Mille Dinesen
Nascimento : 1974-03-17, Copenaghen, Danimarca
Mille Dinesen, (født 17. marts 1974) er en kvindelig skuespiller, der bl.a. spiller hovedrollen Nynne i filmen og tv-serien af samme navn fra henholdsvis 2005 og 2006. Mille Dinesen er uddannet ved Statens Teaterskole i 2004.
Eva, facing job loss and personal challenges, sees a job opportunity in organizing Bella's bachelorette party. The weekend goes awry, but Eva must navigate career, love, and friendship amid chaos.
Cecilie and Andreas are going to be parents soon, and so are Liv and Malthe. Ahead of them awaits nine months of sweet waiting time with the perfect pregnancy. At least that’s what they believe, until they discover that the fertility clinic accidentally swapped their fertilized eggs.
The comfort-seeking Maja tries to regain control over her life following her recent divorce. 'Take My Hand' is a romantic comedy with all the drama that follows when our perceptions of love are turned upside down.
Eva, a recently divorced, single mom, goes away for a weekend at a spa with her childhood friend Marlene to help her get through her midlife crisis. Isabella, the new girlfriend of Eva's ex-husband, has also joined the trip and is trying hard to become Marlene's new best friend. Eva's friendship with Marlene is at risk, as the women reveal their worst sides during an unfortunate Brazilian wax, a failed pheasant hunt and other trials. The question is: Can Eva fix things between her and Marlene, build a healthy relationship with Isabella and still save her son's birthday?
Um jovem hacker é perseguido por agentes governamentais e descobre que tem em mãos um arquivo ultrassecreto capaz de controlar a mente humana.
Munch-Fals’ script follows Adam, who has so far been spoiled by life – a good job, a lovely wife, an expensive villa, an independent son – but still it isn’t good enough. Even the swinger weekend trips he has been taking with his wife have become a joyless routine, and his youthful optimism and appetite for life are distant memories. Then, one day, at another swingers’ club, he does what swingers don’t do – he falls in love.
Filme natalino que conta a história de uma menina de 11 anos que viaja até Elven Kingdom, terra dos elfos do Papai Noel, para ajudá-los a combater uma rainha tirana.
O verão idílico da família Johansson chega à uma parada abrupta quando as mortes começam a acontecer por conta de variante do vírus da gripe. As autoridades começam isolando a vizinhança, mas logo entram em pânico e forçam os habitantes a permanecer em quarentena dentro de suas casas hermeticamente fechadas. Isolados do resto do mundo, o adolescente Gustav espia e percebe que a situação está ficando fora de controle.
Effy's Mother
Após semanas viajando pela Europa, o imaturo William (Gethin Anthony) se encontra em uma encruzilhada em Copenhague. O local não é apenas mnais uma cidade por onde está passando, é o local onde seu pai nasceu. Quando a jovem Effy (Frederikke Dahl Hansen) se torna amiga de William, eles embarcam na busca do avô dele. Para William, Effy é uma mistura de mulher exuberante e sabedoria juvenil, o que contribui para que ele desenvolva uma atração por ela, conectando-se pela primeira vez com alguém em meio ao passado sórdido da família.
Irene Flinth
This time our already familiar family moves to Africa in order to save endangered wildlife.
Lauras Søster
Mark (Casper Crump) and Laura (Mille Lehfeldt) are lovers. He is a singer in a failed boyband. She is getting tired of playing second fiddle to the relationship. But one day Laura is measured by the talent seeker Aslan, and it turns out that she is unbelievably talented. Laura becomes confident and successful. At the same time, Mark’s career is going downhill. Mark discovers that talent can not only be measured but also stolen by Aslan’s machine. In the name of love Mark sucks all of the talent out of his unsuspecting girlfriend and shoots for the stars – with massive consequences at home.
Irene Flinth
Niemeyers kone
Four rogues, who were best friends as kids, have one big problem: they're sitting on both sides of the law. Martin is a policeman, while Nikolai, Ralf, and Timo can't distinguish between personal possessions and the possessions of others! When all four find themselves in a fix, they're forced to return to their former tricks against a common foe, Mr Niemeyer. Martin is not as successful, however, either at his job or marriage, and thinks he deserves a better life. Now he sees an opportunity to save his career by "playing" with his old friends on a mission that is so crazy that even the two foolish brothers can do some good.
Fru Flinth
My sister's kids this time are going to Jutland.
Frk. Friis
In this second film revolving around the character Bølle Bob, the town mayor and Miss Friis, the stuck-up headmistress, plan to raze Lilleby School to the ground. And it¿s up to Bølle Bob, the class clown, to take charge. Aided by the aging rock musician Valde, Bølle Bob and all his friends put on a musical to recruit new students, so their endangered school can survive. But the mayor and Miss Friis soon reach into their bag of dirty tricks.
Circumstances force the unstructured yet charming Danish Bohemian novelist, Simon, to share his flat in Copenhagen with the very organized and beautiful Swedish lawyer, Malou. Simon dreams of children and a family. Malou is solely focused on her career. Despite being in opposition they warm up to each other. But even though opposites do attract - can they also manage to live together? Against all odds their meeting sets of a chain of events, which will ultimately change their lives forever.
Freddy saves a dog from its volatile owner and hides him in his room. When Freddy's dad discovers the dog he insists on handing him back to the owner. A terrified Freddy convinces his father they must buy the dog.
Cecilie sees and hears things no one else does; places suddenly change appearance, people aren´t really there. One night she experiences a rape, but no traces are to be found. Her husband Mads commits her to a psychiatric hospital. With the help of a psychiatrist, Per, she begins to see a frightening connection between her condition and a brutal murder that happened more than 30 years before.
Pernille Jepsen
Tony has recently been released from a sentence for violent behaviour. He promises to improve his ways and is finally granted a few hours alone with his two children. They celebrate the reunion by going to the movies to see a new film by the famous, critically acclaimed Danish director Claus Volter. But the film is not the masterpiece it is said to be on the poster; the children are crying and Tony cannot get the money back he spent on tickets and candy. Tony does not give up; he seeks out Claus Volter in order to get an explanation and a refund. It is however easier said than done to get money out of a world-renowned filmmaker.
The life of Nynne is based on GUCCI bags and Chanel products, carpaccio and countless visits to cafés, loose relationships with men who screams 'good luck!' when they cum, unused memberships to the local gym and a lenient relationship with mixing champagne, white wine, red wine, cognac, gin, tequila and beer. It goes with out saying: Nynne has yet to experience her Kodak moment.