Mark Helms


O Falcão Manteiga de Amendoim
Zak foge de sua casa de repouso para realizar seu sonho de se tornar um lutador. É uma história de aventura que se passa num moderno mundo de Mark Twain que começa quando Zak (22), um jovem com síndrome de Down, foge da casa de repouso onde vive para perseguir seu sonho de se tornar um lutador profissional. frequentando a escola de luta livre The Salt Water Redneck. Por circunstâncias fora do controle deles, Tyler (32), um novato fora da lei, se torna o improvável treinador e aliado de Zak. Juntos, eles percorrem os pântanos, escapam da captura, bebem uísque, encontram Deus, pescam e convencem Eleanor (28), uma amável funcionária de um lar de idosos com uma história própria, a se juntar a eles em sua jornada.
Born in Bristol: The Untold Story of the Birth of Country Music
The birth of Country music in the true birthplace before it went to Nashville. The "hillbilly" recordings that opened the doors to birth country and rock and roll with Southern Appalachian roots with European and African marginalized and impoverished groups. These music sessions helped people survive the depression and developed rock for future American struggles, rocking the baby to the modern era.
Born in Bristol: The Untold Story of the Birth of Country Music
Picture Car Coordinator
The birth of Country music in the true birthplace before it went to Nashville. The "hillbilly" recordings that opened the doors to birth country and rock and roll with Southern Appalachian roots with European and African marginalized and impoverished groups. These music sessions helped people survive the depression and developed rock for future American struggles, rocking the baby to the modern era.
Pleasure Machines: The History of Pinball
Pinball historian Richard Bueschel hosts an hour-long look at the arcade favorite's illustrious history, including interviews with flipper devotees Slash (from Guns & Roses), Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry, baseball great Frank Thomas, and others.