Sabina Kodra


The Good Man
Executive Producer
A middle aged man is going to his hunting cabin in the middle of nowhere. After the loss of his wife, his only company is his hunting dog. The silence is broken by an escaped prisoner. The man faces a dilemma: help or report them?
Hands in Pocket
A divorced and unemployed middle-aged pianist, Oliver lives by himself in a small, modest studio, pushing through life even as he faces impossible financial challenges. On a day like any other, on his way to a job interview, Oliver witnesses a minute and clever pickpocket at work on a bus. He is mesmerized by the thief and can't take his eyes off him, to learn how he does it. As his financial situation worsens, Oliver becomes the perfect copy of the pickpocket he met on the bus.
Bota (Albanian for “the world”) is a cafe situated on the edge of a vast area of marshland in a remote part of Albania, and it is here that the lives of the protagonists intersect in this compelling debut by Iris Elezi and Thomas Logoreci. The directors skilfully exploit the genius loci of the desolate landscape and, aided by a period score and beguiling long shots, they flawlessly evoke the atmosphere of a place where the past still encroaches upon people’s lives.
Two Albanian brothers migrate to Greece and try, each in his own way, to integrate into their host country by following two different lifestyles.
Ballkan Bazar
The film describes how Albanian graves were opened by Greeks and the contents moved and re-identified as being the bones of Greek soldiers from World War II.
Baseado numa história real, fala sobre o jovem Eduart, um rapaz que cresceu no centro de uma família opressiva e cruel, que decide fugir da Albânia com o sonho de se tornar uma estrela do rock e conquistar uma vida melhor. Sua personalidade impulsiva, no entanto, o leva a cometer um assassinato em Atenas, Grécia. Perseguido por todos, o rapaz é feito prisioneiro. Na cadeia, Eduart recebe a ajuda de um médico alemão que o fará ver a vida de outra forma. O rapaz aprende a ter simpatia pelos outros e admite sua culpa. Por meio de seu remorso, encontra forças para se reerguer.