Ben Hendricks Sr.


Black Waters
A mad captain poses as a cleric to murder people aboard a fogbound ship.
Satan Town
"The Wickedest Place in the World - Tourists Welcome", so says the banner across main street. Bill Scott rides into the city looking for adventure. At the Palace Hotel, the wickedest place in Satan Town, Sue of the Salvation Army strives to reach one or two of the drunks, gamblers, and prostitutes that throng the saloon. Malamute, the bouncer at the bar, never shies from a fight, and what's more, he's never lost one. Sue, to her misfortune, has gotten on his nerves.
Welcome Home
Jim Corey
Fred Prouty and his wife, Nettie, are living happily until the day that his aged father shows up on their doorstep. He immediately begins creating havoc, upsetting the once-orderly household and trying to force his opinions on everyone. Nettie does her best to be patient with the old man, but the day comes when he brings a group of his pals over while she is holding a meeting of a fashionable club.
Sol Goldman (as Ben Hendricks)
A prison inmate obtains his release from prison in order to rescue his daughter from the clutches of her unscrupulous mother's plot to implicate the girl in a blackmail scheme.
Nothing But the Truth
Commodore Dan
Robert Bennett, an idle socialite, wagers $30,000 with his three friends that he can tell nothing but the truth for a period of one week. His troubles begin at a party where his friends' wives question Robert about their husbands' outside activities. Forced to tell the truth, Robert's veracity results in domestic disharmony. Consequently, his vengeful trio of friends pursue Robert for the next five days, intent upon silencing him until the week is over. They finally resort to committing Robert to an insane asylum where he escapes with the aid of Dolly, who is in love with him because she believes that Robert is a society thief.
A Temperamental Wife
The Woman on the Index
John Alden
Sylvia Martin is a destitute young woman who is taken home by Louis Gordon. She doesn't realize he's the leader of a gang of crooks until after she marries him.
A Perfect Lady
Sam Lipman
Dancer Lucille Le Jambon (whose real name is Lucy Higgins) loses her job when the morals committee of Sycamore, Kansas, headed by the self-righteous Deacon John Griswold, forces the Merry Models Burlesque show to close. Having grown fond of Sycamore, Lucy opens a combined ice cream parlor and dance hall, where she teaches the young people all the latest dances. ...
Life or Honor?
Martin Cross
When retired merchant J. T. Manly is murdered, his son James, with whom he had quarreled, is arrested and finally convicted through the testimony of Manly's valet Aguinaldo. Shortly before James's execution, Sidney Holmes reveals to retired criminologist Martin Cross that on the night of the murder, he saw Aguinaldo commit the crime
The Conquest of Canaan
Ne'er-do-well Joe Louden scandalizes his small town and especially the proper Judge Pike. But through the love of young Ariel Taber, Joe shows the town who the real scoundrel is.
Jaffery Chayne is the spectacular one of four chums, the others being Hilary Freeth, a literary man, Adrian Boldero, a short story writer, and Tom Castleton, a playwright. The story opens with Tom Castleton going on a voyage for his health and leaving with his friend, Adrian, the manuscript of the first novel he ever attempted. Shortly after Castleton's trip, he dies at sea and when word is received by Adrian of his friend's death, the temptation to secure the girl he loves by publishing his friend's novel and taking the money and credit from it is so strong that he succumbs and becomes the "literary lion of the hour."
The Galley Slave
Mr. Blaine
Francesca Brabaut, who married an artist against her father's advice, regrets her decision when her husband Antoine, in debt, sends her to his misanthropic uncle to plead for money.
John Glayde's Honor
Mr. Huggins
John Glayde is a stone-hearted man intent on wealth to elevate his family, losing his wife to another man in the process.