Labros Kotsiris

Labros Kotsiris

Nascimento : 1917-01-01, Athens, Greece

Morte : 1998-08-09


Labros Kotsiris


Me demena matia
Short by Vasilis Moysidis
The Sinners
A young man leaves Thessaloniki and goes to Athens to find a job. But he gets tangled in different situations and gets accused of murder.
Abuse of authority
A police officer tries to discover the murderer of his brother, who was a pianist and a morphine. As a member of the Drug Enforcement Department, he tries to identify the head of a drug dealer gang. His unorthodox way of acting upsets his superiors, even though they allow him to continue his investigations. When the gang discovers that he is a police officer, he makes him a drug addict, but he manages to detoxify and eventually capture the gang's brain.
The Jungle of Cities
Stratos Stathatos
Athens, 1964. A police reporter, Nikos Avgeris, has the journalistic mission to cover a suspected car crash that killed a senior state official. His investigation reveals that the victim was responsible for the financial control of a large building organization and that he was being used to cover the illegality of his administration. This organization had abused much of the money earmarked for the erection of homes for homeless war wounded, and is now very much annoyed by the revelations of Augustus. This is why they try to close his mouth, but he is not hurt and continues the investigation. Augustus reaches the end, revealing everything and clearing up yet another dirty affair.
Face to Face with Death
Τρικυμία μιας καρδιάς
Prof. Vasilopoulos
Face to Face
The film’s main theme is the temporary affair of a professor of English (Kostas Messaris) with the daughter of a wealthy family, whom he tutors in order for her to marry an English businessman. The hero’s disappointment and his lost dreams make him blame his employers for his personal failure, but his need makes him accept their offers. In his dreams he identifies them with the Germans during the Occupation. Besides his love affair with the daughter Varvara (Eleni Stavropoulou), which stops abruptly after the arrival of the Englishman, the professor succumbs to another affair with the mother (Theano Ioannidou).
Ο άνθρωπος που γύρισε από τον πόνο
Αγάπη που δε σβήνει ο χρόνος
One Girl For Two Men
Kimon and Aris are brothers, still they are completely different characters. Kimon, the eldest one, is a serious, conceivable, and stubbornly man who refuses to marry. In opposite, Aris is an open-minded, lively and austere man. Their older sister Polyxeni is trying to bring them closer. Aris wants to meet his girlfriend, Myrto to his brother, but he fears that he will reject her because she is a singer so he convinces him to recruit her as his secretary by concealing her real identity.
Brother Anna
Andreas, nephew of the abbot of the Monastery of Dionysios, who died eight years previously, arrives at Agion Oros (Mount Athos) with a team of smugglers of antiquities, with the intention of stealing a gold cross set with precious gems, known as the Cross of Alexander the Great. He earns the trust of the meek and hospitable monks. However, a Jewish girl, Anna - whom, while still a baby during the war, her father had entrusted to the care of the hermit Vasileios - continues to pretend she is a young monk. She manages gradually to discover the entire scheme and acts to foil their plot.
Έγκλημα στην Ομόνοια
Synoikia to Oneiro
The stories of poor people living in a neighborhood in Athens and their difficulties.
In Thebes in ancient Greece, King Oedipus kills his father and marries his mother Jocasta, having two sons - Eteocles and Polyneices - and two daughters - Ismene and Antigone. King Oedipus dies a beggar in the exile after gouging out his own eye, and Eteocle agrees to reign in Thebes in alternating years with Polynices. However, he refuses to resign after the first year and Polynieces raises an army and attacks Thebes, and they kill each other. The ruler of Thebes Creon decrees that Eleocles should have an honorable burial while the body of the traitor Polyneices should be left on the battlefield to be eaten by the jackals and vultures. However, Antigone, who was betrothed to Creon's surviving son Haemon, defies Creon's orders and buries her brother. When Creon is reported of the attitude of Antigone, he sentences her to be placed in a tomb alive. Antigone hangs herself in the tomb and Haemon tries to kill his father first and then he kills himself with his sword...
This immensely successful remake of the 1929 foustanella classic was directed by Dinos Dimopoulos and quickly established its stars (Dimitris Papamichael and the beautiful Aliki Vouyouklaki) as the Greek cinema's top box-office draws. The story itself rigidly follows the conventions of its subgenre, although because Greek filmmakers were still churning out foustanellas for decades afterward, it hardly seems more dated than the original. Once again, it tells the tale of Mitros (Titos Vandis), a wealthy herd owner with a foster daughter named Astero (Vouyouklaki) whom he marries off to another herd owner, despite the fact that she and his son Thimios (Papamichael) are desperately in love. The other herd owner dies and Astero loses her mind a bit (although she doesn't wig out quite as spectacularly as Aliki Theodoridou in the silent original), but Mitros finally comes to the right decision and allows the children to marry.
Το Οργανάκι του Αττίκ