Sign and sing along Emmy-nominated host Rachel Coleman, from the award winning Signing Time television series. Giggle with animated Alex, Leah, and Hopkins! Sign language brings whole-body learning and fun to classic nursery rhymes.
Potty Time is a playful and positive approach to potty training. Emmy-nominated host Rachel Coleman teaches and inspires children to use the potty – and helps them sing, sign, and dance to celebrate their amazing bodies and potty time success.
25 Most Hilarious Holiday TV Moments
Baby Signing Time Volume 1 sets your baby's day to music as you learn signs and songs for everyday events in baby's life-eating, family, pets and more.
Viúvo sem jeito para negócios decide vender hotel que pertencia à mulher. A chegada de um grupo de estudantes, monitorados por uma professora, mudará o destino do homem (e o do hotel).
Rachel Coleman
Jill and Michael Stark are both deaf, as are their two children. Stuck between two cultures and wanting the best future for their children, they make the controversial choice for both of their children to undergo surgery for cochlear implants. They are part of only a handful of deaf parents in the US to choose implants for their children. After this seven year journey, was the result of the cochlear implant what they had hoped for?