Earle Williams

Earle Williams


Earle Williams


Red Signals
Mary Callahan
Sabotage on the railroad with trains being derailed and looted. Good coverage of the Santa Fe La Grande Station that was demolished in 1939 due to earthquake damage.
You'd Be Surprised
Mr. Black - Deputy District Attorney
A diamond is stolen at a houseboat party given by the district attorney. He gives the thief a chance to return it by putting an empty box on a table and turning out the lights. When the lights are turned back on the box is gone, and the district attorney has a knife in his back and is quite dead. The police and the coroner arrive. There are several attempts made on the life of the coroner. Ruth Whitman is found hiding in a grandfather-clock, holding the gem box. She claims the box was pushed into her hands and she was pushed into the clock. The district attorney's butler/valet tells the coroner he saw who killed his employer and a few minutes later he is also murdered. The mystery deepens.
Sir Henry Weymouth
Heroine Dora de Zares comports herself in a most mysterious fashion in this spy mystery.
The Ancient Mariner
Victor Brandt
Doris Matthews, a beautiful, innocent young girl, forsakes her sweetheart, Joel Barlowe, in favor of Victor Brant, a wealthy roué. On the night before they are to elope, an old sailor gives Brant a strange potion to drink and then unfolds before his eyes "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner." Deeply touched by this story about the consequences of the wanton destruction of innocent beauty, Brant leaves without Doris. After some time, he returns and finds to his pained satisfaction that Doris, having overcome her infatuation for him, has again turned her tender attentions toward Joel.
The Adventurous Sex
The Adventurer
A young man spends so much time at work on his airplane that he neglects his girl. She goes out on her own to live the high life, but her reputation is soiled by an adventurer. The young woman resolves to kill herself, and throws herself into the water rushing towards Niagara Falls, but is saved at the last minute by her former sweetheart.
Borrowed Husbands
Major Desmond
A jazz-mad Nancy Burrard is a young matron easing her boredom by flirting with married men.
The Eternal Struggle
Sgt. Neil Tempest
Believing she's responsible for the death of her would-be seducer, a young woman flees to North Vancouver.
You Never Know
Eddie Manning
Eddie Manning, on a secret mission in Central America, is apparently penniless, and he becomes friends with a street urchin named Muggsy. When Muggsy is knocked down by a car, Manning meets its owner, Miriam Folansbee, and she offers him a job as a chauffeur. There is a plot to overthrow the country and Inez, a dancer at a cafe, tells Manning that Carlos Medina is the leader of the revolutionaries.
The Man from Downing Street
Capt. Robert Kent
Someone in India is deciphering secret codes and passing information from London's Downing Street to the natives, so Captain Robert Kent comes down from London to investigate. He disguises himself as a Rajah, and Colonel Wentworth introduces him to the colony.
The Silver Car
Anthony Trent
After serving in the Great War, international crook Anthony Trent resolves to go straight. He wants to track down the English private who saved his life, and discovers his true identity is Arthur Grenvil, the son of the Earl of Rosecarrel. Trent falls in love with Grenvil's sister, Daphne, and sets out to win the Earl's approval. He discovers that the Earl is being blackmailed by Count Michael Temesvar, the prime minister of Croatia, over some documents.
Romance de um Apache
Jules Marin / M. Picard
A welcome guest of the French aristocracy, Monsieur Picard having been awarded the Croix De Guerre, is also a master thief who baffles the Parisian police. One night, while Picard watches an Apache dance, he learns that one of his three adopted children is seriously ill. When his car breaks down, Picard politely forces Helen Deprenay to loan him her auto, and leaves his cross as security. The next day, the police pursue Picard to the Deprenay home where the prefect warns Helen about Picard. Helen writes to the entreating Picard, and refuses to see him until he proves himself of worth to society. Disguised as Scotland Yard agent Armand DuBois, Picard is present at the Deprenay home when a necklace is stolen. After Helen covers for him, Picard catches the thief in an attempt to swindle the entire community in a stock market scheme. He informs the police that Picard no longer exists, and escapes with Helen to a new life.
The Highest Trump
John Paget / Richard Paget
Secret Service officer Richard Paget receives a letter from his twin brother John imploring him to take over his identity after he commits suicide, so that Richard can subvert the plans made by the airplane company which John had financed, to make defective planes for the United States to use in the war.
The Highest Trump
Secret Service officer Richard Paget receives a letter from his twin brother John imploring him to take over his identity after he commits suicide, so that Richard can subvert the plans made by the airplane company which John had financed, to make defective planes for the United States to use in the war.
The Man Who Wouldn't Tell
Hawtrey Burke
During World War I, young Englishman Hawtrey Burke captivates New York society with his charming manner and his skill at polo, but he incurs the scorn of the woman he loves, Elinor Warden, who, having recently returned from war-torn Belgium, cannot understand why Hawtrey is not on the front lines.
The Girl in His House
James Armitage
When his sweetheart jilts him, wealthy James Armitage leaves his family estate in the hands of attorney Samuel Bordman and heads for Burma. Six years later, Armitage discovers that his former girlfriend has just become a widow, thus he sails back to America in hopes of rekindling the romance.
The Love Doctor
Dr. Ordway Brandt
A doctor transplants the brain of a girl who is in love with him into a girl he is in love with.
Stephen Page
Hal Page, the weakling brother of Stephen Page, the town mayor, falls in love with Carline Shrefton, who throws over Burt Staley to entangle Hal in her self-serving schemes. Furious over her abrupt departure, Staley shows up at Carline's, and a jealous fight with Hal ensues in which Staley is shot and killed with Carline's gun. After Hal confesses to the deed, Stephen quietly sends him off to Spain. One year later, Stephen announces his engagement to Marion Hayward, the daughter of the district attorney, who is pressing charges against James Reed, a corrupt politician and Carline's new husband. To save Reed, Carline threatens Stephen with exposure, but he refuses to bend to her demands. Just days before Carline is to reveal her story about Staley, Hal appears and confesses to Hayward that Carline is the true killer.
The Stolen Treaty
Geoffrey Wynne
At a reception given for the vacationing Prince Zarl of Zorania, secretly the emissary of Zorania set on negotiating a treaty with the United States, Geoffrey Wynne, apparently a society dandy, but in reality a secret service agent, meets the prince. During the reception, Wynne is summoned to Washington where he learns that the treaty has been stolen and is being held for $15,000,000 ransom. Discovering that one of the thieves is an Italian named Farnelli, Wynne enlists the aid of his fiancée, Irene Mitchell, in apprehending the thief. Irene meets the Italian who offers to accompany her to New York. En route, Wynne overtakes them, chloroforms Farnelli and rips off his disguise to reveal Prince Zarl. Zarl then admits that he has stolen the treaty in order to cover his gambling debts.
The Soul Master
Apartment 29
Stanley Ormsby
Apartment 29 is a mystery story.
Arsene Lupin
Arsene Lupin
Story of the gentleman thief.
The Goddess
Tom Barclay
A young girl is reared on a desert island by natives and led to believe that she is a goddess. One day an outsider comes to the island, and persuades her to accompany him to preach about the kindness and love she has experienced. She agrees, but she's soon confronted by the problems and travails of the "outside" world.
The Juggernaut
John Ballard
Back in college, John Ballard saved Philip Hardin's life. Twenty years later, John is the district attorney and Philip is president of a railroad notorious for its accident record. When John brings a suit against the railroad, Philip threatens to reveal a ruinous secret about John unless he drops the case. Meanwhile, a railroad inspector discovers that the trestle over which an express train carrying Philip's daughter is about to pass is in eminent danger of collapse.
Warfare in the Skies
Richard Lawrence - the General's Son
Richard Lawrence, an Army Aviator, introduces his friend, Count Zurich, to Zenia, his father's beautiful ward. The Count becomes infatuated with the girl and determines to win her. General Lawrence, Richard's father, is ordered to prepare for war. as Prince Dureseign is gathering an army to overthrow the government. In a terrific battle, the forces of Dureseign are driven back. Zenia and Richard fall in love, he proposes and she accepts him. Dureseign's forces are greatly augmented in numbers, surround General Lawrence's army and the General sends his son in a fast aeroplane for reinforcements.
My Official Wife
This LOST film was Clara Kimball Young's first feature, and her last film for Vitagraph, where she had made all of her short films. It was a sensational success and launched her as the most popular star that year. Its Russian setting was drawn upon by Young for many more of her features. Two short clips of the film exists in Warner Brother's 1931 Vitaphone short "The Movie Album," and have been mounted on Internet Archive and Google Video. One scene shows the meeting of Helene's terrorist cell with an extra alleged to be Leon Trostky. The other clip appears to be when she and Lennox are visiting the Weletsky's. (cont. http://web.stanford.edu/~gdegroat/CKY/reviews/mow.htm)
The Christian
Brother John Storm
Glory Quayle, a natural-born mimic, leaves her country home, reaches London, goes on the stage, gains fame and affluence. John Storm, her country sweetheart, believing he has lost Glory forever, enters a monastery, tries to forget her, cannot kill his love, returns to the world, becomes a famous slum worker and friend of the poor.
The Diver
John Hawley
Rita, who is in love, makes a false accusation against the “Nymph”, one of her rivals in love. But when the “Nymph” rescues Rita's daughter from the water, she has regrets, and retracts her accusation.
Their Mutual Friend
John Richardson
Disgusted by the unsanitary conditions of the flat in which she lives, Patty Gordon, a pretty young artist, writes anonymously to John Richardson, asking him to investigate the conditions of his tenements. Plainly dressed, Richardson goes down to the tenements and rents an apartment for himself, so that he may see firsthand whether or not there is cause for complaint. He is accompanied by his dog, Dick, a valuable thoroughbred collie, who, seeing Patty's door open, enters and makes friends with her.
The Tiger Lily
Thinking that her husband is paying more attention to his work and to their little daughter, Nina, than to her, Cleo Morin runs away with Henri Mordan. On the afternoon of their elopement, Morin, who is a ballet master, is seriously injured on the stage, and the doctor tells him that his spine is so affected that he will never be able to walk again.
Bunny and the Bunny Hug
Norman Winthrop, a surveyor, accidentally meets John Bunny, an Irish watchman of a building. He introduces him to Tom and Will Hawley, two of his friends, at a little poker game in which Bunny pockets all the winnings. Talking over the matter the next day, the three men agree that it would be a great joke to introduce Bunny into society.
Alixe; or, the Test of Friendship
Sherman Avery
Alixe is courted by many admirers. Her most persistent companion is Morton Shaw. Arlington Tappan also loves Alixe, and urges her to give up her associations with Shaw. She does so and is very happy until Arlington becomes more absorbed in his business affairs.
The Adventure of the Ambassador's Disappearance
Walter P. Cross - Minister of Foreign Affairs
A gang of crooks are employed to get possession of valuable papers of international importance, held by the French Ambassador, Vicomte de Jarlais. They are also instructed to get the Ambassador out of the way and make it appear that he has committed suicide. His mysterious disappearance arouses the United States Secret Service officers
Song of the Shell
Dr. Ferguson
Suffering with ennui, bored by society, Annie Bradley, a wealthy girl, is anxious to make her time more profitable by doing something worthwhile.
The Red Barrier
Lieutenant Bruce
A short romantic drama about a woman who is worshiped by both a lieutenant and a Russian diplomat; the latter wins, but later turns out to be a brute. A duel in the snow ensures that the lieutenant gets the woman, but both of them suffer from visions in which the deceased appears as soon as they try to get together.
A Fortune in a Teacup
Walter Brown, a Young Politician
Tea is served during an afternoon visit of Sybil with her friend Mabel Brown. Sybil begs Mabel to tell her fortune from the tea leaves in her cup. Walter, Mabel's older brother, is in love with Sybil. Mabel complies, and at the same time puts in a good word for Walter. She tells Sybil that she will cross the water, come into possession of a fortune and marry a man with a title. This is the way her fortune came true: Mabel's little brother hides his little clay pig bank with its savings at the foot of a tree on the opposite side of a brook in a nearby wood.
Coronets and Hearts
Cyril - Son of the Earl of Creston
Leaving England, in search of an American wife, young Cyril, son of the Earl of Creston, on reaching America meets Lilly Penn, and immediately lays siege to her heart and her fortune when he learns that she is an heiress.
The Bond of Music
Lt. Oscar Mulbach, a German Spy
Short anti-war film in which a French musician turns out to be a German spy.
The Party Dress
Lydia's Sweetheart, Paul
Lydia Borne picks up the only party dress she possesses and finds it full of wrinkles. A dance to which she is invited is to be held that evening. Time is precious, so hurriedly beating an iron, she is pressing the skirt and accidentally scorches it. Her dress is ruined. She goes to the attic, where she picks up an old daguerreotype of her grandmother in a very pretty, old-fashioned gown, which is exactly the same style of the present period.
Saving an Audience
Four young college students find themselves with no money and a lot of debts. Each has received a peremptory refusal from home to send any more money to them and they are in despair. Suddenly Claude has an idea. They will hire Susan B. Gabonthy to lecture for them, clear about one hundred dollars apiece, and have enough to tide them over into the next term.
The Gamblers
Mrs. Travers, a society leader, is madly in love with Arthur Ingraham, a rising diplomat. Arthur is not in love with her and avoids her advances. He is in love with Beatrice Langton, a young debutante, to whom he becomes engaged. Mrs. Travers is furious.
The Seventh Son
One of the Beecham Brothers
At the outbreak of the Civil War in the United States, the six sons of widow Beecham enlist. The seventh son is very anxious to join the army and fight for his country, but his brothers insist upon his remaining home with his mother.
The Love of John Ruskin
John Ruskin
John Ruskin became acquainted with his wife through a loan which he made to her father, and his noted generosity no doubt appealed to her and it seems that she married him more out of gratitude than actual love. Be that as it may, the fact remains that when Millais met her, he and she fell desperately in love with each other.
Father and Son
A Chinese man cares for the orphan of a dying woman who stumbles into his laundry.
Willie's Sister
Willie's Room-Mate
Willie Green, off for college, tearfully kisses Ma and Pa and Sister good-bye. Arrived on the campus, he approaches a grave and reverend senior to ask where the proctor is located. The senior knocks off his hat. Willie replaces it and laughs feebly at the joke. The senior sternly tells him to take it off and be respectful to his betters. Willie obeys, and awe-stricken, repeats his question. The senior points, Willie dodges, gathers up his suitcases and exits cautiously, watching the senior. The proctor places him in a room with a senior, who makes life a burden to him, using him as a valet.
The Heart of the King's Jester
The King's Jester
A short drama directed by William Humphrey.
An Aeroplane Elopement
George Pinckney
Maude Brooks is in love with an aviator, George Pinckney. Maude tells her father that she intends to marry George, as he is a splendid fellow, but her father will not listen to her. So she decides to elope. Maude meets George at the machine and together they fly up into the air. Mr. Brooks, who has been apprised of his daughter's intentions, starts in pursuit.
One Flag at Last
Captain Jack Myers
A Southern girl helps an escaped Union soldier in the midst of the Civil War.
A Friendly Marriage
Lord Francis Towne
A penniless British Lord sets up an arranged marriage with an American heiress. He soon falls in love with her and is determined to support himself financially so they can have a real marriage.
The Poor Musician
Our story opens with a noted violinist practicing, his young wife sitting nearby, while their little daughter plays about on the floor, a truly happy family. The maid announces a caller, who, upon being ushered in, is presented to the wife. He is at once struck with her beauty, eyes her continually, but unnoticed by the musician or his wife. As the two men leave the room, for the first time the wife catches the expression on the caller's face and is worried. A year later in the same room we find the wife packing her suit case preparing to elope with the villain. Before their departure the wife writes a note telling her husband of her elopement and begs him to forget her. A moment after the pair leave the room the valet enters, observes them from the window, picks up the note, reads it and immediately starts for the theater to inform his master. He rushes upon the stage just as the musician is finishing his number, excitedly tells the tale and gives him the letter.
His Father's Son
Dick Livingston
His Father's Son is a 1912 drama
The Seal of Silence
Dr. Hugh Loring
Dr. Hugh Loring, whose hobby is heredity, has evolved the theory that physical or mental peculiarities of children reveal the parents. The doctor's intense desire for children is only equaled by his wife's aversion. On the occasion of the doctor admonishing his wife for being friendly with an admirer she leaves him, and when her child is born she swears Ruth Carden, an employee of her husband's, who has accompanied her, to secrecy, so that she may keep from the doctor his greatest joy. Mrs. Loring dies, and Ruth returns to the doctor's office, leaving the child in the care of the nurse. Three years later the nurse finds it necessary to give up the child, and the doctor, who has fallen in love with Ruth, is stunned, for he believes that the child is hers.
The Skyrocket
William Dvorak
In the prologue Sharon Kimm and Mickey Reid are childhood friends in a tenement neighborhood but are separated when Sharon is placed in an orphanage. In the story we see Sharon as a young Hollywood star whose quick rise to fame leaves her self-centered, superficial, and a spendthrift. Ironically, the film that skyrocketed her to fame was written by Mickey. But her success is brief; and when it comes crashing to earth, Mickey is there to pick up the pieces.