Lothar Blumhagen

Nascimento : 1927-07-16, Leipzig, Germany


Käthe Kollwitz - Auf der Seite der Schwachen
Conrad Schmidt
Frau von Bebenburg
Oberleutnant Fritsche
Die Geschichte einer dicken Frau
Aguirre, a Cólera dos Deuses
Don Pedro de Ursúa (voice) (uncredited)
Em 1561 o conquistador espanhol Gonzalo Pizarro parte em uma expedição pelos Andes buscando a lendária cidade de El Dorado, uma lenda contada aos espanhóis pelos índios. Uma expedição de dezenas de pessoas cruzou as montanhas do Peru, e percebendo o cansaço dos soldados e escravos, Pizarro designou um pequeno grupo para explorar a região, nomeando dois nobres como líderes. Conforme buscam El Dorado, a ambição começa a crescer em Lope de Aguirre que trai o companheiro e toma o controle do grupo para si. Em meio às intrigas, nenhum deles contava que a natureza seria o seu inimigo mais poderoso.
Auf den Spuren der Anarchisten
Alfred Chaumartin
Graf Holk
Zweierlei Maß
Das Vergnügen, anständig zu sein
Angelo Baldovino
Wilhelm Krey
Die Erbin
Morris Townsend
Werner Kühlemann
Germany in 1949: The residents of the Thuringian village Hunsdorf are still heavily influenced by archaic superstition and explain unusual events with preternatural powers. The same happens when pigs again and again disappear from different farmyards. The village residents firmly believe that witches are the reason for this mystery. Not even police detective Kühlemann who is sent to Hunsdorf is able to dissuade them from their superstition. Thus, the farmers think his investigation is aimless and they do not support him at all. With a lot of patience and well-made arguments he finally convinces little Peter that there are no witches. Next, Peter’s grandfather and teacher Marianne take Kühlemann’s side. With their support, the police detective eventually finds out the truth and is able to put a stop to the gang of crooks that had been stealing the pigs.