E.J. Rodriguez


Sobre Café e Cigarros
Série de 11 curtas-metragens sobre diversos personagens que, bebendo café e fumando cigarros, discutem os mais variados temas, tais como picolés com cafeína, Abbott & Costello, a ressurreição de Elvis Presley, a forma correta de se preparar um chá inglês, as invenções de Nikola Tesla, desentendimentos familiares, Paris nos anos 1920, rock, hip hop e o uso da nicotina como inseticida.
Keep It for Yourself
Sophie comes to New York from France with the intention of joining a man she met a few months before. She finds herself alone in the apartment of the guy, who left town because he was scared stiff at the idea of seeing her. Originally commissioned as one third of an omnibus feature showcasing the Figaro, a Japan-only retro throwback car.