Joseph Meier


Amigos para Sempre
Essa é a comovente história de Jim Crawford (Michael Flynn), um advogado de uma grande cidade que venceu a maioria das batalhas em sua vida. Após a perda de sua esposa, ele tem de enfrentar um futuro solitário, até que, de repente, uma virada do destino (ou talvez um anjo) leva Jim a descobrir os filhotes abandonados de uma loba. Mesmo sem nenhum preparo para a tarefa, o advogado decide levá-los consigo e tomar conta dos animais – uma decisão que mudará para sempre a sua vida.
Fabric of Time
We live in a world where science and religion have often been on opposing sides. But is all that changing? For the first time, science and religion have come together to uncover an age-old mystery: Who was Jesus Christ? What did he actually look like? And can the story of his death and resurrection now be proven as true? Is it possible that a single fiber from an ancient artifact might hold the answers? And has science found a way to unlock the hidden information contained in the artifact that could provide a link to the past-one that might explain the universe in a whole new light and give hope to people around the world.
Fabric of Time
We live in a world where science and religion have often been on opposing sides. But is all that changing? For the first time, science and religion have come together to uncover an age-old mystery: Who was Jesus Christ? What did he actually look like? And can the story of his death and resurrection now be proven as true? Is it possible that a single fiber from an ancient artifact might hold the answers? And has science found a way to unlock the hidden information contained in the artifact that could provide a link to the past-one that might explain the universe in a whole new light and give hope to people around the world.
Breaking the Da Vinci Code
UFO Diaries
They are around us. Everywhere. People talk about it, movies and TV shows talk about it, but what are UFOs? What do they want? And the most important question: what do they do in our daily life?