Josh Pomeranz


Executive Producer
After raising an unnervingly talented spider in secret, 12-year-old Charlotte must face the truth about her pet and fight for her family's survival.
Seriously Red
Raylene 'Red' Delaney trades her nine to five career in real estate for a life under the spotlight as a Dolly Parton impersonator. A romantic liaison with Kenny Rogers then occurs while her tumultuous journey continues full of fake hair and artificial boobs.
Palm Beach
Executive Producer
Um grupo de amigos se reencontram para comemorar um aniversário especial, com a icônica Palm Beach de Sydney proporcionando um cenário deslumbrante para o drama que se desenrola. Os bons tempos rolam, com muitas gargalhadas, refeições suntuosas, vinho fluindo e música fantástica, mas lentamente aumentam as tensões e surgem segredos profundos..
Corações e Ossos
Executive Producer
Um fotojornalista em estado de choque, assombrado pelo que testemunhou em uma missão na África, volta para casa às vésperas de se tornar pai. Quando uma de suas fotografias ameaça destruir a nova vida de um refugiado sudanês, os dois homens são reunidos por eventos assombrosos do passado.
Standing Up for Sunny
Executive Producer
An isolated guy with cerebral palsy is railroaded into helping an unassertive comedienne, and finds love and acceptance through stand-up comedy.
Fora da Lei
Executive Producer
When an Australian motorcycle gang leader is released from prison, he finds his former deputy on the cusp of giving control of their lucrative drug trade to a rival gang. When the deal goes south, the ensuing violence threatens to spin out of control as the gangs must contend with external threats and subversion within their own ranks — culminating in a deadly face-off between the heavily-armed crews in this epic and action-packed biker thriller.
Remembering Agatha
Executive Producer
For Agatha, Christmas triggers sadness. She yearns for freedom laced with imagination, when magical creatures were part of a game played with friends in the forest. The death of her parents after a 1978 Christmas Party still haunts Agatha. She sees similarities between her parents' unhappy marriage and her own. The Black Madonna statue from her childhood visits Agatha, escalating her anxiety and goading her towards change. The discovery of a mysterious portal offers Agatha the possibility of resolving her grief and saving her crumbling marriage.
Gayby Baby
Executive Producer
Kids being raised by same-sex couples are growing in numbers worldwide. We are in a Gayby-Boom. But who are these kids? What do they think about having same-sex parents? And do they face different issues to other kids? At a time when the world is debating marriage equality, these questions are more pertinent than ever. Told from the perspective of the kids, Gayby Baby is intimate and sometimes humorous account of four children and their families.
Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead
Executive Producer
Barry é um mecânico talentoso e homem de família que tem sua vida despedaçada às vésperas de um apocalipse zumbi. Sua irmã, Brooke, é sequestrada por um grupo sinistro que usa máscaras de gás de soldados e, é levada para um experimento de um médico psicótico. Enquanto Brooke planeja sua fuga, Barry parte para a estrada para achá-la e junta-se à Benny, um colega sobrevivente, juntos eles devem conseguir armas e preparar-se para sobreviver na mata nativa australiana em meio a vários zumbis canibais.
Sold Out
The mystery of a vacant seat at a sold out cricket match.