A journeyman hockey player falls for a real estate agent in a career crisis when he's traded to her hometown and moves into the cottage in her hockey-loving family's backyard.
A ghost from the 1920s refuses to leave the home just listed by Anna, a new real estate agent. Worse, the spirit is convinced she cannot "pass over" until she gets Anna back together with her ex.
The second holiday story inspired by Scotty McCreery’s song “Five More Minutes,” a young widow’s Christmas wish for her son is answered in unexpected ways when she returns to their old home for the holidays.
Julie is adjusting to being a single mother to a grieving child while facing her first Christmas without her husband when she develops an unexpected friendship with her older neighbor Irene.
Fraternal twins Nikki and Nora are forced back into each other's lives when they inherit a detective agency. As they solve a murder, they realize their differences may be their greatest advantage.
Based on a true story, Isla and Grace were two typical teenage girls in love. Unfortunately, they fell for the same guy. Jake, a "ladies man", was dating them both without their knowledge. When they discover that Jake is cheating on them, the girls turn on each other in a jealous rivalry and use their arsenal of social media platforms to badmouth and attack on another. While their followers take sides and pit them against each other, their hatred for one another escalates into a real-life fight that ultimately turns deadly.
Elizabeth, uma viúva sem dinheiro, luta para manter funcionando o restaurante italiano de seu falecido marido. Forçada a procurar a ajuda do consultor Ben, ela encontra sua paixão pela culinária e a própria vida reanimada.
As a single mom and her teenaged son with autism come to a crossroad during Christmas, she must learn to let go so he can flourish as she finds her own heart healing in unexpected ways.
During the Christmas season, Megan and her father-figure Frank head out on a road trip to find his long-lost love. Along the way, Megan finds the love of her own life.
Depois que um término de relacionamento deixou Anna e sua filha sem qualquer tipo de apoio, ela começa a trabalhar para sua prima em uma casa de massagens conhecida pelos finais felizes.
Jenna é uma dançarina profissional que começa a ajudar Ryan, uma estrela do hockey, a se recuperar de uma contusão. Ela decide usar o balé como terapia e assim levando a inevitável aproximação. Mas quando Ryan se recupera e está pronto para retornar ao rinque, deixando sua pequena cidade para trás, eles devem considerar o que o coração realmente deseja.
A médica Zoey viaja trabalhando de cidade em cidade, sem formar laços em nenhuma. Um dia, ela é chamada para trabalhar na pequena Willow Brook, e um romance arrebatador começa a mudar suas convicções.
Nate and Brooke are going to the same four weddings, four weekends in a row. To avoid the singles tables and set-ups, they agree to go together as "wedding buddies." But what starts as a friendship soon becomes something deeper.
A cookbook literary agent with culinary training is tasked with helping elevate the brand of a food channel personality known for his convenience-oriented recipes. However, as the agent works with her client on a new cookbook, playfully clashing over everything from ingredients to tastes, she must choose between following the directions or her heart.
When Amber spends the holidays with her Aunt Dora and helps plan a fundraising Christmas Concert, it brings Amber closer to her aunt and a new love into her life.
As Darcy and Aiden prepare to celebrate their second Christmas together, an unexpected guest and a fight to save the beloved community center unites everyone for an unforgettable holiday.
Marian, a melhor amiga da chef Billie Blessings, é contratada para redecorar o estúdio de televisão. Quando a irmã gêmea de Marian é assassinada, Billie deve investigar seus amigos mais próximos para encontrar o culpado.
O dono de um supermercado é morto nas primeiras horas da manhã e a chef de cozinha Billie Blessings é envolvida na investigação do que logo parece ser o trabalho de um serial killer sinistro.
O corpo de um advogado cujos casos inspiraram uma série de livros que se tornaram best sellers é encontrado na praia, e Billie Blessing precisa desvendar o caso antes que a pessoa errada pague pelo crime.
While hosting the annual gathering of the Association for the Study of American Archaeology at Kenzer College, Emma Fielding is thrust into the midst of a murder mystery when the President of her organization is poisoned on the eve of announcing her successor. With many of the leading archaeologists present having expressed their entitlement to the presidency prior to the murder, Emma and FBI pal Jim Conner have plenty of likely suspects from which to choose.
A querida chef, empresária e apresentadora de TV Billie Blessings torna-se protagonista de um misterioso assassinato quando um corpo é encontrado na mala do carro de seu irascível chef convidado. Com muita certeza de que o homem é inocente, Billie vai tentar descobrir quem é o assassino, sem comprometer a investigação conduzida pela polícia.
The team work to reunite a wedding dress with its rightful recipient, but find that they may have far more to do. Meanwhile, Rita and Norman’s wedding plans present new challenges.
Executive Producer
The team work to reunite a wedding dress with its rightful recipient, but find that they may have far more to do. Meanwhile, Rita and Norman’s wedding plans present new challenges.
Executive Producer
When Oliver O’Toole and his team of postal detectives confront a vintage disposable camera from the 1980s that was found in a mailbox, the undeveloped photographs contained therein set them off on a cross-state search for a seven-year-old boy who could be in tremendous danger.
When Oliver O’Toole and his team of postal detectives confront a vintage disposable camera from the 1980s that was found in a mailbox, the undeveloped photographs contained therein set them off on a cross-state search for a seven-year-old boy who could be in tremendous danger.
Archaeologist Emma Fielding is hired to consult on the acquisition of a castle-like estate that local legend states is cursed. But she finds herself in the middle of a murder case after discovering the body of the archaeologist she was hired to shadow in a secret chamber in the bowels of the huge building. Assisted by her friend, FBI special agent Jim Conner, Fielding must sift through clues and a long list of suspects, each of whom has their own reason for wanting the man dead, to determine who is the killer.
After colliding with a pedestrian on her bicycle who loses his memory following the accident, Darcy Archer becomes determined to help the handsome guy figure out who he is. In the process, she finds out a lot more about who she is, what she wants from life, and how this too-good-to-be-true guy might just be the man she’s been waiting to bump into all her life.
Executive Producer
When the Postables discover an antique vase, they trace it back to three girls who attempted to sell it in to save their family farm. With the farm again facing hardship, the Postables must choose between doing what's legal and what's moral.
When the Postables discover an antique vase, they trace it back to three girls who attempted to sell it in to save their family farm. With the farm again facing hardship, the Postables must choose between doing what's legal and what's moral.
Aurora e seu namorado ficam animados quando recebem uma visita da sobrinha dele. No entanto, ela desaparece e Aurora precisa encontrá-la.
After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans handyman and blues singer-songwriter Gabe Recolte was bereft. Left homeless and heartbroken, he had been forced to evacuate and relocate before he could tell club owner Hattie how much he cares for her.
A família de Andy constrói carros alegóricos há gerações. Quando seu pai fica doente, ela é obrigada a supervisionar a construção de um carro para um exigente empresário.
Oliver's Divine Delivery Theory is put to the test when he and the POstables seem to be unable to deliver a damaged letter from a military veteran that's a matter of life and death.
Lead postal detective Oliver and his associate Shane have been doing a figurative dance with each other, swaying back and forth with the possibility of a relationship. Finally, on their first date at a romantic supper club, Shane begins wondering if it's a date or not, as she sees the contrast of their relationship next to the extraordinary dance performances of a couple who express the longing of her heart. As Norman and Rita work alongside each other, their personal relationship hits a bump in the road.
The Postables work against the clock decoding a letter to rescue a soldier in Afghanistan and reunite her with her family, while Rita competes for the national Miss Special Delivery title in Washington, D.C.
The POstables are on a mission to deliver a soldier's letter from Afghanistan to a teenager who's being relentlessly bullied, while Oliver's estranged father surprises him with news that shakes him to his core.
Executive Producer
Oliver, Shane, Rita, e Norman voltam para explorar o mistério do amor verdadeiro ao entregarem documentos de divórcio para um casal, no mesmo dia em que a esposa desaparecida de Oliver reaparece.
Oliver, Shane, Rita, e Norman voltam para explorar o mistério do amor verdadeiro ao entregarem documentos de divórcio para um casal, no mesmo dia em que a esposa desaparecida de Oliver reaparece.
Consulting Producer
With a duty to deliver every last letter before Christmas, the beloved quartet of post office detectives—Oliver, Shane, Rita and Norman—are working around the clock to redirect Santa’s mail just as Oliver runs into his former Sunday school teacher. When they receive an emotional last-minute plea not meant for Saint Nick, but instead written to God, they must delay their own travel plans to make sure one little girl doesn’t lose her Christmas joy—something Oliver and Shane are also struggling to find as they each face painful holiday memories. With a little guidance from a mysterious post office volunteer, Jordan, the Postables are more surprised than anyone to discover they've been a part of more than one miracle on this Christmas Eve.
With a duty to deliver every last letter before Christmas, the beloved quartet of post office detectives—Oliver, Shane, Rita and Norman—are working around the clock to redirect Santa’s mail just as Oliver runs into his former Sunday school teacher. When they receive an emotional last-minute plea not meant for Saint Nick, but instead written to God, they must delay their own travel plans to make sure one little girl doesn’t lose her Christmas joy—something Oliver and Shane are also struggling to find as they each face painful holiday memories. With a little guidance from a mysterious post office volunteer, Jordan, the Postables are more surprised than anyone to discover they've been a part of more than one miracle on this Christmas Eve.
When Mira's April Fool's Day tricks materialize, she finds herself promoted to the perfect job, dating the perfect man and living in the perfect home. Mira's newly upgraded life even involves working with her CEO and her good friend, on a coveted work project. When these seemingly positive changes result in big challenges, Mira realizes that the pursuit of perfection is a fool's errand. In order to achieve a life that's perfect for her, Mira must let go of perfection and chase what brings her true happiness.
Jamie Ashford se surpreende ao descobrir que está grávida novamente, após perder sua filha há um ano. Uma série de acontecimentos a fazem pensar que Caitlin é o demônio, mas será que é apenas sua mente lhe pregando peças..
Second Unit First Assistant Director
O geógrafo Dr. Josh Keyes fez uma terrível descoberta: o núcleo do planeta parou de girar e o campo electromagnético está a degradar-se, de forma que, dentro de alguns meses, o planeta será destruído. Mas existe uma esperança: enviar Keyes e um grupo de cientistas de elite ao centro da Terra para reactivar a rotação do núcleo.
Assistant Director
Joe (Kevin Bacon) e Chery Hickey (Courtney Love) acreditam ter descoberto o plano perfeito para obter dinheiro fácil. Eles sequestram uma criança, filha de milionários, e exigem que o resgate seja pago em 24 horas, caso contrário ela morre. Como a polícia exige que o desaparecimento ocorra há pelo menos 24 horas para que possa ser registrado, ambos acreditam estarem imune à ação da polícia neste período. Eles decidem aplicar o golpe nos Jennings, sequestrando sua pequena filha Abby (Dakota Fanning). Enquanto Chery negocia com o pai (Stuart Townsend) o resgate, Joe tem por função pressionar psicologicamente a mãe (Charlize Theron), para que o resgate seja pago logo. O desespero dos Jennings fica ainda maior por saberem que Abby é asmática e que se ficar sem tomar seu remédio pode morrer.
First Assistant Director
Josie (Rachel Leigh Cook), Valerie (Rosario Dawson) e Melody (Tara Reid) não se importam com o que está na moda ou o que é mais popular no momento. As três formam a banda Josie e as Gatinhas, fazem shows vestidas como gatas e estão mais interessadas em criar seu próprio estilo como banda de rock'n'roll. Um dia elas são descobertas por Wyatt Frame (Alan Cummings), um empresário musical que logo consegue para elas um contrato com a Mega Records e faz com que a banda se torne um sucesso nacional. Mas nem tudo são flores: Fiona (Parker Posey), que trabalha na Mega Records, pretende utilizar a banda para controlar a juventude da América através da música e, ao descobrir tais intenções, Josie e suas amigas farão de tudo para limpar seus nomes.
Assistant Director
O detetive Alex Cross recebe a ajuda da agente do Serviço Secreto americano Jezzie Flannigan para enfrentar Gary Soneji, um psicopata esquizofrênico que planeja seus passos com a precisão de uma aranha tecendo sua teia e que acaba de sequestrar a filha de um senador americano, quando ela estava em seu colégio.
Second Assistant Director
De volta sua cidade natal por causa do enterro de seu irmão, Jack Carter (Sylvester Stallone) resolve investigar quem o matou e, consequentemente, parte para uma sangrenta vingança. Durante sua jornada, ele forçado a reavaliar a situação de sua famíia, sua carreira e a si mesmo.
Assistant Director
De volta sua cidade natal por causa do enterro de seu irmão, Jack Carter (Sylvester Stallone) resolve investigar quem o matou e, consequentemente, parte para uma sangrenta vingança. Durante sua jornada, ele forçado a reavaliar a situação de sua famíia, sua carreira e a si mesmo.
Assistant Director
Five years in, bank colleagues Nadine Ship and Jonathan Evans hit a road block in their personal relationship. Nadine wants their relationship to move to the next level, whereas Jonathan is happy keeping things the way they are. Nadine feels re-energized when a new bank customer starts flirting with her. But things take a more significant turn in Nadine and Jonathan's life when a masked robber comes into the bank and following the heist, takes Nadine hostage. As her assailant takes Nadine along on his personal mission, Jonathan follows a hunch of his own on the identity of the robber in an effort to try and win back Nadine, who was slowly drifting away from him.
Assistant Director
Bruce Macdonald follows punk bank Hard Core Logo on a harrowing last-gasp reunion tour throughout Western Canada. As magnetic lead-singer Joe Dick holds the whole magilla together through sheer force of will, all the tensions and pitfalls of life on the road come bubbling to the surface.