Bady Minck

Nascimento : 1956-12-21,


Ingeborg Bachmann – Journey into the Desert
It tells the story of the Austrian author Ingeborg Bachmann and her life in Berlin, Zurich and Rome, her relationship with Frisch, her trip to Egypt and her radical texts and readings.
Diamante - Fußballgott
Lost Transport
In the spring of 1945, a train deporting hundreds of Jewish prisoners gets stranded near a small German village occupied by the Red Army. Condemned to each other and in a context of deep mistrust, desperation and revenge, an unexpected friendship emerges between Russian sniper Vera, village girl Winnie and Jewish-Dutch woman Simone.
The Forger
Jewish aesthete Cioma, 21, does not let anyone take away his joy of life, especially not the Nazis. In 1942, he has to find new ways to make his living in Berlin and escape deportation. In the process he discovers his talent for forgery: not only with passports, but also his own identity.
A Fleeting Encounter
In the middle of a midlife crisis, Sacha leaves his girlfriend and moves into his grandparents' Airbnb. There he meets Marjan, a married Iranian woman. The involuntary encounter becomes a moment of new possibilities.
Quando um antigo prisioneiro da Grande Guerra regressa a casa para encontrar os seus camaradas brutalmente assassinados, decide levar o assassino em série à justiça.
Quando um antigo prisioneiro da Grande Guerra regressa a casa para encontrar os seus camaradas brutalmente assassinados, decide levar o assassino em série à justiça.
Yalda - Uma Noite de Perdão
Maryam matou acidentalmente seu marido Nasser e foi condenada à morte. A única pessoa que pode salvá-la é Mona, filha de Nasser. Tudo que Mona precisa fazer é aparecer em um programa de TV e perdoar Maryam. Mas o perdão se mostra difícil quando eles são forçados a reviver o passado.
Inspirado na história real de Angelo Soliman, um jovem escravo africano que, no início do século 18, foi escolhido por uma condessa para ser batizado, educado e levado à corte europeia. Já adulto, Angelo ganha destaque e se torna um dos membros mais apreciados da corte de Viena. Porém, quando ele decide se casar secretamente com uma mulher branca, passa a ser rejeitado e percebe que sempre será considerado um estranho pela corte, que não aceita sua origem.
Happiness Machine
The Happiness Machine is a cinematic performance comprised of animated films, musical compositions and testimonials. Ten women filmmakers, ten women composers and ten musicians present Christian Felber's Common Good Economy for discussion.
The Beast in the Jungle
Ambientado em uma remota mansão rural inglesa durante um período de um século, o filme acompanha John e May enquanto eles se observam e se perguntam se já tinham se conhecido onze anos atrás. Uma adaptação do conto homônimo de Henry James do século XIX.
The Beast in the Jungle
Ambientado em uma remota mansão rural inglesa durante um período de um século, o filme acompanha John e May enquanto eles se observam e se perguntam se já tinham se conhecido onze anos atrás. Uma adaptação do conto homônimo de Henry James do século XIX.
The Dung Beetle is late, the Parasite is asleep and Mrs Larva is more interested in her knitting than the director’s instructions. It’s clear: this amateur theatre company has a long way to go before they can perform their version of The Insect Play, a famous satirical work from 1922 by the brothers Karel and Josef Čapek which features insects with decidedly human traits: greed, egocentrism, jealousy.
Night of a 1000 Hours
When the ambitious Philip takes over the running of the family business from his father, he finds himself confronted by the mysterious reappearance of his dead ancestors. In the course of a long night, during which there is a murder, an illicit love affair and a game with false identities, Philip uncovers a closely guarded family secret.
Egon Schiele: Morte e a Donzela
Jovem, talentoso, sedutor. Egon Schiele é um dos artistas mais provocativos de Viena no início do século XX. Sua vida e obra são impulsionados pelas mulheres que o cercam: Gerti, sua irmã e primeira musa. E Wally, seu grande amor de apenas 17 anos, imortalizada na famosa pintura “Morte e a Donzela”. Com seu estilo radical, Egon atrai artistas ousados como Gustav Klimt, mas causa um escândalo na sociedade local. Para defender sua arte, ele está disposto a sacrificar seu amor. E até sua vida.
Egon Schiele: Morte e a Donzela
Jovem, talentoso, sedutor. Egon Schiele é um dos artistas mais provocativos de Viena no início do século XX. Sua vida e obra são impulsionados pelas mulheres que o cercam: Gerti, sua irmã e primeira musa. E Wally, seu grande amor de apenas 17 anos, imortalizada na famosa pintura “Morte e a Donzela”. Com seu estilo radical, Egon atrai artistas ousados como Gustav Klimt, mas causa um escândalo na sociedade local. Para defender sua arte, ele está disposto a sacrificar seu amor. E até sua vida.
Variações de Casanova
Giacomo Girolamo Casanova nasceu em Veneza (Itália), em 1725. Célebre pela sua existência libertina, foi um sedutor e amante instigado por um desejo de aventura e conhecimento que nunca o abandonou, nem na velhice. De espírito temerário, passou grande parte da vida em viagens pela Europa, onde foi encontrando algumas das mais importantes personalidades do seu tempo, como Mozart, Voltaire ou Rousseau. Mais tarde, já de idade avançada, dedica-se à escrita de "História da Minha Vida", uma longuíssima obra biográfica onde confessa as suas aventuras e que, desde a sua publicação, constitui um importante testemunho do pensamento do século XVIII. Neste "Variações de Casanova", o protagonista, já idoso, recebe a visita de Elisa van der Recke, uma bela e misteriosa mulher que o fará recordar o passado, as suas paixões e, sobretudo, o seu constante medo da morte.
Hannah Arendt
A filósofa Hannah Arendt e o marido fogem de campo de concentração nazista e se refugiam na América. Anos mais tarde, ela é convidada para cobrir o julgamento de Adolf Eichmann e escreve reportagens sobre o envolvimento de alemães e judeus na guerra.
Judenburg findet Stadt
Documentary about Austrian city Judenburg and its art scene.
The Mozart Minute
Twenty-eight well-known filmmakers living and working in Austria were invited by WIENER MOZARTJAHR 2006, to produce associative miniatures on Mozart. Requirement: they had to be one-minute artistic short films. The directors come from a whole range of different backgrounds, ranging from animated, experimental and short film to documentaries and feature films. The result is a multi-facetted sampler of diverse formal and contextual positions with regard to Mozart’s person and his influence on today’s society, art and culture. The contributions run the gamut from experimental-conceptual statements through socio-critical and documentary observations to pithy short feature films.
In the Beginning Was the Eye
No other adjective fits this little and delicious essay on Alpine landscapes and tourists that rest thereabout from the year‘s commotion. Bady Minck works with disposable material — old pictures and postcards — and builds with it a monument to touristic kitsch, using all digital technology available as if it were a rejuvenating system for memories. The result is hypnotic and absurdly beautiful, at the same time as it reveals to us that towns and cities also have a soul. (Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente 04/04) This film takes us on a time-travel using images of an iconic mountain found on postcards. The historic imprint of political realities and human fates are rendered visible onto the idealized landscapes. The post cards where written by travellers who witnessed the same place at different times.
Fast Film
Bits of found film and different types of animation illustrate a classic chase scene scenario: A woman is abducted and a man comes to her rescue, but during their escape they find themselves in the enemy's secret headquarters.
A landscape in which everything moves is afflicted with a figure which is in itself static, but which moves - a kind of mechanic man? In Mécanomagie both the borders of perception and (natural) laws are infringed so that something new may emerge: nature as a boundless state of ecstasy!
A landscape in which everything moves is afflicted with a figure which is in itself static, but which moves - a kind of mechanic man? In Mécanomagie both the borders of perception and (natural) laws are infringed so that something new may emerge: nature as a boundless state of ecstasy!
The Secret Of The Grey Matter
The story of an at first unsuccessful painter whose bitter struggle within the confines of his artistic works is traced from his studio to the interior of his brain.
Memoirs of My Nervous Illness, Part 3
On the 28th of October 1884 Daniel Paul Schreber, candidate of the National Liberal Party in Chemnitz, suffered a heavy defeat at the elections of the German Reichstag. He was taken up in the mental clinic of the Leipzig University soon afterwards. To his rehabilition he wrote an extensive piece of work, "Denkwürdigkeiten eines Nervenkranken" (Memoirs of My Nervous Illness), which was published in 1903 and led to his temporary dismissal. Hereby Schreber became the most quoted psychiatric patient in scientific literature. The third part was realized by Peter Tscherkassy based on a concept by Ernst Schmidt Jr.
The Man With Modern Nerves
A pyramid, by no means static, is instead brought to ever-increasing movement by the use of camera motion, cuts and fades. The cinematic illusion jumbles the individual elements and unites them in a symbolic sketch of Adolf Loos' dynamic thought processes. A High Speed Journey through the spinal cord of this revolutionary architect.
The Man With Modern Nerves
A pyramid, by no means static, is instead brought to ever-increasing movement by the use of camera motion, cuts and fades. The cinematic illusion jumbles the individual elements and unites them in a symbolic sketch of Adolf Loos' dynamic thought processes. A High Speed Journey through the spinal cord of this revolutionary architect.
Le Quatrième mur
Romeo and Juliet in the microcosm of the human body... Forbidden love between the young Bacterium Micromeo and Antibody-girl Globia threatens the harmony of the immune system, leading to war between ambitious leaders, and finally awakening a genetic monster that is ready to exterminate them all. "Love is stronger than dirt!"