A portrait of the inventor of the letterpress, who was a key figure in the history of mankind, but also an enthusiastic inventor, a daring businessman, a tenacious troublemaker: the life of Johannes Gutenberg (circa 1400-68).
Foreveryone.net connects the future of the web with the little-known story of its birth. In 1989, 33-year-old computer programmer Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web and his visionary decision to make it a free and accessible resource sparked a global revolution in communication. Tim has declared internet access a human right and has called for an “online Magna Carta” to protect privacy and free speech, extend connectivity to populations without access and maintain “One Web” for all. Tim’s dramatic story poses the question: will we fight for the web we want or let it be taken away?
Twenty-five years after the world wide web was created, it is now caught in the greatest controversy of its existence - surveillance. With many concerned that governments and corporations can monitor our every move, Horizon meets the hackers and scientists whose technology is fighting back. It is a controversial technology, and some law enforcement officers believe it is leading to risk-free crime on the dark web - a place where almost anything can be bought, from guns and drugs to credit card details.
A trajetória de Aaron Swartz desde o auxílio no progresso do protocolo RSS a cofundação do Reddit. O rastro de Aaron está por toda internet. Seu modo de trabalho fez com que o governo dos EUA o envolvesse em uma batalha judicial que, futuramente, seria responsável pelo fim de sua vida.
The future of preservation is at stake in the digital age. Into the Future explores the hidden crisis of the digital information age. Will digitally stored information and knowledge survive into the future? Will humans twenty, fifty, one hundred years from now have access to the electronically recorded history of our time?