Self - Film Producer (archive footage)
Após escrever a obra-prima “O Apanhador no Campo de Centeio”, J. D. Salinger decidiu não publicar mais livros. Este homem recluso sumiu dos holofotes, não deu notícias durante quarenta anos. O autor teria ficado particularmente perturbado pelo fato de três assassinos terem usado o seu livro como justificativa de seus crimes. O documentário tenta investigar os motivos de seu comportamento, e quais obras ele teria escrito durante o isolamento.
Himself (archive footage)
The life and work of Samuel Goldwyn, a Polish-born glove salesman who became one of Hollywood's greatest independent producers, is remembered in this classy documentary created for the PBS American Masters series. Based on A. Scott Berg's acclaimed biography, the film includes new interviews with Goldwyn's surviving family members as well as vintage interviews with such luminaries as Bette Davis, John Huston, Laurence Olivier and others.
Situada no início do século XX, no fictício bairro Catfish Row, em Charleston, Carolina do Sul, que abriga uma comunidade de pescadores negros, a história se concentra nos personagens titulares, o mendigo aleijado Porgy, que viaja em um carrinho de cabras e a viciada em drogas Bess, que mora com o estivador Crown, o valentão local. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Comédia musical ambientada no submundo de Nova York, entre pequenos furtos e jogadores profissionais. Marlon Brando é o jogador Sky Masterson e Jean Simmons, uma voluntária do Exército da Salvação. Frank Sinatra completa o trio como o banqueiro Nathan. A história começa quando Brando é desafiado a levar a missionária Simmons para Havana. A aposta funciona até que eles se apaixonam. Oportunidade de se ver e ouvir Marlon Brando cantando "Luck Be A Lady", enquanto Sinatra entoa "Guys And Dolls" e "Adelaide".
Production Consultant
A small-town shoemaker with a knack for spinning yarns, Hans encounters happiness and heartbreak on his road to becoming a full-fledged writer.
The scene is a small town in the Eastern United States, where the outbreak of hostilities in Korea has a profound effect on several people. WWII veteran Martin Greer wants to re-enlist, much to the dismay of his wife Nancy.
A priest sets out to catch the man who killed one of his colleagues.
Gail discovers the shocking news that she is adopted during a heated argument with her sister, Joan. With the reluctant support of her adoptive parents and baby sister, Penny, Gail goes in search of her biological mother and true identity.
After a long absence, Mary Jane visits her schoolfriend Eloise, and Eloise's daughter Ramona. Eloise drinks too much and is unhappily married to Lew Wengler. Eloise falls asleep and remembers her time with her true love, Walt Dreiser, at the beginning of the Second World War. She recalls the events that lead up to her split with Mary Jane, and how Lew married Eloise rather than Mary Jane.
It's the Hatfields vs. the McCoys in this 1949 film, with Farley Granger and Joan Evans as the hillbilly Romeo and Juliet whose forbidden romance rekindles a long-standing feud between their respective families.
Roland Dane finally retires to the house he was brought up in. Lost in thoughts of his lost love Lark, he does not want to be disturbed in his last days. However, the appearance of his niece and her subsequent romance with Lark's nephew causes him to reevaluate his life and offer some advice so the young couple doesn't make the same mistake he did, all those years ago.
Mel Swanson, namorada de um gangster, vai se esconder quando o namorado dela está sendo investigado pela polícia. Que lugar melhor para se esconder do que um instituto de pesquisa musical composto inteiramente por solteiros solitários? Ela acaba ficando mais do que esperava quando o chefe do Instituto, Professor Hobart Frisbee, começa a se apaixonar por ela.
Um bispo tentando construir uma nova catedral pede a Deus uma orientação. Um anjo (Cary Grant) chega, mas a sua ajuda não é sobre a captação de recursos. Henry Brougham é um bispo dedicado à nova construção de uma catedral que será paga pela viúva Agnes Hamilton. Dudley, um anjo, é enviado pelo céu para ajudá-lo. Mas Dudley acaba sendo tão prestativo e bondoso para todos que Henry acaba se sentindo ameaçado.
Em Nova York, o desajeitado Walter Mitty é o editor de ficção barata na Pierce Publishing propriedade de Bruce Pierce. Ele vive com sua mãe dominadora e nem sua noiva Gertrude Griswold, nem sua mãe e nem seu melhor amigo Tubby Wadsworth o respeitam. Walter é um sonhador e vive em um mundo de fantasia muitas vezes ao longo do dia. Quando Walter está no trem ele tropeça com a linda Rosalind van Hoorn que usa Walter para escapar de seu perseguidor. Walter involuntariamente se envolve em um perigoso jogo de espiões que estão buscando um livro preto com notas sobre um tesouro escondido.
Após a Segunda Guerra, 3 militares retornam aos seus lares e tentam se readaptar à sociedade. O maior clássico de guerra dos anos 40, este comovente e ainda atualíssimo filme, com roteiro de Robert Sherwood e a direção de Willian Wyller foi grande sucesso de bilheteria sendo vencedor de 7 Oscars.
Shy milkman Burleigh Sullivan accidentally knocks out drunken Speed McFarlane, a champion boxer who was flirting with Burleigh's sister. The newspapers get hold of the story and photographers even catch Burleigh knock out Speed again. Speed's crooked manager decides to turn Burleigh into a fighter. Burleigh doesn't realize that all of his opponents have been asked to take a dive. Thinking he really is a great fighter, Burleigh develops a swelled head which puts a crimp in his relationship with pretty nightclub singer Polly Pringle. He may finally get his comeuppance when he challenges Speed for the title.
Boisterous nightclub entertainer Buzzy Bellew was the witness to a murder committed by gangster Ten Grand Jackson. One night, two of Jackson's thugs kill Buzzy and dump his body in the lake at Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Buzzy comes back as a ghost and summons his bookworm twin, Edwin Dingle, to Prospect Park so that he can help the police nail Jackson.
A princesa Margaret está viajando disfarazada para escapar com suo namorado em lugar de se casar com o homem que seu pai quer para ela. Em alto mar, suo barco é atacado por piratas que conhecem sua identidade e planeam secuestrá-la para pedir ao seu pai um rescate por ela.
Hypochondriac Danny Weems gets drafted and accidentally smuggles his girlfriend aboard his Pacific-bound troopship.
A Ukrainian village must suddenly contend with the Nazi invasion of June 1941. Later re-edited and released as "Armored Attack."
Bumbling reporter Robert Kittredge has been fired after bungling his latest assignment. His career isn't all he's botched up: his girlfriend Chris is tired of waiting for him to marry her. When he gets a hot tip on some Nazi spies operating in Washington, D.C., he convinces Chris to help him break the story so he can get his job back. The pair soon find themselves in several awkward predicaments as they track the criminals down in a night club, a burlesque show, and face a final showdown at a beauty salon.
The story of the life and career of the baseball hall of famer, Lou Gehrig.
Oito professores estão voltados exclusivamente para a elaboração de um enciclopédia. Nenhum deles é casado, pois acredita-se que ter uma família pode ser prejudicial para o andamento dos trabalhos. Bertram Potts (Gary Cooper), o mais novo dos professores, tem como função preparar a parte de literatura inglesa e quer incluir no seu trabalho as mais variadas formas de gíria. Assim anda entre a população fazendo anotações e encontra em Sugarpuss O'Shea (Barbara Stanwyck), uma sexy cantora de boate, uma fonte inesgotável de termos popularescos. Inicialmente ela não colabora, mas ela namora um gângster, Joe Lilac (Dana Andrews), que foi solto por falta de provas. A Promotoria pretende detê-la para interrogatório até conseguir provas contra Joe, então O'Shea tem a idéia de se hospedar na casa onde os professores estão reunidos, usando o pretexto de que vai colaborar na enciclopédia, pois a polícia não a procurará em uma casa habitada por intelectuais.
Oito professores estão voltados exclusivamente para a elaboração de um enciclopédia. Nenhum deles é casado, pois acredita-se que ter uma família pode ser prejudicial para o andamento dos trabalhos. Bertram Potts (Gary Cooper), o mais novo dos professores, tem como função preparar a parte de literatura inglesa e quer incluir no seu trabalho as mais variadas formas de gíria. Assim anda entre a população fazendo anotações e encontra em Sugarpuss O'Shea (Barbara Stanwyck), uma sexy cantora de boate, uma fonte inesgotável de termos popularescos. Inicialmente ela não colabora, mas ela namora um gângster, Joe Lilac (Dana Andrews), que foi solto por falta de provas. A Promotoria pretende detê-la para interrogatório até conseguir provas contra Joe, então O'Shea tem a idéia de se hospedar na casa onde os professores estão reunidos, usando o pretexto de que vai colaborar na enciclopédia, pois a polícia não a procurará em uma casa habitada por intelectuais.
The ruthless, moneyed Hubbard clan lives in, and poisons, their part of the deep South at the turn of the 20th century. Regina Giddons née Hubbard has her daughter under her thumb. Mrs. Giddons is estranged from her husband, who is convalescing in Baltimore and suffers from a terminal illness. But she needs him home, and will manipulate her daughter to help bring him back. She has a sneaky business deal that she's cooking up with her two elder brothers, Oscar and Ben. Oscar has a flighty, unhappy wife and a dishonest worm of a son. Will the daughter have to marry this contemptible cousin? Who will she grow up to be - her mother or her aunt? Or can she escape the fate of both?
Fazendeiros lutam pelo controle das terras do Juiz, o lendário Roy Bean, um homem que pode tanto temer como honrar a lei do Oeste. Walter Brennan (Kentucky), em sua 3ª atuação ganhadora de Prêmio da Academia*, vive o todo poderoso Roy Bean. O vencedor do Oscar® - Gary Cooper (High Noon) é Cole Hardin, um estranho acusado de roubar um cavalo, que tenta se livrar da forca graças a Bean. Dirigido pelo vencedor do Oscar® - William Wyler (Ben-Hur), A Última Fronteira é a saga de um homem que mostra coragem ao enfrentar seus inimigos.
Fazendeiros lutam pelo controle das terras do Juiz, o lendário Roy Bean, um homem que pode tanto temer como honrar a lei do Oeste. Walter Brennan (Kentucky), em sua 3ª atuação ganhadora de Prêmio da Academia*, vive o todo poderoso Roy Bean. O vencedor do Oscar® - Gary Cooper (High Noon) é Cole Hardin, um estranho acusado de roubar um cavalo, que tenta se livrar da forca graças a Bean. Dirigido pelo vencedor do Oscar® - William Wyler (Ben-Hur), A Última Fronteira é a saga de um homem que mostra coragem ao enfrentar seus inimigos.
Man about town and First Class cricketer A.J. Raffles keeps himself solvent with daring robberies. Meeting Gwen from his schooldays and falling in love all over again, he spends the weekend with her parents, Lord and Lady Melrose. A necklace presents an irresistible temptation, but also in attendance is Scotland Yard's finest, finally on the trail.
In the wake of the Spanish-American war, military doctor Bill Canavan (Cooper) arrives at a war-torn Filipino outpost. Infested with cholera and under attack from a vicious local Moro chieftain, the troops are terrified and their commanding officer has all but given up hope. Outnumbered and out of supplies, Canavan decides to trade his scalpel for a rifle and rally the few remaining troops into one last stand before the outpost and everyone inside becomes just another footnote in history.
The future is bleak for a troubled boy from a broken home in the slums. He runs away when his step father breaks his violin, ending up sleeping in the basement of a music school for poor children.
Humilhado por seu irmão de criação Hindley (Hugh Williams), Heathcliff (Laurence Olivier) torna-se um homem rico e em busca de vingança. Ao mesmo tempo, porém, o rebelde nutre grande paixão por Cathy (Merle Oberon), irmã do homem que deseja matar e que, durante os anos em que esteve ausente da Inglaterra, casou-se com o nobre Edgar (David Niven). Certo dia, o Sr. Earnshaw retorna de viagem da cidade, trazendo consigo o pequeno órfão chamado Heathcliff. Porém, o filho de Earnshaw, Hindley, sente ciúmes do garoto, enquanto Catherine, sua filha, torna-se a paixão infantil e logo o amor de Heathcliff. As coisas mudam quando os pais dos garotos morrem, e Heathcliff começa a ser tratado como mero empregado. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Mary Smith decides after a lifetime of being a shut-in to do something wild while her father is out campaigning for the presidency, so she takes off for the family's home in West Palm Beach and inadvertently becomes romantically entangled with earnest cowboy Stretch Willoughby. Neither the dalliance nor the cowboy fit with the upper class image projected by her esteemed father, forcing her to choose.
Mary Smith decides after a lifetime of being a shut-in to do something wild while her father is out campaigning for the presidency, so she takes off for the family's home in West Palm Beach and inadvertently becomes romantically entangled with earnest cowboy Stretch Willoughby. Neither the dalliance nor the cowboy fit with the upper class image projected by her esteemed father, forcing her to choose.
Marco Polo (Cooper) cruza o mar em busca de tesouros e aventuras. Com a ajuda de seu fiel e covarde amigo Binguccio (Ernest Truex), encontra na China, como primeiro visitante do país europeu, várias inovações práticas como massas e explosivos. Ele é também apresentado a Kublai Khan (George Barbier), o imperador sábio e benevolente da China, e sua adorável filha, a Princesa Kukachin (Sigrid Gurie). O romance começa a florescer entre Marco e a princesa, mas Ahmed (Basil Rathbone), o dissimulado assistente do Imperador, também tem seus olhos sobre a princesa e ele está determinado a conquistar a mão dela e assim usurpar o trono de Kublai Khan.
Movie producer chooses a simple girl to be "Miss Humanity" and to critically evalute his movies from the point of view of the ordinary person.
A Polynesian sailor is separated from his wife when he's unjustly imprisoned for defending himself against a colonial bully. Members of the community petition the governor for clemency but all pretense of law and order are soon shattered by an incoming tropical storm.
A Polynesian sailor is separated from his wife when he's unjustly imprisoned for defending himself against a colonial bully. Members of the community petition the governor for clemency but all pretense of law and order are soon shattered by an incoming tropical storm.
O mafioso "Baby Face" Martin volta para casa para visitar o bairro de Nova York onde cresceu, encontrando sua mãe, que o rejeita por causa de seu estilo de vida de gângster, e sua antiga namorada, Francey, agora uma prostituta sifilítica. Martin também cruza o caminho de Dave, um amigo de infância que luta para se tornar um arquiteto, e os Dead End Kids, uma gangue de garotos vagando pelas ruas das favelas do East Side da cidade.
Stella e Stephen Dallas são casados e têm uma filha, Laurel. O casal se separa quando Stephen se cansa do comportamento vulgar de Stella. Em pouco tempo, Stephen se casa com a viúva Helen, abalando Stella profundamente. Isso faz com que Laurel passe a ser a única razão pela qual Stella viva.
A pretty architect devises a wild scheme to convince a handsome millionaire to fund a new housing development project.
In 1921, British Lord Athleigh arrives in Dublin with his daughter, Helen, to engage in peace talks. As wanted Irish rebel leader Dennis Riordan is not recognized in public, he is able to move about freely and saves the Athleighs from an assassination attempt by a radical faction. Dennis and Helen meet again and, unaware of his position, Helen falls in love with him. Later when Dennis admits his identity, Helen must make a fateful decision.
Wyoming, década de 1880. Lenhador Barney Glasgow despreza a amada Lotta Morgan, cantora de saloon, em favor de um casamento por interesse com Emma Louise, filha do patrão. Seu amigo Swan Bostrom une-se a Lotta. Barney enriquece derrubando árvores sem o cuidado de replantá-las. Anos mais tarde, tanto ele quanto o filho Richard apaixonam-se pela filha de Lotta e Swan, também chamada Lotta e também muito parecida com a mãe.
Um empresário se aposenta vendendo sua montadora de veículos e parte em uma viagem com sua esposa para a Europa, que está em negação sobre sua idade e usa a viagem como uma oportunidade de flertar com outros homens.
Martha and Karen graduate from college and turn an old Massachusetts farm into a school for girls. The friends are aided in their venture by local doctor Joe Cardin, who begins a relationship with Karen, and a prominent woman whose granddaughter, Mary, later enrolls in the new school. Mary soon reveals herself to be a spiteful child and tells a scandalous lie about Martha and Joe that threatens to destroy the lives of all involved.
Meek Eddie Pink becomes manager of an amusement park beset by mobsters.
When Brighton Lorrimore returns home with his new bride, Phyllis, his family makes their disappointment in his choice obvious. Facing bankruptcy and the loss of their mansion and social position, they had hoped that Brighton would marry wealthy heiress and family friend, Edith Gilbert.
Numa corrida do ouro californiano que atraiu aventureiros dos quatro cantos do mundo, chegam por terra ou por mar. Na véspera do ano novo em São Francisco chega um barco com pessoas só com um pensamento: ouro, mas igualmente está a bordo Marcus Aurelius Cobb (Frank Craven), um jornalista que pretende fundar um jornal na cidade, e Mary Rutledge (Miriam Hopkins), que veio da cidade de Nova Iorque.
Mary quer se casar muito brevemente com Dan Morgan, que foi responsável pela greve no Vale dos Colonos, mas ela tem uma desagradável surpresa ao ter conhecimento que o mesmo vale e Dan já não existem. Uma história que fala da febre do ouro e das diferentes maneiras que o homem com sede de riqueza arranja para o conseguir.
Kitty Vane, Alan Trent, and Gerald Shannon have been inseparable friends since childhood. Kitty has always known she would marry one of them, but has waited until the beginning of World War I before finally choosing Alan. Gerald graciously gives them his blessing. Then, Gerald and Alan go to war. Angered over a misunderstanding involving Alan and Kitty, Gerald sends Alan on a dangerous mission that will change all their lives forever.
While working on a novel in his country home in Connecticut, married writer Tony Barrett (Cooper) becomes attracted to Manya (Sten), the daughter of a neighboring farmer. Manya is unhappily engaged to Frederik (Bellamy). Due to a snowstorm, Tony and Manya are trapped together in his house overnight. The next day, Manya's father insists her wedding to Frederik take place in spite of Manya's misgivings. Drunkenness and jealousy result in tragedy at the wedding reception that night.
A musical comedy about a Brooklyn boy who inherits a fortune from his archaeologist father, but has to go to Egypt to claim it.
Nekhludoff, a Russian nobleman serving on a jury, discovers that the young girl on trial, Katusha, is someone he once seduced and abandoned and that he himself bears responsibility for reducing her to crime. He sets out to redeem her and himself in the process.
Young Parisian Nana wards off of a boozed-up military officer at a local restaurant, and fellow diner Gaston Greiner is so impressed with her pluck that he decides to make her a performer at his musical theater. Soon, Nana is a star, and the girlfriend of Greiner and two other men. But when he learns that she's been getting around, Greiner fires her. As she tries to reclaim her singing job while dodging yet another suitor, her treachery might get the better of her.
A drug-addicted member of Parliament needs to take time off and secretly pull his life together, so he gets his lookalike cousin to agree to temporarily assume his identity.
A kind-hearted young man is thrown out of his corrupt home town of West Rome, Oklahoma. He falls asleep and dreams that he is back in the days of olden Rome, where he gets mixed up with court intrigue and a murder plot against the Emperor.
A London barrister's marriage is under strain after his affair with a shopgirl who is out to have him. The story is told in flashback.
Eddie and his Mexican friend Ricardo are expelled from college after Ricardo put Eddie in the girl's dormitory when he was drunk. Per chance Eddie gets mixed up in a bank robbery and is forced to drive the robbers to safety. To get rid of him they force him to leave the USA for Mexico, but a cop is following him. Eddie meets Ricardo there, Ricardo helps him avoid being arrested by the cop when he introduces Eddie as the great Spanish bullfighter Don Sebastian II. The problem is, the cop is still curious and has tickets for the bullfight. Eddie's situation becomes more critical, when he tries to help Ricardo to win the girl he loves, but she's engaged to a "real" Mexican, who is, unknown to her father, involved in illegal business. While trying to avoid all this trouble, Eddie himself falls in love with his friend's girl friend's sister Rosalie, who also want to see the great Don Sebastian II to kill the bull in the arena.
Um ladrão charmoso e muito ousado conhecido como Arsène Lupin está aterrorizando os ricos de Paris, ele chega a ameaçar a Mona Lisa. Mas a polícia, liderada pelo grande Guerchard, acha que conhece a identidade de Arsène Lupin e tem uma arma secreta para pegá-lo.
A trio of money-hungry women rent a luxurious penthouse, spending their dough on drink and debonair clothing, backbiting and catfighting as they steal each other's boyfriends.
A medical researcher is sent to a plague outbreak, where he has to decide priorities for the use of a vaccine.
A medical researcher is sent to a plague outbreak, where he has to decide priorities for the use of a vaccine.
At a hotel in the middle of the Sahara, an old man and his daughter try to keep the location of a hidden treasure from a collection of thieves and criminals staying at the hotel who are determined to get it. A suave gentleman thief arrives at the hotel one day with his own plan to get the loot, but complications ensue when he begins to fall for the daughter.
Musical comedy antics in an art deco bakery (motto: "Glorifying the American Doughnut") with Eddie Cantor as an assistant to a phoney psychic, who is mistaken for an efficiency expert and placed in charge. Complications ensue when the psychic and his gang attempt to rub the payroll.
The setting is a city block during a sweltering summer, where the residents serve as representatives of the not-very-idealized American melting pot. There is idle chitchat, gossip, jealousy, racism, adultery, and suddenly but not unexpectedly, a murder.
A young opera singer finds her career stalled because of her cold and passionless performances, until she finds romance with a handsome admirer.
A poor but basically honest flower woman agrees to impersonate a wicked opera star.
Spendthrift Willie Hale again returns penniless to the family home in London. His father is none too pleased, but Willie smooth-talks him into letting him stay. At the same time he turns the charm on Dorothy Hope, whose father is big in linoleum and who, before Willie's arrival, was about to become engaged to a Russian aristocrat.
Western sheriff Bob Wells is preparing to marry Sally Morgan; she loves part-Indian Wanenis, whose race is an obstacle. Sally flees the wedding with hypochondriac Henry Williams, who thinks he's just giving her a ride; but she left a note saying they've eloped! Chasing them are jilted Bob, Henry's nurse Mary (who's been trying to seduce him) and others.
A distinguished English gentleman has a secret life--he is the notorious jewel thief the press has dubbed "The Amateur Cracksman". When he meets a woman and falls in love he decides to "retire" from that life, but an old friend comes to him with a predicament that entails him committing one last job.
Suave thief Colman is sent to Devil's Island, where he becomes romantically involved with the wife of sadistic warden Digges.
This film was released in both silent and sound versions.
O Capitão Hugh Drummond, herói de guerra, à procura de aventuras em Londres, é contatado pela bela americana Phyllis. Ela lhe pede que liberte seu tio John Travers, preso ilegalmente em um falso asilo.
Executive Producer
The English adventurer Tom Lingard gets involved with islanders on a South Seas island, and he also gets involved with Lady Edith and Mr. Travers, a sailing English couple. Tom has an unexpected love affair with Edith and while they are having this affair, Lady Edith husband's boat is destroyed and he is killed.
A French country lass Marie Ducrot, name is "mud" after she is compromised by a German soldier . Turning to religion, Banky becomes one of the "sisters in white" in the field hospitals of World War 1. THE AWAKENING was nominated by the Academy for its Art Direction in the first transitional year of the talkies. A vast number of films from this year are lost and this is no exception. No print or negative materials are known to exist at this time. William Cameron Menzies received his third nomination for this film, having received two the prior year and winning for both.
Set during the 16th-century Spanish occupation of Flanders, the story concentrates on the fiercely patriotic Mark Van Ryke (Colman). Donning the guise of "Leatherface," a swashbuckling masked avenger, Van Ryke performs his derring-do on behalf of the Prince of Orange (Nigel de Brulier). Naturally, Van Ruke considers beautiful Spanish aristocrat Donna Leonora de Vargas (Vilma Banky) to be a bitter enemy, and the feeling is mutual. To no one's surprise, however, Van Ryke and Donna Leonara eventually fall in love (hence the title). The pulse-pounding climax finds Van Ryke riding hell-for-leather through a rainstorm to warn the Flemish troops about the Spaniards' plans to burn the city of Ghent to the ground. Two Lovers was based on Madame Orczy's novel Leatherface, and adapted for the screen by Alice Duer Miller.
An English explorer disturbed by the practices of an isolated tribe attempts to rescue a native girl he has become fascinated with. THE DEVIL DANCER was highly praised at time of release for its exquisite cinematography, especially in the use of light and shadow. The film received an Academy Award nomination in this category. Sadly, it is among the lost. No prints or negatives are known to survive.
The Magic Flame (1927) is a feature film directed by Henry King, produced by Samuel Goldwyn, and based on the play Konig Harlekin by Rudolph Lothar. George Barnes was nominated at the 1st Academy Awards for Best Cinematography. The film promoted itself as the Romeo and Juliet of the circus upon its release.
Montero, son of a Gypsy leader, is about to take a bride according to primitive ritual, when the Duke de la Garda demands his right as feudal lord--to take the bride to his castle for a night. Rather than accede to the duke's advances, the girl chooses death by her own hand. Montero swears vengeance.....
While building an irrigation system for a Southwestern desert community, an engineer vies with a local cowboy for the affections of a rancher's daughter.
Goldwyn produced a 1923 film adaptation of Potash and Perlmutter, and a 1924 sequel called In Hollywood with Potash and Perlmutter. In Partners Again the two are in the automobile industry -- This is a lost Film.
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
Os amigos de infância Judah Ben-Hur e Messala encontram-se novamente quando adultos. Messala é um oficial romano e Ben-Hur é um israelita conquistado. Um mal-entendido durante um desfile romano faz com que Ben-Hur seja escravizado pelo agora ex-amigo e veja sua família humilhada. Este é apenas o começo da épica jornada de Ben-Hur em busca da vingança.
Os amigos de infância Judah Ben-Hur e Messala encontram-se novamente quando adultos. Messala é um oficial romano e Ben-Hur é um israelita conquistado. Um mal-entendido durante um desfile romano faz com que Ben-Hur seja escravizado pelo agora ex-amigo e veja sua família humilhada. Este é apenas o começo da épica jornada de Ben-Hur em busca da vingança.
An eccentric lower class woman struggles to gain respect in high society after marrying a wealthy man, and the problem gets worse when their daughter starts growing up.
Years of failure and bad luck have made Maurice Blake a beachcomber on an island in the Samoas, earning a precarious living by diving for pearls with Philip Jardine, the disinherited son of a San Francisco millionaire. When Philip is killed by a shark, his half caste common-law wife, Rosa, informs Maurice that Philip had been forgiven by his father, and she persuades him to assume Philip's identity and return to the States - The film is now considered a lost film.
A sequel of sorts, the Jewish ethnic comedy characters of Potash and Perlmutter return from their 1923 debut film, also produced by Goldwyn, but with a different actor for Potash.
Lee Randon, weary of business duties and a conventional home life, acquires a long-lost sense of excitement and romance with young flapper Claire Morris. When he meets her married aunt, Savina Grove, she appears to be the woman he imagines whenever he gazes at a doll he has christened Cytherea, goddess of love -----Cytherea features two dream sequences filmed in an early version of the Technicolor color film process.
Executive Producer
Successful middle-aged manufacturer Frank Parry takes a business trip to New York, where he becomes infatuated with Eva Boutelle, manager of the Swansea Cotton Mills. For a time, their affair develops, but Eva remains true to her husband ...
Executive Producer
Nellie Horton, when mistreated by her father, is taken in charge by Thomas Lipton. She grows up in poverty not knowing her true identity as the heiress to her mother's millions. Upon the death of her benefactor, she becomes a model in a fashionable shop. There she falls into the hands of her mother's unscrupulous nephew, who contrives to do away with her in order to obtain her fortune. ....
Executive Producer
A young aristocrat strikes up an affair with a mysterious woman for three weeks.
Executive Producer
Victor Stowell, son of the deemster of the Isle of Man, is engaged to Fenella Stanley. He becomes involved in an intrigue with local girl Bessie Collister, becomes the deemster on his father's death, and is forced to try Bessie for killing her illegitimate child.
War drama - Fitzmaurice was able to film King Victor Emmanuel III and Benito Mussolini reviewing Italian troops.
The sister of a silver mine owner hires a renegade pilot to fly her to her brother's rescue.
Jane Maynard opens a mission in memory of philanthropist Bland Hendricks. John Anstell, son of a powerful and selfish millionaire, Michael Anstell, falls in love with Jane, to the old man's disapproval. Anstell tries to undermine Jane's work by hiring reporter Tom Barnett to write an unfavorable story about the mission.
A doctor's adopted son turns out to be an ungrateful whelp. He beds the doctor's maid, then his secretary, and finally targets the doctor's wife, his own stepmother as his next conquest....
The film is based on an ethnic Jewish comedy with characters created by Montague Glass and Charles Klein.
Faulke, a swindling white trader who persuaded Madge to leave Captain Blackbird, insists that her daughter, Lorna, marry Waki, a native leader, although Lorna loves Lloyd Warren. While in search of a doll for his other daughter, Baby Madge, Captain Blackbird comes to Pago Pago and gruffly refuses to aid Lloyd and Lorna, whom he does not recognize. A chance encounter with Faulke, however, reveals the trader's evil doings and Lorna's identity. The captain and his men rush to the island and rescue Lorna from the warring natives.
Executive Producer
Glory Quayle and John Storm, sweethearts since childhood on the Isle of Man, go to London, Glory to become a nurse and John to enter a monastery. Instead, Glory becomes a theater star, and John renounces his vows because he cannot forget his love for her. Lord Robert Ure, who has already betrayed Glory's friend, Polly Love, incites the London populace against John....
Chaney plays two roles: mad scientist Arthur Lamb and Lamb's "experiment", known only as the Ape Man. This hideous creature was the result of Lamb's attempts to transplant animal glands into human beings.
A family of Russian Jews living in New York struggles to survive, while the mother strives to better their lives, but she finds that most of her efforts costs more then they are worth.
Although he graduated from that time-worn university, the college of hard knocks, the tireless efforts of John P. Grout have paid off. He owns a number of department stores and his wife and children are well provided for. However, his family is completely ungrateful and takes him -- and his money -- for granted. Grout's attempts to keep them all happy are driving him to bankruptcy and he eventually becomes seriously ill. Eventually his wife and kids come to realize how badly they've treated Pops.....
An English naval officer and a Corsican youth have a duel, and the Corsican is killed. The young man's sister, Marina Paoli, swears vengeance on the killer. Mr. Barnes of New York, who happened to see the duel, finds the name Gerard Anstruther engraved on the pistols.....
Jeremy Dice, a finisher in a New York East Side tailor shop who prides himself on being a smart dresser and dancer, proves to be cowardly when he retreats from a bully who gets fresh with his girl, and his employer discharges him. Deciding to go out west, Jeremy is caught hitching the rails and comes upon two outlaws in the desert disputing over booty; they are both killed in a shoot-out, and Jeremy is proclaimed a hero by the sheriff.....
Executive Producer
When theatrical agent Sterling, a ladies man known for signing his latest paramours onto his agency's talent roster, returns to New York from a trip to Europe, he tells his more down-to-earth partner, Lawson, that he has hired a beautiful Neopolitan acrobat he saw onstage in Italy. When the acrobat, Tina Bambinetti, arrives in their office, though, Sterling is shocked to find that, offstage, she is plain, unkempt and badly dressed. Crushed by Sterling's dismissive treatment, Tina performs some acrobatics that almost destroy the office...
Executive Producer
Sherlock Holmes is a master at solving the most impenetrable mysteries, but he has his work cut out for him on his latest case. Prince Alexis is accused of a theft that he insists he didn’t commit. The evidence is stacked against him, but Holmes’ trusted friend, Dr. Watson, vouches for the prince. As the famed detective investigates, he’s brought face to face with his most devious adversary yet — Professor Moriarty.
Executive Producer
Elmer Slocum has just served a jail sentence for speeding. On his first day of liberty he encounters a physician whose car has broken down and offers to take him to his patient; he is pursued by motorcops for speeding, wrecks his car in a closed street, and knocks down and believes he has killed a policeman. Elmer boards a freight train and makes his way to a small town in Iowa, where he meets Margaret Andrews.....
Slim Cody works in the movie industry, doubling for the performers. He has a dream in which he portrays Romeo in a movie version of "Romeo and Juliet," and arranges for someone to double for him when the fight scenes get scary. ....
A rivalidade romântica entre os membros de uma sociedade secreta torna-se ainda mais tensa quando um dos homens é escalado para realizar um assassinato .
"Mary Meacham, the most popular girl in college, goes to live with her maiden aunt, Miss Myra. Auntie is a man-hater who has various theories for testing the desirable qualities of the male sex. Mary sees a dreary man-less time before her and sends an S. O. S. to various sisters and their brothers to visit her while Auntie is away.
The wife of a prominent San Francisco doctor, feeling neglected by her husband, finds herself attracted to a young newspaper reporter. ...
Peep O'Day, an orphan in a small Kentucky town, falls heir to a small fortune and begins to make up for all the lost pleasure of childhood, but Sublette, a crooked attorney, arranges for an eastern belle to show up as Peep's "niece" to steal his fortune.
A white child is adopted and raised by a Chinese citizen and brought to San Francisco, where no one surmises that she is actually not Chinese.
A naive young Swede is repeatedly victimized by predatory women. When finally he meets a young woman who seems sincere and true, he wonders if he can trust her.
A fortune teller tells a store clerk with a romantic disposition that she was a Spanish noblewoman in an earlier life. The girl begins to live the part of the Spanish noblewoman and romance and comedy ensue.
Ethel Warren returns from studying in Europe to make her debut in New York with the opera company in which Jean Paurel, world-famous baritone, is the star. Carlo Sonino, also a member of the company, falls in love with Ethel and warns her against becoming infatuated with the amorous singer.
Executive Producer
Upon learning that notorious art thief Alf Wilson plans to steal his valuable paintings, idle millionaire Travers Gladwyn decides to amuse himself by guarding his own home. After bribing Policeman Phelan, Officer 666, with a $500 bill, Travers dons the officer's uniform and identity. When Wilson appears at his mansion, Travers questions him and discovers that Wilson is posing as Travers, claiming that he is packing up his paintings for safe keeping. ...
Ort Hutchins is a confirmed loafer who spends all of his time fishing while his wife toils over the washtub. One day, while digging for worms, Hutch uncovers a box containing $100,000 in bills, the loot of a bank robbed in the next town. Realizing that he cannot spend the money without arousing suspicion, Hutch resigns himself to taking a job for cover. ...
Becky Warder constantly indulges in the telling of little white lies. In an innocent effort to ease the troubled marriage of her quarreling friends Eve and Fred Lindon, Becky meets secretly with Fred, thereby constructing a web of deceit that leads Eve to suspect Becky of trifling with her husband's affections. Eve informs Becky's husband Tom of these meetings and Tom, suspicious, accuses his wife of infamy. ....
Na infância, Blizzard sofreu um acidente e durante a cirurgia suas pernas foram, talvez desnecessariamente, amputadas. Crescendo transtornado com isto, ele se torna um criminoso cruel e líder da máfia de San Francisco. Agora ele tentará se vingar do cirurgião que realizou sua operação.
Alec Lloyd, the foreman of the Sewell ranch, is nicknamed "Cupid" because of his propensity for matchmaking. When Macie Sewell returns from boarding school, Cupid himself falls victim to love, but Macie has aspirations to go to New York and become an opera singer, and so ignores his advances. However, Leroy Simpson, a poor doctor who is enamored of Macie's father's money, encourages her ambitions....
Kalora is the "slim princess of Morevana," a land in which fat is prized. This distresses her family, who must marry off Kalora, before her rotund younger sister Papova may wed. To remedy this situation, Kalora's father, the governor general, throws a garden party and disguises his slim daughter in an inflated rubber suit. All goes well until the suit ruptures, deflating Kalora to her normal size....
Happy-go-lucky Jim Fenton is in love with Miss Butterworth, the town milliner, who is taking care of little Harry Benedict while his father Paul, an inventor, is in the local insane asylum. Miss Butterworth convinces Jim that Belcher, one of the town's prominent citizens, has incarcerated Paul to steal the patents from his inventions. Jim breaks into the asylum and spirits away the enfeebled inventor......
A tricky woman criminal, in league with an international crook, falls in love with the honest detective tracking them.
Executive Producer
A young woman consents to a bad marriage to an unscrupulous man in order to save her father from ruin. When her marriage is disrupted by a murder, three different people confess to it.
Cowboy Billy Fortune is in love with Hope Beecher, who prefers Billy's friend Ben Morgan, but resists his advances because of his fondness for drink. Hope's discontent is echoed by the town wives' public outcry against drink. To divert their interest, Billy is nominated to make love to their leader, widow Fay Bittinger, who has already disposed of four husbands....
When Pinto reaches her eighteenth birthday, the five wealthy Arizonans who adopted her upon the death of her parents decide that ranch life will never make a lady of her. Their old friend Pop Audry, formerly of Arizona and now a member of New York society, agrees to provide Pinto with the necessary education. Accordingly, Pinto and her cowboy nursemaid Looey are dispatched to New York where they lose Audry's address. ...
Jubilo, a hobo, witnesses a robbery, finds work on Judge Hardy’s farm, and foils the vengeful machinations of a sinister villain.
Executive Producer
A New England schoolteacher arrives in a small Southern town. He becomes the savior of several local people in time of emergency, including a young who is oppressed by the unwelcome romantic intentions of a local ne'er-do-well. The teacher pretends to marry the girl to fool the unwanted suitor, but then finds that the marriage was inadvertently legal....
Lord and Lady Algy separate amicably after he breaks his promise not to gamble again on the horses. When the wife of soap magnate Brabazon Tudway, is courted by Algy's philandering elder brother, Algy tries to help his brother escape Tudway's wrath by hiding Mrs. Tudway in his apartments. Tudway discovers her there ....
While working as a dishwasher in a fashionable New York hotel, Elsie MacFarland often sneaks upstairs to enviously peek at the people dancing to jazz music. Seeing the attractive Elsie dressed in a boy's uniform, wealthy Lemuel Stallings wagers a friend that he can get Elsie onto the dance floor....
A young woman goes to visit friends but mistakenly rings at the wrong address. She is greeted and taken in out of the storm by a handsome young man to whom she is immediately attracted. What she does not know, however, is that this young man has been fleeced by her father and has sworn vengeance against him.
Executive Producer
During the Easter Carnival, Dolores de Cordova flirts with Juan Estudillo, not knowing that he is a member of the family with whom her ancestors have long feuded. Dolores' cousin, Pedro Toral, jealous of her attentions to Juan, kills her brother that night and after leaving Juan's handkerchief by the body, makes Dolores swear to avenge the death with her own hands....
Sis is an eccentric young girl in a small rural village. While most around Sis view her as a joke, she is loved by Ridy Scarboro, the clerk at the general store. One day Sis's dog knocks an oil can into the Hopkins well and when wealthy old Vibert tastes the water, he believes the Hopkins have an oil strike.....
Lucille Cameron, the spirited daughter of a Kentucky colonel, discovers that her father is nearly bankrupt as a result of his dealings with New York horseman and stock promoter Jim De Luce....
Dancer Lucille Le Jambon (whose real name is Lucy Higgins) loses her job when the morals committee of Sycamore, Kansas, headed by the self-righteous Deacon John Griswold, forces the Merry Models Burlesque show to close. Having grown fond of Sycamore, Lucy opens a combined ice cream parlor and dance hall, where she teaches the young people all the latest dances. ...
Executive Producer
Pancha O'Brien, the beautiful and spirited daughter of an Irish ranch owner, is loved by two men, Sheriff Jack Webb, whom she loves, and outlaw Jim Dyke, whose attentions she repeatedly rebuffs. Jim and his men attack Pancha's ranch, burning it to the ground and killing her father. The outlaw carries her to his cabin, where Wan-o-mee, his jealous squaw, tries to stab the girl....
The plot involves Mabel's clothes being stolen in a mix-up while she was swimming, necessitating her spending most of the time running around clad only in her swimsuit trying to straighten everything out
Although she is engaged to the wealthy Freddy Ruyter, Barbara Wright prefers her father's handsome Irish chauffeur, Dan Murray, and marries him. The newlyweds struggle to survive on Dan's meager income, but Barbara's father, furious with them both, nearly destroys their happiness by securing Dan's dismissal from several jobs. ...
Convict Bill Hyde and his friend, Danny Dorgan, break out of prison, but in running from the guards, Danny is mortally wounded. The local doctor, Evan Thomas, tries so hard to save Danny that later, when Bill and the doctor meet in Alaska, the two become friends. A dying man gives his mine to the doctor, but upon discovering that it is worthless, Bill sells it to a crook named John Wesley Slayforth...
Minnie Penelope Peck, the village scamp of Yaptank, accompanies her father to the bank to demand the nine dollars owed him for his work as a night watchman. When the bank president refuses to pay Peck, Minnie posts a sign which states that the bank is insolvent, whereupon all of the depositors immediately demand their money. The fire department is called in to quell the mob, but things get worse when Minnie accidentally turns on the fire hose.....
While visiting Monte Carlo with her aunt, Rosalie Dean meets a young man, Maxfield Gray who is ready to kill himself because of his losses at the roulette wheel. She stops him from doing so, and lends him some money to win back what he's lost. He does, but they're only happy for a short while before Max is arrested for the murder of his ex-wife in the States.
Executive Producer
Susan Sweeney inherits a country hotel. When she arrives to take possession, she discovers it to be not the palatial resort she believed, but a run-down inn with an attached saloon. As she struggles to make something of her new operation, she becomes involved in the life and difficulties of her new community....
Patricia O'Rourke, a good-natured prankster who works as a copy girl for the Sentinel , angers her co-worker Stubbs and is about to lose her job when the managing editor offers her one more chance. Her assignment is to explain the clue that links the Hope Mission, a derelict home run by millionaire Hunter Mason and his secretary, Monty Latham, with a series of local robberies. When Hunter discovers Patricia in his office, he assumes that she is a crook in need of reforming and takes her into his home to be cared for by his mother.....
Executive Producer
When Marjorie Caner returns from abroad, she is quite lonely in her millionaire father's big house. Learning that a young poet, Anthony Quintard, is living in poverty next door while working on the libretto of a great opera, she skips across the roofs and brings him a Christmas banquet. The poet sees Marjorie, and knowing that he detests wealth, she pretends to be the secretary of the Caner family.....
A woman determines to clear her imprisoned husband of false charges by entrapping the real culprit herself.
Executive Producer
When circus aerialist Polly Fisher is injured, she is taken to the nearby home of minister John Hartley. The two fall in love and marry secretly. But when the news leaks out, the minister loses his pastorate over disdain by the parishioners for Polly's background as a performer. Polly must decide whether to stay with the man she loves or leave him for the good of his calling.