Eric Gallienne


No Filter
Médecin réveil réa 2013
Beatrice celebrates with her family the release of her book: she tells about the accident of her husband Frederic. He became blind and without filter - always so funny and seductive, he is totally unpredictable. But this book, hymn-to-life, will turn into a joyful fist because if Beatrice changed the names, each of his friends seeks to find his character. The book awakens secret jealousies, while the group of friends and family pitch.
O segredo de Stephani
Le cocher
28 anos Stéphanie Vasseur sente como todos os seus sonhos se tornaram realidade. Jovem, bonito, e ansioso para ter sucesso na vida, ela acaba de ser contratado como o novo editor-chefe da revista "glam" de prestígio da moda. Ela acha que alcançou a felicidade perfeita após a proposta de Grégoire de Rougemont, um advogado bem-educado. Mas há um problema: para chegar onde ela está, Stéphanie mentiu sobre seu passado, suas origens de classe de trabalho eo fato de que ela ainda está casada com seu ex, Alex, que ainda está no Norte da França. Agora, sem o conhecimento de Grégoire e seu pai desconfiado, ela deve voltar para Calais para finalmente se divorciar de Alex. Lá, a região está em crise depois da fábrica rendas fechadas, e face-a-face com suas raízes, Stéphanie começa a duvidar da razão pela qual ela voltou.
Mark of an Angel
Le danseur
Elsa, a woman with a long history of depression in the midst of a divorce from her husband of 12 years develops an obsession with a seven year old girl she sees at a birthday party when she comes to pick up her son Thomas. Determined to find out more about the girl, Elsa uses Thomas as a way into the girl's family by aiding to develop a friendship between Thomas and the girl's brother Jeremy so that in turn Elsa can then befriend the girl's mother Claire. She uses Thomas more and more in her pursuit of this obsession telling her employer and fellow employees that Thomas is seriously ill so that she can run off watch the girl (Lola) wherever she goes. Elsa even tells her parents lies that she is going out with a friend so they will baby-sit so Elsa can even go as far as hiding in the bushes outside of Lola's house and watching her at night.