Michele Franco

Michele Franco


Michele Franco


I luoghi della speranza
Demais pra Mim
Cansada de encontros casuais, uma jovem com uma rara doença genética decide que quer viver um grande amor.
Prima di lunedì
presentatore del circo
La trattativa
Giancarlo Caselli / Ezio Cartotto / Magistrato / Massone / Agente dei Servizi
La Sapienza
Concierge de la Sapienza
The story is one of an architect that has lost his inspiration and goes looking for those motivations that pushed him as a youngster to take up the profession. Inspiring him was the baroque movement and all of its artifices: the Guarini in Turin and the Borromini in Rome. The film’s central story ends up being the love story that develops between architecture, artistic inspiration and feelings.