Ian McCue


Thomas and Friends: The Super Engine
When Rebecca tells James, he could be a comic-book super-engine, he takes her seriously, and Rail Rocket is born! Thomas helps Ace to overcome his fear of animals and joins Shankar for a fancy dress contest. Meanwhile, Ruth turns an old windmill into an energy-efficient workshop and invents a walking bridge! Cleo's on a mission to save the snow, and Nia's bright idea guides Harold through a storm.
Thomas and Friends: The Royal Engine
The Queen has invited The Fat Controller to London to receive an award and Thomas is selected to take him there! But Thomas has never been to London before and, with no knowledge of how to get there, their journey is soon filled with confusion and delay. During the journey, Thomas befriends a very important looking engine, who has broken down just outside of London. Despite being pressed for time, Thomas helps her to the station. But little does he know just how important she is!
Thomas E Seus Amigos: A Lenda Do Tesouro Perdido (BPO)
Ao desenterrar um antigo navio pirata, Thomas sai à caça pelo tesouro perdido de Sodor. Quando Thomas balança o barco com alguns novos amigos, logo os problemas aparecem. Será que Thomas vai conseguir encontrar o tesouro ou o Marinheiro John vai zarpar com ele? Junte-se a Thomas e seus amigos nesta explosiva aventura
70​ ​Years​ ​of Friend​ship
Calling all Thomas Fans! Jump on board for this documentary celebrating 70 years of Thomas & Friends. Children all over the world have grown up fascinated by the tales and adventures of this cheeky little tank engine and have cherished the messages of friendship, teamwork and what it means to be a Really Useful engine. Get a sneak peek into the world of Thomas & Friends with special interviews from Christopher Awdry, son of Thomas the Tank Engine creator, Reverend W. Awdry, as well as the crew and fans worldwide, plus behind the scenes footage of how the latest shows and products are created. Sit back and enjoy as we take you on a journey through 70 years of Thomas & Friends in this special documentary.
Thomas and Friends: The Adventure Begins
All aboard for Thomas' very first adventure! A little tank engine discovers a big new world when he arrives on the Island of Sodor. Escapades abound as Thomas explores his new home and meets some Really Useful new friends. Finding the true blue meaning of hard work and friendship, Thomas transforms into the Number 1 engine!
Thomas e Seus Amigos: Aventura de Coragem - O Filme
Thomas e seus amigos enfrentam seus medos, em sua mais ousada aventura. Depois de uma gigantesca tempestade na Ilha de Sodor, um deslizamento revela pegadas muito estranhas. Thomas e Percy estão curiosos para descobrir quem fez essas marcas, mas parece que surgem obstáculos e perigos a cada curva do caminho. Com a ajuda de novos amigos, um pouco de escavações e muita valentia, eles encontram a surpreendente resposta e ao mesmo tempo descobrem o verdadeiro significado da coragem. Junte-se a Thomas & seus Amigos™ neste emocionante e inspirador filme de aventura.
Thomas & Friends: Merry Christmas, Thomas!
Thomas lights up the tracks in a magical Christmas collection! Watch as your favourite engines prepare for a festive celebration. Charlie discovers how much fun snow can be whilst Percy gets covered in so much snow that Thomas cannot find him! Salty doesn't have time for presents and parties until Edward finds him the perfect gift, and the engines compete to find the perfect Christmas tree! It is the season for Christmas magic with Thomas & Friends.
Akbar's Cheetah
The Emperor Akbar breeds animals in captivity, to honour his first born son. His unsettled cheetah fails to breed. Akbar experiments with the enclosures he has built for his collection in order to induce the cheetahs to mate. After many frustrated attempts, Akbar gains a greater understanding.