Chan Wai-On


Roller Blade Killer
"You've always avoided it, and you know it, but it's worth watching... Breakneck teen fad movie hurls characters and situations at each other with such abandon that, by its end, you’ll wonder if the filmmakers have even abandoned the point of it all! When he’s not tending bar and performing lead in a choreographed rollerblade floorshow at the local hotspot (!), disdainfully flipping off his mother’s latest lay, or sleeping with the girlfriend of his wealthy, four-wheeled rival, rollerboy Cheng Tung-chuen is tearing up the Taipei streets with his rollerpals, which is how he witnesses hitman Billy Chow kill three other hitmen and light the bodies on fire, but since he has no father figure in his life, he ends up spending the night at Billy’s because Billy feels really bad about his career and just wants to fall in love with supercop Yvonne Yung Hung................" -
Horrible High Heels
Someone has been skinning dead bodies and using their hide to make shoes. All of a sudden, a shoe factory whose business has been on the low side for some time improves tremendously.
Famous Prostitute-Sadly Fall: Liu Ju Shih
Drama based on the life of Ming dynasty courtesan Liu Ru Shih, noted for her poetry.
Shaolin Contra os 12 Homens de Aço
Lo Yeh (Jackie Chan) é um órfão,treinando para ser admitido no Templo Shaolin,uma noite andando pelas masmorras do mosteiro,ele encontra um monge acorrentado numa cela,este lhe promete ensinar kung fu,caso ele o ajude. Após Lo Yeh passar no terrível teste dos bonecos de madeira,ele parte do mosteiro,e o monge aprisionado foge e é perseguido pelos outros do templo,Lo Yeh intercede em seu favor,mas logo o temperamento instável do monge faz com que ele se arrependa de seu ato.