Seo Yi-sook

Seo Yi-sook

Nascimento : 1968-01-15,


Seo Yi-sook


Female Professor
Do-hyun e outros jovens perderam suas memórias de infância. Eles decidem tentar um tratamento com hipnose, mas, após a experiência, eventos estranhos começam a acontecer e trazem à tona um terrível segredo.
Memories of That Night
Dong Geun is a patriarchal and inflexible father. He is on the verge of being forced to retire after getting involved with a drug rebate and on top of that, he's diagnosed with late stage stomach cancer. With the little time he has left, he tries to do something as a father, but he only creates misunderstandings... This is the story of a father we didn't know. (Source: HanCinema)
The Mayor
Byeon Jong-gu's wife
For the first time in Korean history, the mayor of Seoul attempts a third term in office, with his entire campaign team ready to soil their hands.
The Fatal Encounter
Go Su-ae
Late 18th-century Joseon dynasty. The King is beleaguered and surrounded by traitors of the ruling elite. They plan to assassinate and replace him with a puppet. But the King has some aces up his sleeve that may help him defeat them all.
The Cat
So-yeon suffers from claustrophobia and inherits a Persian cat when its owner dies. She begins having nightmares and people around her begin dying as she searches for the truth.