Arturo Villela


The Trace of Your Lips
Román is an actor who works in B-movies and who’s isolated in his apartment as a pandemic keeps the world on edge. Aldo, an indigenous young man, is an essential worker who’s allowed by the authorities to come and go. They live across from each other in an apartment complex. They meet online, and they can talk and even see each other in videocalls, but they can’t meet in person. Eventually, the temptation to break out of their lockdown comes up.
A Deusa do Asfalto
Original Music Composer
Max retorna para sua favela transformada no vocalista de uma banda de rock. Lá, as memórias esperam, as últimas notícias e as verdades que ficaram em silêncio por anos: Sonia é uma voz que fala da morte, Ramira e Carcacha regente com a miséria do bairro, e Guama afunda na loucura. As razões para o abandono são evidentes, as mortes e as promessas não cumpridas são recapitulativas. Max volta a morrer, não sem primeiro entender e significar todas as razões que ficaram pendentes.
A Vingadora
Na violenta Cidade do México dos anos 90, onde a polícia era cúmplice de criminosos, Aida uma misteriosa justiceira seduz, droga e tatua agressores para que nunca esqueçam o que fizeram. Mas seus poderosos inimigos farão de tudo destruí-la.
No One Will Ever Know
Original Music Composer
"No One Will Ever Know" - An anodyne environment and a perennial lack of affection, push Lucia and Braulio to turn in the fiction world; to materialize their dreams. Neither inclement reality can stop them.
Winter. Two mothers wait for their children, involved in a social conflict, to return home. Crying is useless.
Kings of Nowhere
San Marcos, a town in northwestern Mexico partially submerged under water because of the construction of a nearby dam, is besieged by the violence of armed groups. Nevertheless, four families refuse to leave.
Original Music Composer
Carlos sweeps and mops the floor of an old-time barbershop. The day before Independence Day, among the customers is Julio. Their eyes meet, and when the barbershop closes Julio comes back for Carlos. They spend the night together, eating, chatting and even dancing, knowing full well that this encounter will be brief and short-lived.
Young Man on the Bar Masturbating with Rage and Nerve
Dance and prostitution play the same role for Cristhian’s body. Virtuosity, desire, technique, and sex intertwine, granting coherence to a way of life that offers many answers to few questions. A leitmotiv that reconciles opposites and contradictions. Answers that are sometimes painful, like all truths.
Eu Sou a Felicidade Deste Mundo
Diretor de cinema gay observa a própria vida sexual através das lentes da câmera, embaralhando limites entre ficção e realidade.
Cecilia, Alberto, and Felipe live through a strange epidemic that plagues the abandoned streets of a coastal town. Suddenly, an uncontrollable desire forces them to leave in search of the sea.
Raging Sun, Raging Sky
Original Music Composer
Rabioso Sol, Rabioso Cielo conta a história de dois homens que se amam sem estarem presos a qualquer circunstância espacial ou temporal. Amam-se presos numa eternidade ditada pela essência da sua razão de ser, que os levará numa viagem que vai do mundo real à inevitável transcendência, encontrando-se com outras forças que transformarão e reforçarão esse acto vital. O filme confronta-nos com o amor enquanto atribulação épica, viajando da vida quotidiana para uma luta mítica em que perda e morte são apenas estágios da doce dor que nos ajuda a atingir a felicidade absoluta.
The Basement
Jacobo is fascinated by fairy tales. Convinced that a witch has appeared in the basement of his own house, he tries to destroy her, only to discover that reality is sometimes crueler than the fantasy.
Original Music Composer
Román has decided to leave his native town, but first he must say goodbye to Paloma.
Céu Dividido
Original Music Composer
Geraldo(Miguel Angel Hoppe) e Jonas (Fernando Arroyo) vivem um intenso amor até a chegada de Bruno, um rapaz da discoteca, que não sai da cabeça de Jonas. Este começa a perder o interesse em Geraldo, que tenta desesperadamente reatar o namoro, mas acaba desistindo, passando a prestar atenção em um outro colega do campus, Sérgio. Já o desinteressado Jonas, ao perceber que perdeu o amor do namorado, cai em si. As idas e vindas do casal e o amor passando por mais desafios é o plot do filme com cenas ultra-românticas em um México bem friendly, com direito a beijos e carinho no ponto de ônibus, e no campus.El Cielo Dividido trata da paixão entre dois rapazes de forma intensa e é quase poesia, dizem os críticos.
Cruces Desiertas
In Juarez, border town between Mexico and the United States, hundreds of women disappear and are brutally murdered. In this city, where impunity and violence rule, a desperate mother seeks her daughter who has vanished without a trace.
A young mute student goes to the movies when ditching school, but changes his mind when he meets an unemployed man who tries to communicate with him. Through messages and games, the two will make a discovery they never imagined.