Shannen Fields

Shannen Fields

Nascimento : , Albany, Georgia, USA


Shannen Fields is a gifted actress, producer, model, and inspirational speaker. In her late twenties, Shannen began to grow a deep desire to accomplish something in life much larger than herself. This aspiration first transpired in 2003 when she and her family moved back to her hometown of Albany, Georgia and met the faith-based filmmakers Alex and Stephen Kendrick. She is known for "Facing the Giants (2006)", "Suing the Devil (2011)" and "Rumors of Wars (2014)".


Shannen Fields


The Order of Rights
The Order of Rights is a pro-life film. The story centers around Emma Stein, a pregnant single girl who has been advised by her mother to have an abortion. Despite the objection of the child's father, Ethan Carpenter, and his promise to help her, she decides to go ahead with the procedure. When Ethan and his family file a lawsuit on behalf of the child's right to life, the drama escalates as Emma's mother, Kerri, contacts a friend in the Associated Press. Before long, the case is mired in media frenzy. The court has to decide whether the child in Emma's womb is a person or not, and if so, if it is endowed with the unalienable rights as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. The title, "Order of Rights" refers to the order in which the categories of rights are deliberately listed in the document: Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.
My Brother's Keeper
Doctor Cunningham
Travis Fox is a returning veteran struggling with PTSD and his faith in God.
Judge Cynthia Paulino
After becoming the youngest female, minority judge elevated to the bench in her state, Angela Sylvester quickly finds herself trapped into a 'Kids for Pay' prison scam orchestrated by her boss.
Song of the Tree Frogs.
Phillip and Michael, two brothers who are on a desperate journey to find unconditional love in a world dominated by hatred and manipulation, have good reason to doubt that their lives will ever be normal.
The Griddle House
Co-Executive Producer
The story follows teenager Jack Benson, who is on the hunt for his birth mother. He finds she has been a regular all along at the nearby Griddle House.
The Griddle House
The story follows teenager Jack Benson, who is on the hunt for his birth mother. He finds she has been a regular all along at the nearby Griddle House.
Season of Mysteries
Some may think the ability to recall entire conversations verbatim is a remarkable gift. But to fifty-year-old Dr. Richard Powell, it is a disruptive burden. He is being haunted by words. The words take him back to 1976, to the unforgettable summer when he and his friends of Boy Scout Troup 44 first witness an epic conflict between good and evil.
O Diabo no Banco dos Réus
Gwen O'Brien
Uma batalha espiritual que se passa em um tribunal, O diabo no banco dos réus é um thriller jurídico de alto conceito, deixará você sem fôlego e vibrando. Por um canal de televisão, o mundo inteiro assiste ao julgamento do século, para ver quem sairá vitorioso. De um lado, Luke O’Brien (Bart Bronsen), um vendedor desanimado que virou estudante de Direito e resolve processar, em 8 trilhões de dólares, o responsável por tudo de ruim que lhe aconteceu. Do outro, o próprio Satanás, que, para se defender, além de aparecer em carne e osso no último dia antes de Luke marcar um julgamento à revelia, tem em sua equipe jurídica os dez melhores advogados do país.
Desafiando Gigantes
Brooke Taylor
Técnico do Shiloh Eagles há seis anos, Grant Taylor (Alex Kendrick) nunca conseguiu levar sua equipe ao título da temporada. Além do mau desempenho no trabalho, Grant deve enfrentar outros problemas graves em casa e seu estado psicológico e moral nunca esteve tão abatido. Quando tudo parece estar prestes a ir por água abaixo, uma intervenção misteriosa muda o seu destino.
A Virada
Miss Gardner
Jay Austin quer vender carros usados da pior maneira... e é assim mesmo que ele negocia na sua loja. Promete muito mais do que pode cumprir e faz qualquer coisa para vender um carro. Sua atitude manipuladora se manifesta em todos os seus relacionamentos. Até sua esposa e seu filho sabem que não podem confiar nele. Mas Jay passa a trabalhar na restauração de um modelo clássico conversível e começa a ver que Deus está se esforçando para recupera-lo. Ao encarar a realidade de como ele se comporta de verdade, Jay Austin vive uma grande reviravolta: aprende a honrar a Deus nos negócios, nos relacionamentos, na sua vida toda!