Harry R. Durant


A Perfect Lady
Dancer Lucille Le Jambon (whose real name is Lucy Higgins) loses her job when the morals committee of Sycamore, Kansas, headed by the self-righteous Deacon John Griswold, forces the Merry Models Burlesque show to close. Having grown fond of Sycamore, Lucy opens a combined ice cream parlor and dance hall, where she teaches the young people all the latest dances. ...
Engrossed in the perfection of a new high power explosive, the husband seems to neglect his wife. She is further piqued by the introduction into their home of a man whose presence is unexplained, but who is really a Secret Service operative guarding the invention. The Government has asked that the wife be kept in ignorance. In this frame of mind the wife lends a ready ear to Aachen, who suggests that the husband be taught a lesson by the abstraction of this all-absorbing formula. Through this means he gets the formula, but in the end the Government gathers him in, and the only permanent result is a needed lesson to the innocent little traitor.
The Venus Model
A young lady designs a wonderfully received bathing suit and saves her employer from financial disaster. In the course of this, she falls in love with her employer's son, who is in danger of ruin from a romantic scandal.
The Gift Girl
Theatre Play
An English orphan, raised by a Persian household, runs away to Paris.
Moonshine Molly
Molly Boone's father has been sent to prison for twenty years for alleged complicity in the killing of a revenue officer, Uriah Hudson, whom she secretly suspects of having a hand in sending her father to prison, is her persistent suitor.
Silent Sandy
Mary Jones, slavey, lonely and unloved, advertises in a matrimonial paper for a good man to marry her. Charlie Brown, village sport, answers the ad. He signs it with the name of "Silent Sandy," his bachelor friend, telling Mary to come at once and he will make her happy. Mary comes. Sandy, willing to meet her, she looks him up. The tender hearted bachelor, realizing from the grins of Charlie and his pal that this is a put up job of theirs, marries Mary out of pity. Mary discovers "the joke," and that Silent Sandy did not marry her for love. As she is very much in love with her husband, this nearly breaks her heart. Meanwhile, Charlie has become fascinated by Mary's beauty. He declares his feelings, begging her to elope with him. Mary, furiously unhappy, repulses him, and Sandy comes in just in time to finish up Charlie.