married couple, lead a sexless life. Misaki, whose numerous seductions have been turned down by her husband Kenji, longs for a way to solve their sexless marriage. On the other hand, Shoko, a career oriented woman, is annoyed by the constant sexual attention she receives from her husband Yoshihiko, who believes fulfilling Shoko’s sexual needs is the greatest expression of love. When a chance meeting brings Kenji and Shoko together in a passionate affair, they suddenly find themselves re-examining their lives and struggling to understand what is truly important.